



课时训练(十四)Units 910(八下)(限时:30分钟).词汇运用(用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空)1.Her explanation certainly sounded (believe). We dont trust her anymore.2.Music and lighting in the shop are used to encourage shoppers (buy) more.3. (thousand) of people are waiting outside the supermarket.4.Please pay attention to your (safe) when you cross the road.5.You wouldnt consider (marry) a man for his money.单项选择6.Tom decided to practice playing tennis every day and win the first prize in the next competition.A.a B.an C./7.People all over the world expect to live in a environment without wars.A.helpful B. beautiful C.peaceful 8.Look at this picture.Our head teacher is standing the students, smiling.A.between B.among C.opposite 9.There are many beautiful places to visit in Anhui, Mount Huang in autumn.A.simply B.finally C.especially 10.I have to my room.It is really in a mess.A.look after B.take in C.clean up11. 2017乐山 Im sorry for being late.Never mind. The meeting for only 5 minutes. This way, please.A.has begunB.has endedC.has been on12.My teachers often encourage me more friends but I find it difficult.Your teachers idea is right. The more friends you make, you will be.A.to make; the more happyB.make; the happierC.to make; the happier13.He considered the medicine rather than an operation(手术).A.take; haveB.taking; havingC.taking; to have14.Please look at these stamps. I them for five years.Wow, they are fantastic!A.have keptB.have boughtC.borrowed15.Jim had to give up the race because of his foot.!A.What a shameB.Of courseC.He was so careless.短文填空从方框中选择正确选项,完成短文。(方框中有两个选项是多余的)A.rainyB.farmersC.DecemberD.winterE.dogsF.waterG.grassH.summerI.rainJ.dryK.northL.sheepThe seasons in Australia are opposite of ours. When it is winter here, it is 16. there.Australia is in the south of the world. June, July and August are the 17. months. Summer is in 18., January and February. The 19. of the country is hotter than the south.Australias main problem is 20. A large part of the country has no rain at all. But the east coast (海岸) has the rain all the year round. There are no 21. months here.In March, 1982, there was a terrible drought (干旱) in Australia. The summer 22. didnt fall. There were 138 million 23. in Australia this year. This was 14% of all the sheep in the world. Because of not enough rain and the 24. didnt grow well, the 25. had to sell many of their sheep and many sheep died, too. It was a great disaster (灾难) for Australian farmers.阅读填表格根据短文内容填空,每空不超过4个词。To become happier, there are some basic things that you can do.SelfYourself includes your education, your health, and your sense of purpose.It is important to look after yourself and connect people around you.A hobby gives you a chance to meet people with similar interests.Volunteering helps you pay less attention to your own problems and makes you feel grateful for what you have.HomeCreate a quieter area where you can sit and relax.A yellow living room can increase energy and improve mood (情绪).Keeping pets can make you feel calm,because they can provide love and friendship for you.Social lifeFriends can encourage you to keep a balanced diet, be active, laugh and do your best.Share with your friends when you have more of something than you need.Support each other in difficult times.WorkplaceYou should like your workplace and get on well with your workmates and your boss.And doing something that you like is more important than money.Financial (财务的) lifeThe key to greater happiness is to have money, but not too much.Try to spend money on things that give you long-lasting pleasure.Buy things that will enrich your life, such as music lessons and dinners with friends and family.How to become happierSelfYour education, your health, and your sense of purpose are parts of your life.Its important to take care of yourself and get along with people around you.To develop 26. and to be a volunteer make you feel happier.Home Home is a warm place that you can relax yourself.Paint your living room yellow or keep a pet can help you keep 27.Social lifeFriends can change your life in many ways.You can share happiness and sadness with them.And you can help each other whoever is 28.WorkplaceIts more important to like your workplace and 29. with workmates.Financial lifeMoney is a reason of happiness.But you must 30. your money on meaningful things that give you long-lasting pleasure and enrich your life.阅读回答问题One pleasant New Year morning, Edward got up and dressed himself in a hurry.He wanted to be the first to wish a happy New Year.He looked in every room, and shouted “Happy New Year” to every one of his family.Then he ran into the street to repeat it to those he met.When he came back, his father gave him two new dollars.His face lighted up as he took them.He had wished for a long time to buy some nice books.As he ran down the street with a light heart to the bookshop, he saw a poor German familythe father, mother and three children walking in the cold wind.“I wish you a happy New Year,” said Edward, as he was happily passing on.The man shook his head.“You do not belong to this country?” asked Edward.The man shook his head again, because he could not understand or speak English.But he pointed to his mouth, and to the children. He seemed to say, “These little ones have had nothing to eat for a long time.” Edward quickly understood that these people were poor and in trouble.He took out his dollars and gave one to the man, and the other to his wife.They said something in their language, which meant, “Thank you very much, and we will remember you forever.”根据短文内容,回答下列问题。31.When did the story happen?32.What did Edward wish to buy?33.Who did Edward see on the way to the bookshop?34.Why did the man shake his head again?35.Did Edward give the man one dollar or two dollars?参考答案.1.unbelievable2.to buy3.Thousands4.safety5.marrying .6.C考查冠词辨析。play后加球类运动的时候中间使用零冠词。7.C8.Bbetween 一般指两者之间,其宾语往往是一个具体数目的人(物),或者是由and连接的两个具体的人(物);among 一般用于三者或三者以上的“在中间”。根据“the students”可知答案为B。9.C10.C11.C考查现在完成时。表示“开始”的begin是瞬间性动


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