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7B Unit 6 Welcome to the unit一、用所给词的正确形式填空。1. Do you like _(draw) pictures?2. I always watch the goldfish _(swim) around.3. Its interesting to see so many _(mouse)4. You should be _(polite) than your brother.5. You must be _(care) when you cross the road.二、根据句意填入适当的词或词组完成句子。1. I like my _ because it can sing. I want to _ it to speak.2. I like my _ because its very small and soft and I can _ it in my hand.3. I like my goldfish because I like watching it _ _.4. I like my _ because I can _ her carrots.5. I like my dog because I can _ with him in the park.6. I like my cat because she sleeps _ _ _.三、根据要求改写句子。1. You should do your homework now. (改否定句)You _ _ your homework now.2. The cat always sleeps on my laps. (改一般疑问句)_ the cat always _ on _ laps?3. I like dogs because I can play with them. (对画线部分提问)_ _ you _ dogs?4. Can you tell me how I can look after the pets. (改同义句) Can you tell me how _ _ _ _ the pets?5. You can feed the rabbits carrots. (改同义句) You can feed the carrots _ the rabbits.6. Will you please bring me my lunch? (改同义句) Will you please _ my lunch _ me?7. Do you want to teach me speak English? (改错)7B Unit 6 Reading (1)一、根据所给中文及首字母提示写出正确的单词。1. My dog are good at c a ball.2. The government will b_ many school for poor students.3. Can you make a model plane with these s_?4. My little brother often f_ with his classmate at school.5. At the _(结尾) of this story, the girl went back home.6. The boy looks at me with his eyes open _(张得大大的)7. She is working now. Dont _(麻烦) her.8. Please put some beautiful things into this _(空的) room.9. His doctor can do wonderful _(魔术)10. A cat sometimes hides itself in a _(橱柜).二、根据课文回答问题。 1. Is this writers dog clever?_2. What things doesnt the dog do?_3. What can his dogs do?_4. What does the writer think about his/her goldfish?_5. Is it easy for the writer to raise the goldfish? And why?_6. What is cats feature?_7. Do cats care the places they sleep?_8. Can you write four places for cats to sleep?_9. How does a goldfish live?_7B Unit 6 Reading(2)一、将下列词组译成英语。1. 最聪明的动物 2. 追求 3. 玩精彩的把戏 4. 对吠叫 5. 直到永远 6.相互打架 7. 在边缘 8.开着的抽屉 9. 按门铃 10.在一只空鞋子里 二、根据句意选用上面词组填空。1. Please draw some flowers _ the post to make it beautiful.2. It is not good to _ at school and your teacher will give you punishment.3. Which is _ in the world, monkeys, dolphins or dogs?4. My dog is so faithful but it often _ strangers(陌生人), so many people are afraid of it.5. Many parents like to take their children to this zoo because the animals in the zoo can _.6. When my cat was two months old, she could and I love her so much.7. Is your parrot clever?Of course, when someone _, it can speak hello.8. Millie and I have known each other for 10 years and we will be best friends .9. There is a small mouse _ and live comfortably in it.10. Look at this _! Please put your books and stationary in it.Yes, I will do!三、用所给次的正确形式填空。1. How to take good _(careful) of my cat is a problem.2. In summer, people enjoy _(swim) in the river.3. Man _(hunt) tigers for their fur and bones.4. My goldfish doesnt miaow. She only _(bubble).5. His dog dislike _(bite) things.6. The students will go _(camp) this Saturday. 7B Unit 6 Vocabulary一、用所给词的正确形式填空。1. It is an _ (interest) subject and all of us are _(interest) in it.2. I feel _(well) today than yesterday.3. Elephants are the _(big) animals in the world.4. She is the _(own) of this schoolbag.5. A cat can eat a lot of _(mouse) a week.6. My cat likes _(chase) balls when she is full.7. Tiger fur is yellow and it looks so _(beauty).8. Where can I hide _(me)?二、用适当的介词和副词填空。1. My cat is so naughty and she often sits _ the sofa.2. Are you afraid _ wolves?3. Millie often puts Eddie _ her lap.4. Sometimes the dog makes a lot _ noise.5. The word “play” rhymes _ “day”.6. I will look after my dog _ the end.7. When she came _ home, her dog will wag its tail to welcome her.8. Dont read books or magazines _ the sun because it is bad for your eyes.三、根据所给中文翻译下列句子。1. 对于孩子们来说因为作业而容易感到疲劳。 It is _ for children _ _ _ because of homework.2. 这只鹦鹉有两只爪子和一个蓝绿色的羽毛。 This parrot has two claws and _ _.3. 你知道如何学习说英语吗? Do you know how _ _ _ _ English?4. 我的狗是我很特别的朋友。 My dog is my _ _.5.他们吃饱饭后开始用纸做风筝。 They began to make kites _ _ _ after they _ _.7B Unit 6 Grammar(1)一、用所给词的正确形式填空。1. Please dont forget _(turn) off the lights when you leave the room.2. My mother often hear me _(sing) songs at weekends.3. Look! There_(come) the bus. Its No.23 bus.4. What about _(walk) for half an hour?5. _(not, climb) the tree in the park!6. Would you please _(help) me with my maths?7. May I _(open) the window?8. Shall we _(go) to Hongshan Zoo this Sunday?9. Children are talking and laughing _(happy).10. _(not be) late next time.11. Why _ (not have) lunch at school?12. That sounds really _(well).二、将下列句子转换为祈使句。1. I dont think you should come in. 2. You cant do this. 3. You must catch the ball. 4. You must stand like that. 5. You cant listen to her. 6. You mustnt play basketball on the road. 7. Will you please not put your clothes on the desk? 8. Why not go and tell him the good news? 7B Unit 6 Grammar(2)一、用方框中的词语填空,不止用一次。do dont must should mustnt shouldnt1. _ your eye exercises carefully. Its good for your eyes.2. Cars, buses and bikes _ stop when the traffic lights are red.3. _ speak loudly. The baby is sleeping now. 4. Bob, if you feel lonely, you _ keep a pet. 5. Look at the sign. You _ bring your dog into the park. 6. Daniel is busy all day. He _ get a pet. 7. You _ be polite to the old. 8. You _ play in the street. Its dangerous.二、句型转换。 1. Please give her some bread.(改否定句) Please _ _ her _ _. 2. You are so lazy, Eddie! (改为祈使句的否定句) _ _ _, Eddie. 3. You dont need to walk your cat.(改同义句) You _ _ _ walk you cat. 4. You should do exercise every day because you will be in good health. (改同义句) It is _ for you _ _ every day because you will _ _. 5. You must take your dog for a walk every day. (改同义句) It is _ for you _ _ your dog every day.三、翻译句子。1. 他们不可以从房间里拿走任何一本书。 They _ _ any book _ _ the room.2. 当别人需要帮助时, 我们应该帮助他们。 We _ _ them when others _ _.3. 不要整天忙于工作,你应该出去旅游。 _ _ busy _ your work. You _ _ travelling.7B Unit 6 Integrated skills一、根据文章回答问题。 1. What did Peter do at the Young Pet Owners Club? 2. What can they learn from the talk? 3. What do fantail goldfish often eat? 4. What makes fantail goldfish look different from other fish? 5. Do goldfish make any noise? 6. Are fantail goldfish expensive? 二、词组翻译,然后有词组的适当形式填空。1. 重10克 2.看上去像 3. 确保 4. 在的底部 5. 有关于讲座 6.有不同 7. 发出噪声 8. 看上去有点不同 (1) When my little brother was born, he _ her mother.(2) Please _ the windows in the classroom are closed.(3) Polar bears _ from bears.(4) When the baby panda was ten days old, it _.(5) Do you want to listen to _ _ _ wild animals?(6) We will wait for you _ the hill when you want to climb the hill.(7) Dont _, please. Your sister falls asleep now.(8) The life in China _ the life in the UK.三、句型转换。1. Fantail goldfish are easy to look after.(同义句) It is _ _ _ _ fantail goldfish.2. I dont like fish because they look the same.7B Unit 6 Main task一、用所给词的正确形式填空。1. Poppy never _(worry) because we look after her very well.2. The _(speak) own pet likes to eat peas3. We shouldnt _ shout) to our pets when they make mistakes.4. Can you _(ride) a bike?5. _(not be) late for the class again.6. My dog hates _(play) so many tricks.7. You must be _(friend) to your pets because they are member of your family8. My cat dislikes _(lie) on the bed.9. She is usually very _(friend) and quiet.10. If she _(be) hungry, she will miaow.11. She likes playing with _(piece)of string.12. I have a shell. I move very _(slow).13. You should not do eye exercises with your eyes _(open).14. I often watch some children _(fly) kites in the park.15. Thomas Edison was very _(interest) in science when he was a child.二、同义句型转换。1. He uses sticks to build a camp. He build a camp_ _ sticks 2. My dog is cleverer than any other animals.My dog is _ _ animal of all.3. He hunts when I hide. He _ _ for me when I hide.4. Ill take good care of him. Ill _ _ him well.5. She weighs about 1 kilogram. She _ about 1 kilogram _.6. The white cat is my brothers. The white cat _ _ my brother.7B Unit 6 Checkout一、用所给动词的正确形式填空。1. My pet is easy _(look) after.2. He mustnt _(sleep) a lot every day.3. What about _(eat) mooncakes?4. Lucy, _(not play) on the street. It is dangerous.5. She hates _(be) on a lead.6. Dont make so much _. You are really too _(noise).7. Sandy is my best _, please be _ to her. Oh, why dont you make _ with her? (friend)8. The house in China and in the USA are _ from each other. Do you know the _ between them? (different)二、翻译句子。1. 请再喂金鱼一些鱼食。 Please _ the goldfish _ _ fish food.2.你应该保持鸟笼的干净。 You _ _ the cage _.3. 你必须确保这个洞不能太大也不能太小。 You _ _ sure the hole is not too big or too small.4. 不要在雨中遛狗。 _ _ the dog in the rain.5. 如果你有充分的时间,你应该每天至少带她出去到公园两次。If you have _ _, you should take her out to the park at least _ _ day.三、作文(80字) Simon有条小狗Bob,虽然他整天忙于学习,但仍化许多时间陪Bob。Simon知道如何照顾好一只狗。他一天喂它三次,有时还带它散步。Simon很喜欢这只狗._Test paper for Unit 6一、选择填空 (每小题1分,满分10分)( ) 1. Many girls are afraid _ tigers.A. at B. to C. about D. of( ) 2. Man cant live without air_ water. A. and B. with C. or D. in( ) 3. Remember to_ your homework to school tomorrow. A. take B. bring C. buy D. worry( ) 4. _ nice feather it is! A. What a B. How a C. What D. How( ) 5. Im learning about_ take care of Hobo. A. how do I B. how can I C. how will I D. how to( ) 6. When my parrot is hungry, he_ the cage_ his beak. A. knocks on, inB. knocks at, ofC. knocks on, withD. knocks at, on( ) 7. _ does his sister water the flowers? Once a day. A. How many B. How long C. How soon D. How often( ) 8. The teacher often tells us _ much time _ TV. A. not to spent, watch B. to not spend, watching C. dont spend, watch D. not to spend, watching( ) 9. The fridge is making _ noise. I dont know what_ with it. A. too much, is wrong B. too much, wrong is C. much too, is wrong D. much too, wrong is( )10. The goldfish move very _ and sleep _. A. slower, a lot B. slow, a lot of C. slowly, a lot D. slowly, a lot of二、用括号内所给词的适当形式填空。(每小题1分,满分20分)1. He likes _(watch) the goldfish swim around.2. I want _(teach) my parrot _(speak)3. They think Eddie might _(bite) them.4. It is very important _(not give) them a shower.5. She never _(worry) because we take good care of her.6. Is Peter _(interest) in English?7. Tom has a dog _(call) Lucky.8. A cat is running after the two _(mouse).9. Zhao Aijia won the _(one) prize in English Composition.10.Sandy ought to be _(polite) than we think. 11. My mother often hear me _(sing) songs at weekends.12. Look! There_(come) the bus. Its No.23 bus.13. What about _(walk) for half an hour?14. _ (not, climb) the tree in the park!15. Would you please _(help) me with my maths?16. Please dont forget _(turn) off the lights when you leave the room.17. Shall we _(go) to Hongshang Zoo this Sunday?18. Children are talking and laughing _(happy).19._(not be) late next time.20. That sounds really _(well).三、句型转换 (20分)1. Put some stones at the bottom of the tank.(改写为否定句)_ _ _ stones at the _ of the tank.2. The goldfish looks a little different.(改为一般疑问句)_ the goldfish _ a little different?3. He ought to have a rest in the sun.(改为否定句)He have a rest in the sun.4. Millie has to give them water on weekends.(对划线部分提问) Millie them water?5. You should feed them once a day.(将两句合并为一个句子)Its important feed them _ a day.6. I take her out to the park every week.(对划线部分提问) you take her out to the park?7. You should do your homework now. (改否定句)You _ _ your homework now.8. The cat always sleeps on my laps. (改一般疑问句)_ the cat always _ on _ laps?9. I like dogs because I can play with them. (对画线部分提问)_ _ you _ dogs?10. Can you tell me how I can look after the pets. (改同义句) Can you tell me how _ _ _ _ the pets.四、改错 下列各句A、B、C、D中各有一处错误,请把错误项选出并将正确答案填在右边的横线上。(每小题1分,满分10分)( )1. Dogs like lots of exercises. A B C D _( ) 2. Feed them well if you want them to be health. A B C D _( ) 3. It is a good idea clean the hutch often. A B C D _( ) 4. You ought to take the coin out from the water. A B C D _( ) 5. Why not to spend much time with your dog? A B C D _( ) 6. He came into my room has a book in his hand. A B C D ( ) 7. Make sure the water is not too cold and too hot. A B C D _( ) 8. Its necessary


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