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医学课件园 ,Conjunctival diseases,北京大学人民医院眼科 陈晶华,医学课件园 ,The anatomy of conjunctiva,Palpebral 睑结膜 Bulbar 球结膜 Fornical 穹隆结膜,医学课件园 ,Histology 组织学,不角化的鳞状上皮 上皮层 杯状细胞黏液 粘膜 腺样层浆液krause & Wolfring 固有层 (血管、淋巴)纤维层滤泡,医学课件园 ,Conjunctivitis,Cause: Microorganism: 病毒、细菌、衣原体 Others:化学、物理、过敏,医学课件园 ,Pathology of conjunctivitis,Congestion and edema Secretion:病毒、细菌、过敏 Subconjunctival hemorrhage Papillary hypertrophy Follicula Membrane Lymph node Scar 角膜血管翳,医学课件园 ,The comparison of ciliary congestion and conjunctival congestion,ciliary congestion 角膜缘深层血管网 深红色 固定 近角膜缘明显 0.1%肾上腺素不变 角膜、前房疾病,conjunctival congestion 表面的结膜血管 鲜红色 可推动 近穹隆部明显 0.1%肾上腺素消失 结膜、眼睑疾病,医学课件园 ,Diagnosis and Manipulations,医学课件园 ,Hyperacute bacteril conjunctivitis,Cause: 淋球菌:生殖器眼或生殖器手眼 脑膜炎球菌:血源 Manifestation: 双眼,症状重,进展快 畏光流泪、眼睑红肿 结膜充血、水肿、炎性假膜、脓漏眼 淋巴结、角膜穿孔 其他部位化脓炎症,医学课件园 ,Hyperacute bacteril conjunctivitis,Diagnosis: 分泌物涂片或结膜刮片 Treatment:局部全身 Irrigation:N.S或1:10000高锰酸钾 Drop:500010000u/mL青霉素、15%磺胺醋酰钠、0.1%利福平、红霉素眼膏 青霉素(壮观霉素、喹喏酮)、头孢曲松钠;抗衣原体 防止传染:1%硝酸银,医学课件园 ,Acute & subacute conjunctivitis(Acute catarrhal conjunctivitis),Cause: 肺炎链球菌、Koch-Weeks杆菌、流感嗜血杆菌、金葡 Manifestation: “红眼病”,春秋,散发或流行 急、双眼、全身症状 流泪、异物、灼痛,粘液或脓性分泌物 假膜:肺炎链球菌、Koch-Weeks杆菌 角膜浸润:流感嗜血杆菌,医学课件园 ,In acute conjunctivitis the epithelium is edematous and infiltrated by polymorphonuclear leukocytes. (Inset) Bilateral acute conjunctivitis with purulent exudate,医学课件园 ,Conjunctival scrapings from purulent conjunctivitis stained with Gram“s stain. (A) Bacteria (cocci) are present in a polymorphonuclear leukocyte and (B) in a large (epithelial?) cell,医学课件园 ,Acute & subacute conjunctivitis(Acute catarrhal conjunctivitis),Diagnosis: 分泌物涂片或结膜刮片 Treatment: self limit G+: 氯霉素、利福平、磺胺醋酰钠、红霉素 G-: 庆大霉素、环丙沙星、氧氟沙星 Prevention 预防:,医学课件园 ,Papillary hypertrophy in chronic conjunctivitis,Papillary hypertrophy in chronic conjunctivitis. (A) Papillary hypertrophy in a patient with vernal catarrh. Note the dark center and light base of each papilla. (B) Papillary configuration of the epithelium. (C) High magnification shows a papillary frond covered by the epithelium. Note the vascular core and chronic round inflammatory cells, mainly lymphocytes and plasma cells.,医学课件园 ,Viral conjunctivitis,Acute follicular conjunctivitis : 流行性角结膜炎 流行性出血性结膜炎 咽结膜热 单疱病毒性结膜炎 Subacute & chronic conjunctivitis 传染性软疣 水痘带状疱疹性 麻疹性角结膜炎,医学课件园 ,Epidemic hemorrhagic conjunctivitis,Cause:70型肠病毒偶为A24柯撒奇病毒 Epidemiology:爆发流行,自限 Manifestation: 24小时发病,持续10天 畏光、流泪、眼红、异物感、疼 眼睑、结膜充血,水肿,滤泡,淋巴结,结膜下出血,角膜炎,全身不适 Diagnosis: Treatment:抗病毒眼药水,敷 Prevention,医学课件园 ,Epidemic keratoconjunctivitis,Cause:腺病毒8、19、29、37(D亚组) Epidemiology:传染性强,散发或流行 Manifestation: 57天发病 畏光、流泪、眼红、异物感、水样分泌物 眼睑、结膜充血,水肿,滤泡,淋巴结,假膜,角膜炎,全身不适 Diagnosis: Treatment:抗病毒眼药水,敷 Prevention,医学课件园 ,Chlamydial conjunctivitis,Trachoma沙眼(沙眼衣原体抗原型A,B,C,Ba) 包涵体性结膜炎(沙眼衣原体抗原型DK) 性病淋巴肉芽肿性结膜炎(沙眼衣原体抗原型L1,L2,L3),医学课件园 ,Trachoma,Definition:沙眼衣原体引起的慢性传染性角结膜炎(接触) Introduction:汤非凡,张晓楼 Manifestation: Acute stage: 流泪、眼红、疼、异物感、粘液脓性分泌物 淋巴结,乳头,滤泡(部位) Chronic stage: 乳头,滤泡,结膜肥厚,白色线样瘢痕,角膜浸润,血管翳,医学课件园 ,Complications,Entropion内翻倒睫 Ptosis上睑下垂 Adhension 睑球粘连 Xerophthalmia 实质性角膜干燥症 Chronic Dacryocystitis 慢性泪囊炎 Corneal opacity 角膜混浊,医学课件园 ,Diagnosis,符合其中2项: 上睑结膜滤泡 角膜缘滤泡及后遗症(herbert 小凹) 睑结膜瘢痕 角膜缘上方血管翳 实验室: 包涵体,分期: I进行活动期 II退行期 III瘢痕期,医学课件园 ,Differentiation diagnosis,Chronic follicular (conjunctivial folliculosis) vernal Inclusion Giant papillary ,医学课件园 ,Treatment,全身:四环素、强力霉素、红霉素(急性期) 局部: Solution-利福平、金霉素、磺胺 Ointment-四环素、红霉素、磺胺 并发症:surgery Prevention:sanitation,医学课件园 ,Immunologic conjunctivitis,Vernal keratoconjunctivitis Allergic conjunctivitis Phlyctenular keratoconjunctivitis Autoimmunologic conjunctivitis Sjgren syndrome 结膜类天疱疮 Stevens-johnson syndrome,医学课件园 ,vernal conjunctivitis,春季卡他,反复,20岁以下 Cause:IgE介导I型变态反应 Sign: itch Manifestation: 睑结膜:铺路石 角膜缘型 混合型 角膜,医学课件园 ,Treatment,Self limitation 血管收缩剂联合抗组胺药 冷敷 细胞膜稳定剂 非甾体类消炎药 糖皮质激素,医学课件园 ,Phlyctenular keratoconjunctivitis,结角膜疱性结节形成 Cause:迟发变态反应,对微生物蛋白质过敏 Sign: 多见于营养不良和体弱儿童 流泪、异物感 Manifestation: 球结膜或角膜缘疱疹,溃疡,局部充血,新生血管长入 Treatment:对因,糖皮质激素,医学课件园 ,Dry eye syndrome,上皮性(xerosis epithelialis) Vit A Night blindness Bitots spots Treatment: 补充Vit A,防感染,实质性(xerosis parenchymatous) 睑球结膜广泛瘢痕 沙眼、烧伤、膜性结膜炎、类天疱疮 Treatment: 人工泪,封闭泪小点,腮腺管移植,软性角膜接触镜,医学课件园 ,Bitots spots,医学课件园 ,Diagnosis,Standard: 症状 泪液分泌 上皮损害 泪液渗透压,Test: 泪液分泌试验(schirmer) 泪膜破裂时间(BUT) 荧光素染色 虎红染色 渗透压测定 乳铁蛋白测定 溶菌酶含量测定 羊齿状物试验 泪液清除率(TCR) 活检及印记细胞学,医学课件园 ,Pterygium 翼状胬肉,真 Cause:紫外线、气候、风尘、户外活动 Manifestation: 头、颈、体 stage,假 Cause:化学、热烧伤或炎症 Manifestation: No 原发病,散光、视力障碍 Treatment:切除转位或移植用药,医学课件园 ,Carcinoma in situ in conjunctiva,Carcinoma in situ in conjunctiva at limbus. (B) Carcinoma in situ in conjunctiva at limbus (hematoxylin and eosin x 40). Epithelium with cellular atypia involves the full thickness of the epithelium. Notice the fibrovascular core in the upper left hand corner of the photomicrograph; cores such as these produced the papillomatous appearance seen clinically in A.,医学课件园 ,Squamous cell carcinoma,Neoplasm arises from conjunctival epithelium and invades cornea (on right) and subepithelial tissue.,Transition area from normal conjunctival epithelium on left to thickened (acanthotic), dysplastic epithelium on right.,Conjunctival epithelium completely replaced by atypical cells (loss of polarity) and subepithelial tissue superficially invaded.,Clinical appearance,医学课件园 ,Conjunctival nevus without visible pigment.,医学课件园 www.yxkj


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