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by manuel a. silva prez silvaesi.us.es,march 3, 2010,concentrated solar thermal power technnology training session 1,/csp-training-course-5-lessons,session 1,introduction to leonardo energy fundamentals of thermal concentrating systems solar thermal power plants,/csp-training-course-5-lessons,leonardo energy: education, training and advocacy on sustainable energy,170 partners from industry and academia contribute to leonardo energy leonardo energys coordination is done by a team of professionals from the european copper institute and its european network of 11 offices 5,000 visitors/day, 69,000 e-mail subscribers, weekly webinars, monthly courses,what can you expect from us?,global solar thermal energy council,reegle,estela solar,protermosolar,seville university,todays webinar partners,csp today,/csp-training-course-5-lessons,solar thermal power,manuel a. silva prez silvaesi.us.es,fundamentals of solar thermal concentrating systems,/csp-training-course-5-lessons,solar thermal concentrating systems,systems that make use of solar energy by first concentrating solar radiation and then converting it to thermal energy uses: electricity (solar thermal power) industrial process heat absorption cooling chemical processes ,solar energy,abundant high-quality energy variable (on time) unevenly distributed (on space) low density,solar resource availability. the solar belt,90 % of the total electricity demand could be supplied from stp plants covering 300x300 km2. effcient transmission via hvdc would allow electricity supply to remote areas with moderate losses. desertec project: stp plants in the magreb area to supply electricity for europe and africa,solar resource availability. the desertec project,why high temperature?,w,t,op,t,a,q,2,q,1,t,d,t,c,beam irradiance,radiative losses (emitted by receiver),difuse irradiance,m.t.,q,2,q,1,w,t,op,t,a,the sun as a heat source,why concentrate solar radiation?,w,t,op,t,a,q,2,q,1,t,d,t,c,beam irradiance,radiative losses (emitted by receiver),difuse irradiance,m.t.,q,2,q,1,w,t,op,t,a,ideal concentrating system,the receiver (or absorber) converts concentrated solar radiation to thermal energy (heat) an ideal receiver may be characterized as a blackbody, which has only radiative losses,receiver,receiver losses,heat,work / electricity,heat rejected,geometrical concentration ratio,the geometrical concentration ratio, cg, is defined as where aabs is the receiver (or absorber) area and ac is the collection area.,absorption area,concentrator,collection area,optical efficiency of the receiver,ideal concentrator,the maximum theoretical optical efficiency (when tabstsky) is the effective absorptivity of the receiver. the higher the concentrated solar flux (c*i), the better the optical efficiency. the higher the absorber temperature, the higher the radiative loss and, therefore, optical efficiency is lower. the higher the effective emissivity, , the lower the optical efficiency.,global efficiency of the ideal concentrating system,ideal concentrating system,for each value of the geometrical concentration ratio, there is an optimum temperature. the higher the geometrical concentration ratio, the higher the optimum temperature and the global efficiency.,concentration limits,the sun is not a point light source. seen from the earth, is a disk of apparent diameter s 32. the maximum concentration ratio is given by where n and n are the refractive indices of the media that the light crosses before and after the reflection on the concentrator surface,other factors affecting real concentrators. non ideal concentrator surface,other factors affecting real concentrators. sunshape,types of concentrating systems,line focus (2d) parabolic troughs; clfr point focus (3d) central receiver systems, parabolic concentrators (dishes),real concentrating systems,theoretical 3d: 46200 2d: 215,manuel a. silva prez silvaesi.us.es,solar thermal power plants,/csp-training-course-5-lessons,solar thermal power,100 % renewable based on well known technologies: materials steel mirrors water thermal oil molten salts engineering electrical mechanical thermal,solar thermal power,the “fuel” is beam solar radiation predictable within certain limits storage and hybridization provide aditional basis for dispatchability centralized or distributed generation,solar thermal power has a very high potential of contribution to the electricity system during the next decades,solar thermal power plant. basic configuration,beam irradiance,concentrator,receiver,thermal storage,concentrated irradiance,electricity,power conversion system,thermal energy,boiler,fossil fuel biomass,main concentrating technologies,central receiver / heliostats,parabolic troughs,parabolic dishes,linear fresnel reflectors,solar thermal power plants,solar thermal concentrating systems for electricity (energy) generation,csp in the ancient times,csp in the modern times,cets. breve historia aos 80: plantas de demostracin,recent history of csp,pontevedra, uned, julio 2007,other (unrealized) projects,solgas (1993-1996). hybrid solar-gas cogeneration plant,coln solar (1997-1998). integration of solar energy in a conventional power plant,nevada solar one (boulder city, nv), 2006.,ps10 and ps20 (seville, spain). 2007 and 2009,kimberlina (bakersfield, ca), 2008


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