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大学运动会新闻稿我的所有啊,都给你了 你是跑道上划过的流星, 燃烧自己,洒下光辉, 也许你并没有看到成功像你挥手, 但你已奋斗拼搏过, 相信自己, 力量就在心中。 在黑白相间的跑道上,留下了你们灿烂的身影。 在枪响的那一刹那,似流星、似闪电, 如骏马奔腾,如蛟龙腾空,如猛虎出洞, 不在乎名次高低,不在乎成绩高下。 努力拚搏,顽强奋斗, 即使落后,也顽强不屈,永不退缩 晨风轻轻地唤醒骄阳 校园的操场传来发令枪的声响 彩旗与呐喊声一起在飘荡着 心和起点紧紧的相连 用青春和热血来铺洒白色的跑道 用激情点燃胜利的曙光 你听那激烈奔跑的脚步声, 震撼大地。 你听那欢呼加油的呐喊声, 催人奋进。 赛场上的旋律, 如旋风般急速, 如号角般激扬, 如激流般奔腾不息。 创新突破超越 永远是赛场上最激动人心的旋律。 朝阳的金色洗亮了跑道, 青春的旋律谱成了这首歌, 充满激情的心是这首歌的音符, of the difference of the results. This value should be less than 0.5%. Defined for determination of whiteness of starches starch whiteness: under the stated conditions, surface of starch light reflectance standard Whiteboard surface and light reflectance ratio. Whiteness of whiteness meter measurements samples value to represent. 2, principle: Blu-ray through sample reflectivity reflectance contrast with the standard Whiteboard for Blu-ray, get samples of whiteness. Measurement method applicable to dry into a powder of refined starches . Bai Duyi 3, instruments: wavelength can be transferred to 425nm box for sample and standard Whiteboard, accurate to 0.1. Press box: fit in the box. Step 4, analysis sample preparation: samples should be fully mixed. Sample Board by: Bai Duyi samples box zhuangyang, according to Bai Duyi method sample Whiteboard prescribed. Bai Duyi preparation: method of operation required by Bai Duyi operation, will be marked with a white ceramic whiteboard or Whiteboard made of high purity magnesium oxide standard correction. Measurement: determined by white Whiteboard Analyzer sample, write down the whiteness. Determination of number: the same sample for the second determination. 5, said of the results: the whiteness of whiteness of whiteness meter measurements samples value. Such as poor meets the requirements, take the arithmetic mean of the second determination as a result. 6, allowing differential analyst simultaneously or in quick succession for the second determination, the absolute value of the difference of the results. This value should be less than 0.2. Definition starch viscosity determination of starch viscosity: resistance to flow after samples of starch gelatinization. Used花季的少年火热的心, 永远的真诚不变的心, 你的身影是跑道上的风景, 矫健的步伐迈出你的自信, 听,我们都在为你喝彩, “加油”,不能表达我们的激动。 飞吧胜利在向你微笑。 青春的旋律永远回荡在耳畔。 致短跑运动员 踏上跑道, 是一种选择。 离弄起点, 是一种勇气。 驰骋赛场, 是一种胜利。 朋友, 用你的实力, 用你的精神, 去开拓出 一片属于你的 短跑天地。 致200M运动员 200M,有一个人生的起点 200M,有一个人生的弯道 200M,有一段人生的冲刺 200M,有一个辉煌的胜利 200M,只刹那一瞬间 却成就一段永恒的胜利 200M,只弯过一个转折 却折出多少汗水 冲向你那光辉煌的胜利吧 跨过那一瞬 转过那道弯 胜利在向你招手 百米跑 惊天枪后疾如飞 of the difference of the results. This value should be less than 0.5%. Defined for determination of whiteness of starches starch whiteness: under the stated conditions, surface of starch light reflectance standard Whiteboard surface and light reflectance ratio. Whiteness of whiteness meter measurements samples value to represent. 2, principle: Blu-ray through sample reflectivity reflectance contrast with the standard Whiteboard for Blu-ray, get samples of whiteness. Measurement method applicable to dry into a powder of refined starches . Bai Duyi 3, instruments: wavelength can be transferred to 425nm box for sample and standard Whiteboard, accurate to 0.1. Press box: fit in the box. Step 4, analysis sample preparation: samples should be fully mixed. Sample Board by: Bai Duyi samples box zhuangyang, according to Bai Duyi method sample Whiteboard prescribed. Bai Duyi preparation: method of operation required by Bai Duyi operation, will be marked with a white ceramic whiteboard or Whiteboard made of high purity magnesium oxide standard correction. Measurement: determined by white Whiteboard Analyzer sample, write down the whiteness. Determination of number: the same sample for the second determination. 5, said of the results: the whiteness of whiteness of whiteness meter measurements samples value. Such as poor meets the requirements, take the arithmetic mean of the second determination as a result. 6, allowing differential analyst simultaneously or in quick succession for the second determination, the absolute value of the difference of the results. This value should be less than 0.2. Definition starch viscosity determination of starch viscosity: resistance to flow after samples of starch gelatinization. Used勇往直前不后退 风驰电掣似闪电 勇士出发何言诲 致100米运动员 枪声伴你踏上征程,你昂着自信的头,带着必胜的信念, 冲去,奔去。 那一刻时光仿佛都为你停住,你的勇气振动了一切, 震撼了每一个人的心灵。终点。你赢了。 虽然只是那短短的十几秒,但你在我们心中留下了永恒。 瞬间的成败 致百米运动员 红色的跑道,承载着多少汗水,一条红线,记载着多少成败。 一次起跑,是瞬间的爆发,成败,即决定其中。 瞬间的瞬间,闪电的闪电,即是成功的起步。 致100米的运动员 一声枪响班着飒爽的秋风, 你们亮出自己的风采, 在这短短的100米中, 你们与时间争分夺秒, 只为了?那最后的冲刺。 不管结果如何,你们都是胜利者。 因为,你们曾与时间竞赛。 致长跑运动员 磨炼的是非凡的毅力, 较量的是超常的体力, 拼搏的是出类拔萃的耐力. 把长长的跑道跑成一段漫漫的征途, 听!呼啸的风在为你喝彩, 看!猎猎的彩旗在为你加油, 加油吧! 为了到达终点时那一刻的辉煌! 致运动员 400米的跑道上, 你正在飞驰, of the difference of the results. This value should be less than 0.5%. Defined for determination of whiteness of starches starch whiteness: under the stated conditions, surface of starch light reflectance standard Whiteboard surface and light reflectance ratio. Whiteness of whiteness meter measurements samples value to represent. 2, principle: Blu-ray through sample reflectivity reflectance contrast with the standard Whiteboard for Blu-ray, get samples of whiteness. Measurement method applicable to dry into a powder of refined starches . Bai Duyi 3, instruments: wavelength can be transferred to 425nm box for sample and standard Whiteboard, accurate to 0.1. Press box: fit in the box. Step 4, analysis sample preparation: samples should be fully mixed. Sample Board by: Bai Duyi samples box zhuangyang, according to Bai Duyi method sample Whiteboard prescribed. Bai Duyi preparation: method of operation required by Bai Duyi operation, will be marked with a white ceramic whiteboard or Whiteboard made of high purity magnesium oxide standard correction. Measurement: determined by white Whiteboard Analyzer sample, write down the whiteness. Determination of number: the same sample for the second determination. 5, said of the results: the whiteness of whiteness of whiteness meter measurements samples value. Such as poor meets the requirements, take the arithmetic mean of the second determination as a result. 6, allowing differential analyst simultaneously or in quick succession for the second determination, the absolute value of the difference of the results. This value should be less than 0.2. Definition starch viscosity determination of starch viscosity: resistance to flow after samples of starch gelatinization. Used面对如此遥远的路途, 你也许腿脚发麻, 你也许有些茫然。 但你可知道, 在你身后,有同学们一双双期待的眼睛; 在你身后,是你日日苦练的汗水。 鼓起勇气, 奋勇向前吧 为了集体的荣誉,为了祖国的明天 致400米运动员 面对的 依然是蓝色的天空, 依然是金色的阳光, 依然是绿色的草地, 依然是红色的跑道, 依然是你, 勇敢的你, 坚强的你。 不同的是, 天空更加蔚蓝,阳光更加灿烂, 草地更如翡翠一般, 跑道更加的鲜艳, 而你,定会更加的自信, 你的成绩,必然更加辉煌。不住机会的你,上不了最前线。踏上雪白跑线,把头发甩到后边。能量化成流汗,让我疯狂呐喊。相信我的预感,一定第一个撞线,只要定睛向你看,心情便会high到极度点。 老师说 语文老师说,你们很美,是一种回归大自然的天然美;数学老师说,你们很美,那轻盈一跃是对称的美;政治老师说,你们很美,是负出与收获的辩证美;英语老师说,在古典的文化美后你们有欧式的拼搏美。 致运动员 红色的跑道上,你像一簇火焰,用尽自己的热情,来燃烧自己的活力,殊不知,你是忍着疼痛在为班级争光,那一圈圈的绷带格外醒目,加油吧,你所有的好朋友在注视着你,在为你呐喊 come on。you always the best 永不言失败 失败意味着什么,我们从未想过,因为那不是我们想得到的 最终结果,也许成功需要付出很大的努力但有了自己冲刺的目标,什么都只成为漂渺 把所有的一切都抛在脑后 对失败说:来吧我终究会战胜你 希望 我真诚的希望,我是一阵微风,让我的祝福,追随在你身后。我真诚的希望,我是一束阳光,永远照射大地,为你加油。我真诚的希望 我是一片阴凉,让你休息,为你鼓劲。 of the difference of the results. This value should be less than 0.5%. Defined for determination of whiteness of starches starch whiteness: under the stated conditions, surface of starch light reflectance standard Whiteboard surface and light reflectance ratio. Whiteness of whiteness meter measurements samples value to represent. 2, principle: Blu-ray through sample reflectivity reflectance contrast with the standard Whiteboard for Blu-ray, get samples of whiteness. Measurement method applicable to dry into a powder of refined starches . Bai Duyi 3, instruments: wavelength can be transferred to 425nm box for sample and standard Whiteboard, accurate to 0.1. Press box: fit in the box. Step 4, analysis sample preparation: samples should be fully mixed. Sample Board by: Bai Duyi samples box zhuangyang, according to Bai Duyi method sample Whiteboard prescribed. Bai Duyi preparation: method of operation required by Bai Duyi operation, will be marked with a white ceramic whiteboard or Whiteboard made of high purity magnesium oxide standard correction. Measurement: determined by white Whiteboard Analyzer sample, write down the whiteness. Determination of number: the same sample for the second determination. 5, said of the results: the whiteness of whiteness of whiteness meter measurements samples value. Such as poor meets the requirements, take the arithmetic mean of the second determination as a result. 6, allowing differential analyst simultaneously or in quick succession for the second determination, the absolute value of the difference of the results. This value should be less than 0.2. Definition starch viscosity determination of starch viscosity: resistance to flow after samples of starch gelatinization. Used致运动员 不去经受风雨,就无法见到彩虹;不去接受考验,就无法知道胜利;不付出艰辛的劳作,就无法取得成功。亲爱的运动员们,昨天资你们洒下了汗水,今天便是收获的季节。虽然我们不一定成为冠军,但我们的付出便是一种财富,一种别人永远无法得到的财富。 我们的未来不是梦 骄阳下,我们昂起头,风沙中,我们擦亮眼眸。 任凭炙热的阳光留下我们的汗水,任凭炎炎夏日拂去春的凉爽。用自己富有的双手开拓美好的前景。艰难险阻也许会伴随我们,但我们意志坚定,因为我们相信-我们的未来不是梦 我愿 我愿把所有的气力,浓缩成这一声呐喊,上帝为我们摆设了,诱人的终点。我将把它化作最后的声音,深藏在心底。徜若,胜利是一浑然的在意 那么,与其被成绩压在下面,我宁愿,宁愿只取 你潇洒的瞬间 世界属于你-致运动员 绿叶属于你,红花属于你,暖暖的春风属于你, 为你传送着梦的启迪。青春属于你,成功属于你,把失败锁定在昨天,让梦想聚焦明日的胜利。为了实现你的美好理想,即使要经过一千次的挫折,一万次的失败,只要你真正努力过,真心付出过,那么,世界终究属于你 总要赛得潇洒 总要赛得潇洒,不辜负青春明丽的韶华。如果要跑,就要跑的有劲有力,如果要跳,就要跳的有美有疾。即使,败,也要败得潇洒。 无言歌 潮起潮落,一生也可以就这样慢慢度过,当你回忆往事的时候,当你的船泊在那小港湾,当风拂落,日将落未落你可以无怨无悔,固你用心谱成了不朽的无言歌。 我愿意是树-致田径运动员 我愿意是树,拦截风儿,将它的力量积蓄,把你推向冲刺的地方。我愿意的树,努力地生长,让枝叶生长,让枝叶变得繁茂,把你的炎热化作清凉。我愿意是树,伴随着微风,发出沙沙的的声响把你的永恒的体育精神赞扬 真实的你 你爱这自由新鲜土地上的空气 你爱这青春的梦想 你爱这神圣的瞬间,对幸福的眺望 你一屁股坐到太阳晒烤的台阶上, 你感受这燃烧着的生命所具有的升沉和震动, 宁可做流浪汉, 也了愿睡在表层的体面和虚荣中。 可能你受到过别人的嘲讽 但你拥有的是真诚的人生 即使走着错路,也在庸人的头顶上面。 -勇敢一点,我永远的真实的你而喝彩。 欢乐情怀 这密密麻麻的记分册 是窃走信心的小偷 of the difference of the results. This value should be less than 0.5%. Defined for determination of whiteness of starches starch whiteness: under the stated conditions, surface of starch light reflectance standard Whiteboard surface and light reflectance ratio. Whiteness of whiteness meter measurements samples value to represent. 2, principle: Blu-ray through sample reflectivity reflectance contrast with the standard Whiteboard for Blu-ray, get samples of whiteness. Measurement method applicable to dry into a powder of refined starches . Bai Duyi 3, instruments: wavelength can be transferred to 425nm box for sample and standard Whiteboard, accurate to 0.1. Press box: fit in the box. Step 4, analysis sample preparation: samples should be fully mixed. Sample Board by: Bai Duyi samples box zhuangyang, according to Bai Duyi method sample Whiteboard prescribed. Bai Duyi preparation: method of operation required by Bai Duyi operation, will be marked with a white ceramic whiteboard or Whiteboard made of high purity magnesium oxide standard correction. Measurement: determined by white Whiteboard Analyzer sample, write down the whiteness. Determination of number: the same sample for the second determination. 5, said of the results: the whiteness of whiteness of whiteness meter measurements samples value. Such as poor meets the requirements, take the arithmetic mean of the second determination as a result. 6, allowing differential analyst simultaneously or in quick succession for the second determination, the absolute value of the difference of the results. This value should be less than 0.2. Definition starch viscosity determination of starch viscosity: resistance to flow after samples of starch gelatinization. Used它的魔爪 将无数个烈日骄阳下 无数个不眠之夜 变成了泡影 然而 掩盖不住的男子气概 又带来了青春的欢乐情怀 无论欢乐多或少 那总是一次公平的考验 不管沉与浮 终究总是同一目标 生命的选择-致女运动员 面对羞涩,你选择了勇气 面对柔弱,你选择了坚强 面对娴淑和干练,你选择了两者兼备 勇气更添你一丝羞色 坚强演绎你柔弱的人生 娴淑和干练 使你更加美丽 永恒的选择 亘古不变的美丽梦 人生如赛场,路途如跑道。这里有欢呼,这里有喝彩。这里有梦想,这里有动力。梦想源于自信,动力源于实力。沸腾、奔腾、欢呼、爆发, 使人生更像一场游戏,又更像一场梦。 梦中的游戏,充满刺激。人生的游戏,充满美丽。美丽与刺激交织在一起,这就是我们的花样年华。让我们为之奋斗,来实现人生这场梦。 致运动员 起点上 你摩拳擦掌跑道上 你奋力争强 终点线上 你青春飞扬 领奖台上 我们为你鼓掌 努力吧 体育健儿 更高 更快 更强 注定 of the difference of the results. This value should be less than 0.5%. Defined for determination of whiteness of starches starch whiteness: under the stated conditions, surface of starch light reflectance standard Whiteboard surface and light reflectance ratio. Whiteness of whiteness meter measurements samples value to represent. 2, principle: Blu-ray through sample reflectivity reflectance contrast with the standard Whiteboard for Blu-ray, get samples of whiteness. Measurement method applicable to dry into a powder of refined starches . Bai Duyi 3, instruments: wavelength can be transferred to 425nm box for sample and standard Whiteboard, accurate to 0.1. Press box: fit in the box. Step 4, analysis sample preparation: samples should be fully mixed. Sample Board by: Bai Duyi samples box zhuangyang, according to Bai Duyi method sample Whiteboard prescribed. Bai Duyi preparation: method of operation required by Bai Duyi operation, will be marked with a white ceramic whiteboard or Whiteboard made of high purity magnesium oxide standard correction. Measurement: determined by white Whiteboard Analyzer sample, write down the whiteness. Determination of number: the same sample for the second determination. 5, said of the results: the whiteness of whiteness of whiteness meter measurements samples value. Such as poor meets the requirements, take the arithmetic mean of the second determination as a result. 6, allowing differential analyst simultaneously or in quick succession for the second determination, the absolute value of the difference of the results. This value should be less than 0.2. Definition starch viscosity determination of starch viscosity: resistance to flow after samples of starch gelatinization. Used难道是命中注定 有这么一天 所有人为你摇旗呐喊 难道是命中注定 有这么一刻 你第一个冲破那道终点线 难道是命中注定 领奖台上 你那丰收的笑脸 不是命中注定 是你在感受这超人的体验,头顶,只有那一片天吗,头顶是一块浩瀚的天幕,脚下是一条无尽的跑道。天幕上的烈日直射跑道,跑道上的呼声响彻云霄。 胜者的友人, 用无尽的歌声表现胜者的功绩,败者的良师, 用耐心的安慰表现败者的勇气。许久,胜者不再感觉眼前一片光明,败者不再感觉眼前一片黑暗。因为同是胜者成败者的我们,绝不相信,头顶只有一块浩瀚的天幕,脚下只有一条无尽的跑道。 世界属于你- 致运动员蓝天属于你白云属于你 南来北往的风也为你传送着梦的启迪 青春属于你成功属于你 把失败锁定在昨天 让梦想聚焦明日的胜利 为了实现你的美好的理想 即使要经过一千次的挫折一万次的失败 只要你真正努力过那么世界终究属于你 爱拼才会赢看到你那获胜后的笑容, 谁知是用多少泪水与汗水浇灌成的。付出总有收获, 上帝始终着恋那些拼搏的人。 失败时不要怨天忧人, 只要拼搏才能换来成功。 在竞争激烈的赛场上,只有爱拼才会赢; 在艰苦的高中学习中,只有爱拼才会赢,在绚丽多彩的人生舞台上, 只有爱拼才会赢。 迈开步伐,你就有了天空没有开始,也没有结束; 不要妄言成功,也不要轻言失败。 是花,开过了,就会有属于你的花香; 是叶,绿过了,就会有属于你季节; 是果,结过了,就会有属于你的甘甜。 你,走向运动场,就有了你的位置; 迈开了步伐,你就有了驰骋的天空。 九九级十四班 你能行当你站在起跑线时, 请你不要忘记你能行。当你精疲力竭时, 请你不要忘记你能行。当你接过接力棒时, 请你不要忘记你能行。当你面对强劲的对手的, 请你不要忘记你能行。当你跃过沙坑时, of the difference of the results. This value should be less than 0.5%. Defined for determination of whiteness of starches starch whiteness: under the stated conditions, surface of starch light reflectance standard Whiteboard surface and light reflectance ratio. Whiteness of whiteness meter measurements samples value to represent. 2, principle: Blu-ray through sample reflectivity reflectance contrast with the standard Whiteboard for Blu-ray, get samples of whiteness. Measurement method applicable to dry into a powder of refined starches . Bai Duyi 3, instruments: wavelength can be transferred to 425nm box for sample and standard Whiteboard, accurate to 0.1. Press box: fit in the box. Step 4, analysis sample preparation: samples should be fully mixed. Sample Board by: Bai Duyi samples box zhuangyang, according to Bai Duyi method sample Whiteboard prescribed. Bai Duyi preparation: method of operation required by Bai Duyi operation, will be marked with a white ceramic whiteboard or Whiteboard made of high purity magnesium oxide standard correction. Measurement: determined by white Whiteboard Analyzer sample, write down the whiteness. Determination of number: the same sample for the second determination. 5, said of the results: the whiteness of whiteness of whiteness meter measurements samples value. Such as poor meets the requirements, take the arithmetic mean of the second determination as a result. 6, allowing differential analyst simultaneously or in quick succession for the second determination, the absolute value of the difference of the results. This value should be less than 0.2. Definition starch viscosity determination of starch viscosity: resistance to flow after samples of starch gelatinization. Used当你要抛出铅球时,当你越过横杆时, 请你统统不要忘记你能行。当你失去斗志时, 请千万不要忘记在场外为你呐喊的我们永永远远都相信你一定能行。 拥有辉煌只要你努力过,辉煌是不是空中楼阁; 只要你奋斗辉煌便不是若隐若现的星河; 只要你拼搏过,辉煌便不会与你擦肩而过; 只要你进取辉煌自然会与你明朝相约。 致运动员开朗和阴郁都曾写在前额昨天和明天都没有放弃 执著狂风的日子里我是卷起的浪晴朗的日子里 我是闪亮的玻不改的是奔流的本色 成功和失败都镌刻进生活春履和秋痕都不失为景色绿色的季节里 我是烂漫的花金色的季节里我是迎风的果不变的是生命的蓬勃 青春的承诺 凝望蓝天 给青春一个许诺 让梦想高高飞翔 让青春结果出累累硕果 诗一样的年龄 意志如大河般广阔 不期望得到幸运 毅然背起执着 磨难经受过 泪水曾流过 只为了回答 为青春许下的承诺 不知是谁 不知是谁 闪电般从跑道上飞过 冲向终点; 不知是谁 划出一道漂亮的抛物线 远远飘落; 不知是谁 从平地高高跃起 飞过横杆, 不知是谁 奋力掷出希望的种子 飞向远方; 不论是谁 都展示了我们当代中学生的风采 of the difference of the results. This value should be less than 0.5%. Defined for determination of whiteness of starches starch whiteness: under the stated conditions, surface of starch light reflectance standard Whiteboard surface and light reflectance ratio. Whiteness of whiteness meter measurements samples value to represent. 2, principle: Blu-ray through sample reflectivity reflectance contrast with the standard Whiteboard for Blu-ray, get samples of whiteness. Measurement method applicable to dry into a powder of refined starches . Bai Duyi 3, instruments: wavelength can be transferred to 425nm box for sample and standard Whiteboard, accurate to 0.1. Press box: fit in the box. Step 4, analysis sample preparation: samples should be fully mixed. Sample Board by: Bai Duyi samples box zhuangyang, according to Bai Duyi method sample Whiteboard prescribed. Bai Duyi preparatio


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