



Unit 1 Building the future 科目: 英语 主备人: 备课日期: 课 题Unit 1 Building the future第18课时计划上课日期教学目标Help the Ss to learn the key words:cattle put pressure on claim top target at risk教学重难点The important words or expressions How to master these words and their usages教学流程内容板书关键点拨加工润色Step1 Greetings Step2 Revisions Step3 Lead-in Step4 Teaching procedures Language points 2. Geldof intended the concert to raise money for and public awareness of the famine.(lines6-7) Geldof 想通过音乐会为饥荒筹钱,并提高对饥荒的意识。本句中有部分省略,完整的表达可以是Geldof intended the concert to raise money for the famine and to raise public awareness of the famine. .学生们利用假期为希望工程募捐。注:raise还有 “举起;提高;养育,种植,饲养; 提出; 举起某人的杯子 提高公众的意识 抚养孩子 提出反对意见 3. The concert also received so much attention around the world that it put great pressure on politicians and malnutrition.(lines8-10) 音乐会还受到了全世界的极大关注,这给政客们施加了巨大压力,迫使他们为这次饥荒做一些事情。put pressure on 给施加压力Industrial development . 工业的发展给环境带来了巨大的压力。 在压力之下 to do 给施加压力去做某事 sb / sth给减少压力4.On top of this, according to the United Nations, hunger and malnutrition claim ten million lives every year.(lines 14-15)除此之外,根据联合国的资料,饥饿和营养不良每年夺走一千万人的生命。on top of 除之外(通常指不愉快的事情)He lost his wife and he got ill. 他不但失去了妻子,而且自己也病了。复习:除外(还包括):besides,in addtion to,apart from对比下句中的together with Clearly, development aid together with food aid is the long-term solution to the problem of poverty.(lines41-43) 很显然,发展援助和食品援助结合起来才是贫困问题的长期解决办法。on top of其它意义That high hill has a tower on top of it. on top of mountain=at the top of the mountain at the top of ones voice on top of the world=extremely 实战演练See the flags on top of the building? That was_ we did this morning.A. when B. which C. where D. WhatPut the _ of your tongue against your upper teeth when you pronounce the sound.A. tip B. top C. peak D. poleclaim vt.要求,认领,声称,索赔,获得,导致死亡The tsunami in Indonesia .印尼的海啸夺走了很多人的生命。A wallet has been found and at the managers office.Scientists are claiming a major breakthrough in the fight against cancer.科学家们宣称治疗癌症已有重大突破。She claims damages from the company for the injury she had suffered.她因受伤向公司索要损害赔偿金。She has finally claimed a place on the team.她终于成了那个队的队员。n.声明,合法权利,索赔The singer denied the magazines claim that she is leaving the band.They had no claims on the land, which was believed to be rich in oil.词组:have a claim on sb 对某人有要求权lay claim to sth声称对拥有权He his daughter on his former wife.他向他的前妻要求有探视女儿的权利。He the property.他声称有财产继承权。实战演练Recently there has been a great _?_ for small cars that use little petrol. A.claim B.require C.want D.demand Much as he _he has a good taste,he cant avoid being influenced by advertisements. A.goes Braises C. claims D.switches5the Food-for-Growth programme, which targets people most at risk(lines20-21)健康成长粮食计划它主要以身处危险中的人作为目标 However, it is something that we must do because without sustainable development, our future and the lives of our children and our grandchildren will be


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