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第64练 情感类(二)高考高频单词与短语识记排查单词识记:afraid fear worried alarmsuspicious ashamed disappoint discourageregretful hesitate hopeless scaredshadow shame sympathy envyterrified desperate terror tension短语扫描:be scared to death怕得要死beyond ones expectations 出乎某人意料地let sb.down使失望;辜负lose heart灰心lose ones temper发脾气without fear无惧be sorry for/about对感到难过take pity on sb.同情某人go mad with joy 欣喜若狂in the shadow在暗处 跟踪训练在空格处填入适当的词(1个单词)或所给词的正确形式1Why do you (suspicious) the truth of the information.2Im afraid youre very (disappoint) with me.3He (hesitate) and asked me if he could sit near me.4You have no idea how (worry) I was.5Surprisingly,she didnt feel nervous,or (regret) about her actions.6You scare them death with your mouth.7I went mad joy and danced a little disco.8Dont worry.Ill never let you .9The other drinkers take pity the old fellow.10John lived the shadow after his retirement.阅读能力专练.阅读理解A(2017黑龙江哈尔滨六中月考)When you go to the doctor,you like to come away with a prescription.It makes you feel better to know you will get some medicine.But the doctor knows that medicine is not always needed.Sometimes all a sick person needs is some reassurance that all will be well.In such cases the doctor may prescribe a placebo.A placebo is a sugar pill,a harmless shot,or ail empty capsule.Even though they have no medicine in them,these things seem to make people well.The patient thinks it is medicine and begins to get better.How does this happen?The study of the placebo opens up new knowledge about the way the human body can heal itself.It is as if there was a doctor in each of us.The doctor will heal the body for us if we let it.But it is not yet known just how the placebo works to heal the body.Some people say it works because the human mind fools itself.These people say that if the mind is fooled into thinking it got medicine,then it will act as if it did,and the body will feel better.Placebos do not always work.The success of this treatment seems to rest a lot with the relationship between the patient and the doctor.If the patient has a lot of trust in the doctor and if the doctor really wants to help the patient,then the placebo is more likely to work.So in a way,the doctor is the most powerful placebo of all.A placebo can also have bad effects.If patients expect a bad reaction to medicine,then they will also show a bad reaction to the placebo.This would seem to show that a lot of how you react to medicine is in your mind rather than in your body.Some doctors still think that if the placebo can have bad effects it should never be used.They think there is still not enough known about it.The strange power of the placebo does seem to suggest that the human mind is stronger than we think it is.There are people who say you can heal your body by using your mind.And the interesting thing is that even people who swear this is not possible have been healed by a placebo.1What does the underlined word “it” in Paragraph 5 refer to?AThe placebo. BThe bad effect.CThe body. DThe medicine.2What do we know about placebo according to the passage?AIt contains some sort of medicine.BIt wont function if you are negative about medicine.CPeople who dont believe placebo cant be healed by it.DPatients and doctors know clearly how it helps to heal the body.3Why is the doctor sometimes the most powerful placebo?AThe patient needs help badly.BThe patient believes in the doctor.CThe doctor knows better about your body.DThe doctor has carefully studied medicine.4What is the best title for the text?APlacebo:Work on Your MindBPlacebo:The Most Powerful MedicineCPlacebo:The Best DoctorDPlacebo:Heal Your BodyB(2017广西桂林中学月考)They are the little sweeties who look pretty cute in a photo,or when sleepingbut a lot less appealing at 30,000 ft,crying loudly in the seat right next to you.According to a new survey,almost seven in ten Britons dislike flying with babies so much that they would like to see childfree areas introduced on planes.As for longdistance flights where people want to sleep,almost one in four British travelers believe that nokidzones should be fixed as required sections.The survey was conducted by bookings website LateDeals.co.uk,with 1,108 UK consumers questioned as to what they hate most about air travel.And our dislike of noisy children and babies on planes runs deep,it seems.More than a third of us35 percentwould pay extra to travel on a childless service.Longdistance passengers would be prepared to pay an additional 63 to the cost of a return ticket if it meant adults only on board.And on shortdistance flights,an extra 28 on the price of a return fare would be considered good value if it guaranteed an absence of angry babies in the middle of the economyclass aisle(走道)However,screaming babies are not the only source of annoyance for British travelers.In fact,according to the research on the most annoying types of airline passengers,a crying baby ranks as only the fourth.Over half of those surveyed58 percentselected “drunk travelers” as their pet peeves.People with “bad personal hygiene(卫生)”and travelers who kick the back of the seat in front were also near the top of the list,causing anger to 48 and 47 percent of us respectively(分别地)Crying babies came in at fourth on the list,a pet peeve for 43 percent of those surveyed.5Britons dislike flying with babies because they .Amake too much noiseBget angry easilyCsleep right next to themDstay in the economyclass aisle6How many British travelers surveyed would like to have nokidzones on planes?AAbout 35%. BAbout 43%.CAbout 70%. DAbout 58%.7What type of writing is this text?AA brochure. BA tourist guide.CAn announcement. DA news report.8What does the underlined phrase “pet peeves” in the penultimate(倒数第二的) paragraph mean?APets on a plane.BPassengers with a baby.CPeople who annoy you.DPeople who were surveyed.七选五Some Helpful Tips for a Happier YouIve been one of sad people before.It wasnt easy.But fortunately,I was able to get out of it in one piece.I want you to experience that too.Here are some simple tips that I found very effective and useful in finding my own kind of happiness. 9 Exercise whenever you get the chance 10 Its more likely that you wont feel happy if youre having breathing problems when youre climbing the stairs,right?Burn those fats away and live a healthier and much happier life!Your happiness is not going to be served on a silver platter(毫不费力地)Youve got to work for it and give it your all.Embrace the “real” youI love the LEGO Movie because it emphasizes the importance of being happy with who you truly are.This is a very important thing to remember when youre in pursuit of happiness. 11 You dont need to be the same with another person just to feel good.You can be happy just by being you.Avoid expecting anything from anyoneAs pessimistic as this claim might sound,I learned that there are some people out there who just wont give you a hand when you really need them to. 12 If a friend or a loved one is constantly disappointing you then stop hoping for them to get their act together.Instead,do the work and feel satisfied with what youve accomplished. 13 Stay too long and the four corners of your room will only turn you into a gloomy version of yourself.Go outside and feel the sun.Indeed,the Internet is a wonderland filled with useful information,crazy people and your everyday drama but theres more to life than sitting in front of your computer screen.AOne of the funny things about us people is that we complicate our own lives.BHopefully,youll be able to put them to good use.CYour physique(体格) has a lot of effects on your mind.DPut effort into the things you can controlESpend less time on the InternetFRemind yourself that you are your own man/woman.GThus,I developed this “do more and expect nothing”mentality.答案解析高考高频单词与短语识记排查跟踪训练1suspect2.disappointed3.hesitated4.worried 5regretful6.to7.with8.down9.on10.in阅读能力专练.阅读理解语篇解读 本文讲述的是有时候病人的病并不是需要真正的药物来医治,而是需要医生开一些安慰的药剂安慰剂。这种药剂通常是空的甜胶囊,作用于病人的心理,帮助他们调节心情,从而有利于病情痊愈。1A词义猜测题。根据文章句意:一些医生仍然认为,如果安慰剂有坏的影响,它应该永远不会再被使用,他们认为对安慰剂仍然没有足够的了解。所以此处的it指的是安慰剂(placebo)。故选A。2B推理判断题。根据文章第五段第二、三句和最后一段前两句可推知,如果你对安慰剂态度消极,它就不会起作用。故选B。3B推理判断题。根据文章第四段第二至四句可知,安慰剂对病人起作用是因为他们很相信医生。故选B。4A标题归纳题。通读全文以及最后一段前两句可知A项正确。语篇解读 本文是一篇调查报告。文章介绍了最近的调查发现,大部分英国人在飞机上不喜欢坐在有孩子的座区。5A细节理解题。根据第一段中的“but a lot less appealing at 30,000 ft,cryin


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