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洛阳理工学院毕业设计(论文)液压动力滑台的PLC控制系统设计 摘 要液压动力滑台是组合机床用来实现进给运动的通用部件,液压动力滑台在组合机床中已得到广泛的应用。液压动力滑台通过液压传动系统可以方便地进行无级调速,正反向平稳,冲击力小,便于频繁地换向工作。配置相应的动力头、主轴箱及刀具后可以对工件完成各种孔加工、端面加工等工序,它的性能直接关系到机床质量的优劣。本设计是在充分分析了液压动力滑台的液压传动系统及工作原理的基础上,通过继电器一接触器控制与PLC控制方案的对比我选择了PLC控制,根据控制要求选择了PLC的型号,在硬件设计中画出了PLC的外部接线图;在软件设计中,设计了液压动力滑台PLC控制系统的软件流程图和梯形图,实现了控制要求。关键词:液压,动力滑台,PLC,控制 Design of PLC control system for Hydraulic Power Sliding TableABSTRACTHydraulic Power Sliding Table is a combination of tools used to achieve the feed movement of the general components, hydraulic power slide in the modular machine tool has been widely used. Hydraulic Power Sliding Table by hydraulic variable speed drive system can be easily carried her, positive and negative to stable, the impact force is small, easy to work frequently change. Configuration corresponding power head, spindle and tool box on the workpiece can be completed after the processing of various holes, face processing and other processes, its performance is directly related to the merits of quality machine tools.The design is a full analysis of the hydraulic power transmission and hydraulic slide sets based on the principle, by a contactor control relay and PLC control program for comparison I chose the PLC control and PLC based control requirements of the model chosen, In the hardware design to draw the external wiring diagram of PLC; in software design, the design of the Hydraulic Power Sliding Table PLC control software flow chart and ladder, to achieve the control requirements.KEY WORDS: Hydraulic, Power Sliding Table,PLC,control 8目录前言1第1章 概述21.1 液压动力滑台的应用21.2 继电器接触器控制与PLC控制方案的比较21.2.1 继电器接触器控制的优缺点21.2.2 PLC在液压动力滑台中的应用3第2章 液压动力滑台液压传动系统及工作原理42.1 功能结构42.2 液压传动系统及工作原理4第3章 液压动力滑台PLC控制系统的设计93.1 硬件的设计103.2 软件的设计103.2.1 软件流程图的设计103.2.2 梯形图的设计12结论16谢 辞17参考文献18外文资料翻译19前言液压动力滑台是组合机床用来实现进给运动的通用部件,液压动力滑台在组合机床中已得到广泛的应用。液压动力滑台通过液压传动系统可以方便地进行无级调速,正反向平稳,冲击力小,便于频繁地换向工作。配置相应的动力头、主轴箱及刀具后可以对工件完成各种孔加工、端面加工等工序12,它的性能直接关系到机床质量的优劣。它利用液压传动系统实现滑台向前或向后的运动,由液压缸的左右运动来拖动滑台在滑座上移动,再由电气控制系统控制液压传动系统,实现滑台的工作循环。传统的液压传动系统是由电气控制线路控制,由于这种控制线路的触点多,接线复杂,可靠性低,灵活性差,功耗高,而且维修困难,其大量的硬件接线使系统可靠性降低,也间接地降低了设备的工作效率影响了加工质量,因此越来越满足不了现代化生产过程的复杂多变的控制要求。现采用PLC对此系统进行控制,能很方便的实现多种复杂的自动工作循环,使用简单,编程方便,可靠性高,通用性和灵活性强,采用PLC控制液压系统完成基本的动作液压缸的自由进退,从而实现液压动力滑台的进给运动。YT4543型液压动力滑台的工作循环是:快进一工进二工进死挡铁停留快退原位停止六种工况。 第1章 概述 1.1 液压动力滑台的应用液压动力滑台是组合机床用来实现进给运动的通用部件,液压动力滑台在组合机床中已得到广泛的应用。 液压动力滑台通过液压传动系统可以方便地进行无级调速,正反向平稳,冲击力小,便于频繁地换向工作。配置相应的动力头、主轴箱及刀具后可以对工件完成各种孔加工、端面加工等工序,它的性能直接关系到机床质量的优劣。为了满足不同工艺方法的要求,动力滑台除提供足够大的进给力外,还应能实现“快进工进停留快退原位停止”等工作循环。其中,除快进和快退的速度不可改变外,用户可根据工艺要求,对工进速度的大小进行调节。由于液压动力滑台的机械结构简单,配上电气后实现进给运动的自动工作循环容易,又可以很方便地对工进速度进行调节。其中尤以YT4543型液压动力滑台应用最广。液压传动,具有功率密度高、结构紧凑、运动平稳、有利于系统传动链的简化和实现无级调速等优点,因而在一些中、大型机床中应用广泛。但由于国内液压技术水平及液压传动本身的缺陷,如油液的可压缩性 、泄漏等,许多液压机床都存在液压动力滑台精度不高、柔性差和控制水平不高的问题。液压动力滑台,作为广为使用的基础件,如何充分利用其优势,克服或改善其不足,是一个急需解决的问题。自80年代中期以来,国内外开始将微电子技术、计算机控制技术等,用来改进、发展和拓宽液压技术的水平及其应用范围,液压动力滑台的性能得到了一定的改善提高。1.2 继电器接触器控制与PLC控制方案的比较1.2.1 继电器接触器控制的优缺点液压动力滑台传统上多用继电器接触器控制,其优点是结构简单、 易于掌握、价格便宜等。在工业生产上应用较广。但是这些控制装置体积大、动作速度较慢、耗点较多、功能少,特别是由于它靠硬接线构成系统, 接线复杂,当生产工艺或控制对象改变时,原有的接线和控制盘( 柜 ) 就必须随之改变或更换,通用性和灵活性较差34。1.2.2 PLC在液压动力滑台中的应用随着制造业的发展和新技术的应用,工业生产对控制设备的可靠性和灵活性的要求越来越高,传统的继电器一接触器控制由于其自身的缺陷将越来越不适应生产的需要。PLC是可编程控制器的简称,是专为工业应用而设计的电子控制装置,具有抗干扰能力强、可靠性高、功能强、体积小、编程简单、维护方便等优点。因此,在工业生产中用PLC代替继电器一接触器控制将是必然的,现采用PLC对YT4543型液压动力滑台进行控制系统的设计34。第2章 液压动力滑台液压传动系统及工作原理 2.1 功能结构YT4543型动力滑台是众所周知的一种组合机床通用部件,有液压缸驱动,可实现快进一工进二工进死挡铁停留快退原位停止6个工况的自动控制,现对其原有液压系统进行了改进,液压动力滑台的结构简图如图2-1所示。 图2-1 液压动力滑台的结构简图2.2 液压传动系统及工作原理57 液压系统工作循环图如图2-2所示,工作原理图如图2-3所示。系统仍采用单向变量泵供油,执行器仍为杆固定活塞式液压缸10。采用综合性能好的标准电磁换向阀7和8代替了原系统电液换向阀实现动力滑台自动工作循环,采用回油路调速阀调速保证工作进给速度稳定。表2-1所列为动力滑台自动工作循环时各换向阀电磁铁和压力继电器动作顺序表,结合表2-1对系统在各工况下的油液流动路线说明如下。图2-2 液压系统工作循环图图2-3 液压系统工作原理图1变量泵;2,4二位二通电磁换向阀;3单向阀;5,6调速阀;7,8二位五通电磁换向阀;9压力继电器;10液压缸表2-1 液压动力滑台液压系统电磁铁及压力继电器动作顺序表工况电磁铁及压力继电器状态1YA2YA3YA4YAYJ快进+-一工进-+-二工进-+-死挡铁停留-+-+快退+-原位停止-+-1. 快进 按下自动工作循环按钮,电磁铁1YA和2YA通电,使换向阀7和8均切换至右位,泵1的压力油经单向阀3、换向阀8进入缸10的有杆腔,缸10无杆腔回油经换向阀7和8反馈进入液压缸10的有杆腔。由于动力滑台空载,系统压力低,液压缸成差动连接,且变量泵1有最大的输出流量,滑台向左快进。2. 一工进 当快进到规定位置时活动挡块压下行程开关SQ2,使电磁铁1YA断电、换向阀7复至图示左位,3YA通电使换向阀4切换至左位,泵1的压力油经单向阀3、换向阀8进入缸10的有杆腔,缸10无杆腔经阀7的通路堵死,只有经阀8右位、调速阀6、换向阀4排油。流出缸10无杆腔的流量由调速阀6的开度大小决定,由于阀6的作用,系统压力升高,泵1输出的流量减小,动力滑台以第一种工进速度向左运动。3. 二工进 动力滑台以第一种工进速度运动到预定位置时,活动挡块压下行程开关SQ3,使电磁铁3YA断电、换向阀4复至图示右位,液压缸10的进油路同一工进,但缸10无杆腔回油是经换向阀8、调速阀6、调速阀5、换向阀7排回油箱,流量由调速阀5的开度大小决定(调速阀5的开度小于调速阀6的开度),动力滑台速度降低,以第二种工进速度向左运动。4. 死挡铁停留 动力滑台以第二种工进速度行进碰上死挡铁后停止运动。液压缸10有杆腔的压力憋高,压力继电器(YJ)发信给时间继电器,使动力滑台在死挡铁处停留一定时间。此时,泵1的供油压力升高,流量减少至仅需满足补偿泵和系统的泄漏量。5. 快退 死挡铁停留时间到后,时间继电器发出快退信号,使电磁铁1YA通电、换向阀7切换至右位,2YA断电、换向阀8复至图示左位,泵1的压力油经换向阀7和8进入缸10无杆腔,缸10有杆腔经换向阀8排回油箱。由于此时为空载,系统压力很低,泵1输出的流量最大,动力滑台向右快速退回。6. 原位停止 动力滑台向右快速退回到原位时,活动挡块压下行程开关SQ1,使电磁铁1YA、2YA、3YA均断电,换向阀7、8和4复至图示位置,电磁铁4YA通电,动力滑台停止运动,泵1通过换向阀2卸载。7. 技术特点(1) 采用电磁换向阀取代了结构复杂的电液换向阀,系统油路结构简化,运行可靠,易于检修维护。(2) 采用回油路调速阀调速,动力滑台工进工况稳定性好。(3) 液压泵原位停止时通过电磁换向阀卸载,能够使泵在下次自动工作循环开始时处于低压。第3章 液压动力滑台PLC控制系统的设计3.1 硬件的设计根据液压动力滑台的工艺特性、控制要求以及实际输入/输出点数情况,并考虑将来系统扩大功能的需要,留有一定的裕量811,选定PLC的型号为三菱公司的FX2N-32MR-001,输入/输出点分配情况如下所示。 输入电器 输入点启动按钮SB1 X0停止按钮SB2 X1快退按钮SB3 X2行程开关SQ1 X3行程开关SQ2 X4行程开关SQ3 X5压力继电器YJ X6自动开关SA1-1 X7手动开关SA1-2 X8 输出电器 输出点电磁铁1YA Y1电磁铁2YA Y2电磁铁3YA Y3电磁铁4YA Y4如图3-1所示为系统中PLC的外部接线图。 图3-1 PLC的外部接线图设计说明1. 转换开关SA1-1、SA1-2能够切换两种工作状态,当SA1-1闭合时,动力滑台处于自动工作状态;当SA1-2闭合时,动力滑台处于手动工作状态。2. SQ1、SQ2和SQ3是3个行程开关。3. SB1、SB2和SB3是3个按钮开关,SB1是控制动力滑台向前运行的开始;SB2是控制动力滑台随时停止的按钮;SB3是控制动力滑台后退的按钮。4. 压力继电器YJ是控制动力滑台死挡铁停留的元件。5 .1YA、2YA、3YA和4YA是液压传动回路中的电磁铁。3.2 软件的设计3.2.1 软件流程图的设计根据液压动力滑台的动作控制要求及PLC输入9点、输出4点的分配情况,对PLC控制系统的软件设计采用软件流程图进行设计,各步驱动各步相对应的元件动作,来实现YT4543型液压动力滑台:快进一工进二工进死挡铁停留快退原位停止六种工况的要求。系统的软件流程图如图3-2所示。图3-2 系统的软件流程图3.2.1 梯形图的设计811考虑到在实际控制中的需要,采用转换开关X7、X8来切换两种工作状态,当X7闭合时,动力滑台处于自动工作状态;当X8闭合时,动力滑台处于手动工作状态。同时考虑到动力滑台会存在没有停在原位的情况,采用控制按钮X2控制动力滑台快退来控制液压动力滑台退回原位。根据动力滑台设计要求结合软件流程图作梯形图如图3-3所示。图3-3 PLC控制系统梯形图根据梯形图,编写指令如下所示:0 LD X01 AND X32 LDI M33 AND M04 ORB5 AND X76 LD X07 AND X88 ORB9 ANI X110 OUT M011 LD M012 ANI M113 ANI M314 LD X215 ANI X316 ORB17 OUT Y118 LD M019 ANI M320 MPS21 ANI T022 OUT Y223 MPP24 AND M125 ANI M226 OUT Y327 LD M028 AND X429 OR M130 ANI M331 ANI T032 ANI X133 OUT M134 LD M135 AND X536 OR M237 ANI M338 ANI X139 OUT M240 LD M241 AND X642 OR T043 ANI M344 ANI X145 OUT T0SP K2048 LD T049 AND X350 OR M351 ANI X152 OUT M353 OUT Y454 END指令16 结论液压动力滑台是自动化程度较高的部件,对可靠性、运动精度要求较高,其控制系统具有一定的复杂性。液压动力滑台传统上多用继电器一接触器控制,但是这些控制装置体积大、动作速度较慢、耗点较多、功能少,特别是由于它靠硬接线构成系统。接线复杂,通用性和灵活性较差。采用PLC对原有的继电器接触器控制系统改造后,使得控制系统简单化,故障率大大降低,提高了系统的稳定性和可靠性,此控制系统具有良好的柔性,系统维护和升级也变得容易。其灵活方便的优点显得更加突出,投资少,经济效益高。洛阳理工学院毕业设计论文谢 辞此次控制设计是在杜志强副教授的悉心指导下完成的,我在论文设计过程中遇到了一些问题,是导师为我的论文提出了指导性的意见,为我的论文的撰写扶正了方向,在导师的指导下我少走了许多的弯路,使我能够顺利的完成了论文设计。在此,特向我尊敬的导师杜志强副教授致以最衷心的感谢!经过这次设计,我一方面看到了自己的不足,认识到自己所掌握的知识还很有限;另一方面,我也明白了学习知识与应用知识的不同。学过的知识并不代表就会应用,实践是检验一切的关键,只有把学过的知识整理出来,应用到实际当中。学习的关键在于学以致用,学以致用才是最终目的。这次设计让我找到了收获的快乐,在此也向设计过程中给予我帮助和指导的各位老师和同学们表示由衷的谢意!再次由衷的感谢给予我帮助和指导的杜志强副教授!28参考文献1 李青虹. 组合机床动力滑台的PLC控制J. 三明高等专科学校学报,2004,21(4):38412 魏建忠,游龙翔. 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Under the same power, the hydraulic device small size, light weight, power density, compact structure. Hydraulic motor the same size and weight of only about 12% motor power.2. Hydraulic equipment work stable. As the light weight, inertia, fast response, easy to implement quick start of hydraulic equipment, braking and frequent commutation.3. hydraulic device can be realized in a wide range of variable speed (variable speed range up to 2000), it can be carried out during operation speed.4. hydraulic drive is easy to automate, its fluid pressure, flow, or flow direction is easy to adjust or control. When the hydraulic control and electric control, electronic control, or used in conjunction with pneumatic control, the entire drive unit to achieve a complex sequence of actions can be easily remote controlled.5. hydraulic overload protection device is easy to implement, it is electrical and mechanical gear transmission can not be done.6. hydraulic components has been realized as standardization, serialization and the universal, hydraulic system design, manufacture and use of a convenient location.7. to achieve linear motion using hydraulic transmission than a simple mechanical drive.1.1.2 hydraulic defects1. As the fluid flow resistance losses and leakage is inevitable, so the process of hydraulic work often more energy loss.2. performance vulnerable to temperature changes, so should not be in the high or low temperature conditions.3. In order to reduce leakage, hydraulic components, high manufacturing precision, and therefore more expensive.4. hydraulic failure is not easy to find reasons.1.1.3 the advantages of pressure transmission1. air can be obtained from the atmosphere, while the air can be used directly discharged into the atmosphere to deal with easily, in case of air pipes for leaks, in addition to causing some power losses, will not produce a serious detrimental impact of the work, nor will pollute the environment.2. air viscosity, pressure loss in the pipeline is small, so easy to focus on the supply of compressed air and long-distance transport.3. work by compressed air pressure is low (usually 0.3 0.8MPa), therefore, the gas component of the materials and manufacturing precision requirements are lower.4. gas system maintenance simple and easy to plug the pipe.5. safe, and easy to implement overload protection.1.1.4 pressure transmission defects1. As the air is compressible characteristics, the stationary velocity as hydraulic transmission.2. low because of work pressures and dimensions should not be too large, and therefore the overall thrust pneumatic actuator generally not significant.3. lower transmission efficiency.In general, the advantages of hydraulic and pneumatic drive is a major, and their conditions through technical progress and shortcomings of many years unremitting efforts, has been overcome or have been resented improvement.1.2 Examples of hydraulic systemHydraulic drive system is based on the operational requirements of mechanical equipment, choose the appropriate hydraulic circuit through the organic combination of the basic. Read a more complex hydraulic system diagram can be divided into the following steps:1. An understanding of machinery works, to understand the working conditions machinery and equipment requirements of the hydraulic system; understanding of the work cycle in the various conditions on the force, speed and direction of the requirements of these three parameters.2. hydraulic system first reading maps, understanding of the system include those components, and to implement the components for the center, the system is decomposed into several subsystems.3. of each subsystem individually, to understand the implementation of components and the corresponding valve between the pump and by those basic loop. Action table and the reference solenoid actuator and the operational requirements, clarify the flow line.4. system of work safety.5. action efficiency.6. to read the full hydraulic system based on the basic circuit used by the system performance of the system for comprehensive analysis, summarizes the characteristics of the hydraulic system to enhance the understanding of the hydraulic system.1.2.1 Combination machine tool hydraulic pressure systemMachine Tool is a common parts and components with some dedicated and efficient, dedicated, highly automated machine tools. It completed drilling, expanding, hinge, boring, milling, tapping and other processes and turn table position, positioning, clamping, transportation and other ancillary actions that can be used to form the automatic line.YT4543-type hydraulic pressure system worksFigure 8-1 and Figure 8-2 respectively YT4543 type hydraulic pressure system working principle and the action cycle of the table. The system enables the work of the cycle is: Fast Forward, a working progress, two work, iron block dead stop rewind, stop in situ. Realization of the duty cycle of the working principle is:1. Fast ForwardPress the Start button, magnet 1YA was electric, electromagnetic pilot valve 4 in the left position, so that hydraulic spool valve 3 shifts to the right, left-bit access system, its main oil line is:Into the oil circuit: pump 1, one-way valve2, hydraulic valve 3 Left, trip valve (normal position), the left chamber of hydraulic cylinder.Migratory Way: the right chamber of hydraulic cylinder, hydraulic valve 3, Left, one-way valve 7, valve stroke of 13 (normal position), the left chamber of hydraulic cylinder.As the no-load power sliding table system pressure is low, hydraulic control valve 6 closed order, hydraulic cylinder into a differential connection, and a maximum output of the variable flow pump, slide the left forward.2. A working progressFast forward to a predetermined position, sliding table travel itinerary pressure valve block 13, the original 13 into the hydraulic cylinder through the valve chamber of the oil line off Rod. At this point valve 10 is energized electromagnet 3YA status, access to the system control valve 8 into the circuit, the system pressure increases. , Pressure, on the one hand the order of hydraulic control valve 6 to open, on the other hand to limit the flow rate of variable pressure decreases, until and after the flow control valve 8, the same date.Then enter the rodless cylinder chamber 8, the flow control valve opening by the size of the decision. Hydraulic cylinder rod chamber of oil is by hydraulic fluid control valve 3 the order by the back pressure valve 6 and 5 back to the tank valve (check valve on both sides of the pressure Messenger, 7 off). Slide to the first speed to the left into the work.3. Two StageA work into the end of the block pressure trip switch, so that solenoid 3YA was electric, through valve 10, the channel was cut off. At this point the oil is subject to control valve 8 and 9 to enter the hydraulic cylinder rodless cavity. As the valves 9 open than the valve 8 is small, slide the speed decreases, the speed the size of the control valve 9 opening decision.4. Dead stop blocking ironWhen the slide into the end of the run into two workers died iron block, the slide stop exercising. Rodless cylinder chamber pressure increases, the pressure switch 11 to transfer value, the pressure relay, after a time delay relay, and then send a signal to slide back, slide the residence time can be time relay it is set.5. RewindWhen the time delay relay a signal through, 2YA was electric, 1YA, 3YA loss of electricity, valve 4 and valve 3 is in the right place. The main oil circuit is:Into the oil circuit: pump 1, 2 one-way valve, hydraulic valve 3, the right place, the right cylinder chamber.The manifold: the left cylinder chamber One-way valve 12 the right position hydraulic valve 3 tank.As the time for the load, the system pressure is low, pump a maximum output of the flow, slide to the right rewind.6. Stop in situWhen the slide quickly retreated when in situ, in situ pressure trip switch block, so that solenoid 1YA, 2YA and 3YA are energized, valve 4 and valve 3 is in place, slide stop exercising, the pump 1 through the valve 3 The median (M) unloading.1.2.2 YT4543 Type Power-Slipway Hydraulic System CharacteristicsThis hydraulic system consists of the following basic circuits: a volume throttling speed control circuit is composed by an pressure-limiting variable vane pump and a speed adjusting valve mounted in the oil inlet line, a quick moving circuit with differential-area connection, a direction shift circuit controlled by electro-hydraulic directional valves, a speed regulating circuit accomplished by distance valves, solenoid valves, sequence valves, e


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