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泰 山 学 院本科毕业论文a comparison between western and chinese education models所在学院外国语学院专业名称英 语申请学士学位所属学科英语语言文学年级2008级学生姓名、学号 指导教师姓名、职称 完成日期二零一三年五月i摘要摘 要中国和西方国家,由于不同的国情而产生出不同的教育模式,即应试教育和素质教育。本文尝试通过中西方教育的对比,剖析两种教育模式各自的长处和不足,从中探寻适合我国国情现状的教育模式。全文分“绪论”、“中西方教育的差别”、“辨证看待中西方教育之差别”、“在中西方教育的结合上做文章”、“结论”五部分。第一部分介绍了中西方对应试教育和素质教育的相反看法,并提出符合中国国情的教育发展模式;第二部分主要引用有关资料,从表现形式上谈中西方教育的差别;第三部分用一分为二的观点,客观分析中西方教育的长短;第四部分则从取长补短、兼收并蓄的角度,探讨如何更好地发展我国的现代教育;第五部分总结了两种教育模式相结合的意义。五部分均采用了对比、说明、征引的研究方法。关键词:教育模式;比较;结合abstractabstractexamination-oriented education system and quality-oriented education system are two different education systems in western countries and china caused by different national conditions. the thesis would like to analyze the advantages and disadvantages of them so that an appropriate pattern that adapts the modern chinese development can be found. the thesis covers “the differences between western and chinese education models”, “the dialectical views on the differences”, and “the combination of western and chinese education model”. .key words: education model; comparison; combinationiicontentscontents摘 要iabstractiichapter 1 introduction1chapter 2 the era of intercultural communication12.1 definition of intercultural communication12.2. the coming age of communication between cultures12.3. communication in a global village22.3.1 elements that fasten globalization2references4acknowledgements5iii泰山学院本科毕业论文chapter 1 introductionintercultural communication “has existed as long as people from different cultures have been encountering one another,” but as a formalized and defined area of study it has a comparatively short history. in china, it began as a serious discipline for study in the early 1980s with the nations reform initiatives and opening up endeavors. chapter 2 the era of intercultural communication2.1 definition of intercultural communicationin its most general sense, intercultural communication occurs when a member of one culture produces a message for consumption by a member of another culture. more precisely, intercultural communication is communication between people whose cultural perceptions and symbol systems are distinct enough to alter the communication event. frequently, the term cross-cultural communication is used when referring to communication between people from different cultures. there are, however, other terms that we can use to focus on various dimensions and forms of intercultural communication. that is: interracial communication, and interethnic communication. interracial communication occurs when the source and the receiver exchanging messages are from different races. interethnic communication happens when ethnic groups who usually from their own communities in a country or culture share a common origin or heritage that is apt to influence family names, language, religion, values.2.2 the coming age of communication between culturesin the past, most human beings were born, lived, and died within a limited geographical area, never encountering people of other cultural backgrounds. such as existence, however, no longer prevails in the world. the international and domestic changes in the past few decades have brought us into direct and indirect contact with people who, because of their cultural diversity, often behave in ways that we do not understand. it is no longer difficult to find social and professional situations in which members of once isolated groups of people communicate with members of other groups. now these people may live thousands of miles away or right next door to each other.2.3 communication in a global villageintercultural communication now, as you might suspect, is not new. we are now in a quite different world from before, which is sometimes referred to as a “global village”. this globalization is mainly due to the amazingly rapid development of science and technology in the area of transportation and communication systems. today, trips once taking years, months, weeks, and then days are now measured in a matter of hours. and people in all corners of the world share information and ideas at the same time through sophisticated technology behind such communication means as television, telephone, fax, and the internet. it naturally follows that intercultural contact has become more frequent, more abundant and, therefore, more significant than ever before. china has become an active member the world community, and her recent entry into the wto is bound to bring us into more contact with the outside world.2.3.1 elements that fasten globalizationintercultural communication now, as you might suspect, is not new. we are now in a quite different world from before, which is sometimes referred to as a “global village”. this globalization is mainly due to the amazingly rapid development of science and technology in the area of transportation and communication systems. today, trips once taking years, months, weeks, and then days are now measured in a matter of hours. and people in all corners of the world share information and ideas at the same time through sophisticated technology behind such communication means as television, telephone, fax, and the internet. it naturally follows that intercultural contact has become more frequent, more abundant and, therefore, more significant than ever before. china has become an active member the world community, and her recent entry into the wto is bound to bring us into more contact with the outside world.5referencesreferences1 张涛.试论


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