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中国石油大学(华东)毕业设计(论文)从归化异化角度谈英语双关语的翻译学生姓名:曹洋学 号:06111308专业班级:英语06-3指导教师:王书亭2010年6月15日Domestication and Foreignization Strategies in the Translation of English PunsbyCao YangUnder the Supervision ofWang ShutingSubmittedto School of Foreign Studiesin Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement forthe Bachelors Degree of Arts in EnglishChina University of Petroleum DongyingJune 15th, 2010Graduation Thesis Submitted to China University of PetroleumAcknowledgementsFirst and foremost, I would like to give my great and heartfelt appreciation to my supervisor Mr. Wang Shuting, who is a very patient, competent and kind teacher and helps me a lot. During the course of writing the thesis, he gave me insightful suggestions, instructed me in the structure of the thesis and amended the mistakes in the thesis.Then, Id like to extend my gratitude to all the teachers who taught me in the School of Foreign Studies. Without their help, I would not be able to gain so much knowledge from study. My acknowledgement also goes to those authors, whose books and papers I have consulted.I also give my thanks to my friends, classmates and parents, whose encouragements help me a lot. With the cooperation and help of my classmates, I have successfully accomplished my study in China University of Petroleum and this paper.从归化异化的角度谈英语双关语的翻译摘 要双关是一种重要的传统修辞方法,它深深根植于语言文化中。由于其特殊的语言文字效果,双关受到作家的青睐,被广泛运用于各种场合,从文学作品到日常会话,随处可见。对于双关的翻译,一直是翻译理论工作者的研究对象之一。由于双关所含的文化内涵,本文从归化异化这两个处理翻译中文化色彩的常用策略,系统剖析了英语双关语的翻译。论文从定义、分类、特征和运用这四个方面介绍了英语双关语,分析了归化异化策略的优缺点、争议及辩证统一关系,并以此分析了双关语的翻译,最终得出结论,双关语翻译中需要归化异化策略的结合。关键词:双关语;归化异化策略;翻译;辩证统一Domestication and Foreignization Strategies in the Translation of English Puns AbstractPun is a traditional and important rhetorical device, which is deeply rooted in the culture. Thanks to its special language effect, pun is favored by writers and widely employed, from literary works to daily life. The translation of puns has always been a focus for the experts studying translation theory. Due to the cultural factors involved in puns, this thesis brings in domestication and foreignization strategies two common strategies dealing with the culture involved in translation to analyze the translation of English pun systematically. This thesis introduces English pun from four aspects: definition, classification, features and uses. Analysis of domestication and foreignization strategies, including their advantages and disadvantages, dispute as well as their dialectic relation is also made. Then, it discusses the translation of pun by employing the two strategies mentioned above and comes to the conclusion that translation of English pun needs the combination of domestication and foreignization.Key Words: English pun; domestication and foreignization; translation; dialectic relationTable of ContentsIntroduction.1Chapter One Introduction of Pun.31.1 What is Pun.31.2 Classification of Pun.41.3 Two Features of Pun.51.4 Use of Pun1.4.1 Pun in Literary Works.1.4.2 Pun in Advertisements.1.4.3 Pun in Jokes and RiddlesChapter Two Domestication and Foreignization.62.1 Introduction of Domestication and Foreignization62.1.1 Domestication.62.1.2 Foreignization.62.2 Dispute between Domestication and Foreignization.72.3 Dialectic Relation of Domestication and Foreignization.7Chapter Three Translation of Pun.83.1 Translatability of Pun.3.2 Domestication and Foreignization Strategies in Translation of PunConclusion.32Bibliography.34VIChapter One Relevance Theory3Introduction Domestication and Foreignization Strategies in the Translation of English PunsIntroductionAs one of the important rhetorical devices, pun is widely employed in English, from daily life to literary works. Pun is the excellent representative of the wisdom of people as well as the cream of language. But due to some reasons, especially the different cultures involved, it is actually difficult for our English learners to understand and translate. And any translation is not only a matter of the transfer of mere language, but also the transfer of culture. There is no exception in the translation of English puns. As for the translation of puns, many people have made a lot of effort. However, this thesis will discuss the translation of pun from another perspective by employing the two principal strategies, namely, TL(target language)-oriented domestication and SL(source language)-oriented foreignization. Although there are numerous disputes between domestication and foreignization, actually they are dialectic. So, instead of discussing which one is better in the translation of puns, this thesis holds a dialectic attitude, trying to conclude that the translation of pun needs the combination of the two strategies together. Chapter One Introduction of PunIn the following part, the thesis will give a brief review of the pun about the definition, classification, features and the uses.1.1 Definition of PunAccording to the definition given by The Oxford English Dictionary, “Pun is the use of a word in such a way as to suggest two or more meanings or different associations, or the use of two or more words of the same or nearly the same sound with different meanings, so as to produce a humorous effect.”(Pearsall 1503) And Websters Third New International Dictionary defines it like this: “the humorous use of a word in such a way as to suggest different meanings or applications or of words having the same or nearly the same sound but different meanings.”(Grove 1842)Pun is one of the oldest rhetorical devices, which is a favorite choice for the writers. Pun, also named paronomasia, is a play on words, producing different meanings of words or phrases by employing the similarities of the sound and form of words or phrases. In English, pun could be dual in meanings as well as multiple. “Punningto torture one poor word in ten thousand ways”(Lv Xu 227) This humorous definition is given by John Dryden, the famous English poet in the 17th century.1.2 Classification of Pun When talking about the classification of English pun, Li Xinhua listed five categories “Homophonic pun, Paronomasia, Antalaclasis, Sylletic pun and Asteismus.” (190-192) This classification is much too detailed. To make it simpler, puns could be briefly classified into three categories (Lv Xu 220):1) Phonic pun: the use of homophones to create dual or multiple meanings2) Semantic pun: the use of homonyms or polysemy3) Phonic-semantic pun: a kind of pun usually employed for the names of characters in literary worksThen, for each category, examples will be presented as follows:1) phonic pun On Sunday, they pray for you and on Monday they prey on you.星期日他们为你祈祷,星期一他们抢劫你!This is what a London worker said when he saw some seemingly pious ladies and gentlemen stepping into the church. Here, “pray”(祷告) and “prey”(掠夺) are homophones. And the use of the two words shows the hypocritical believers in the church, forming a strong and powerful sarcasm.More sun and air for your son and heir. (An advertisement for a bathing place)阳光充足,空气清新有益于您的儿子和未来的继承人。In this sentence, “sun” and “son” have similar pronunciation while “air” and “heir” have the same sound, which form a pun and create a fresh and comfortable environment.2) semantic pun:Teacher: George, can you give Lincolns Gettysburg Address?George: No, but he used to live at the White House in Washington D.C.老师:乔治,你会背诵林肯的葛底斯堡演说吗?乔治:我不知道,但我知道林肯曾住在华盛顿特区的白宫里。In the above example, “address” is a polysemy, one meaning is “a speech” while the other is “the living place”. George apparently misunderstood his teachers word on purpose to avoid reciting that speech.We must all hang together, or we shall all hang separately. (Benjamin Franklin)如果我们不团结在一起,我们将一个个被绞死。This is a famous word out of outstanding politician Benjamin Franklin during American civil war. The first “hang” means to work together and the second one means to kill someone. Benjamin Franklin takes advantage of this pair of homonyms to form a sharp contrast, explaining that no working together, no success.3) phonic-semantic punThis kind of pun is usually used by the writers to name their characters, giving a special name to reveal ones character, behaviors or fate. Jane Eyre, the heroin in Charlotte Brontes book Jane Eyre “eyre” has the similar pronunciation to the word “air”, symbolizing the purity of heroin and showing her courage and perseverance to seek after liberty and love, which is like a blast of air.1.3 Two Features of Pun As an important rhetorical device, pun basically has two features: ambiguity and double context.1.3.1 AmbiguityAmbiguity,resulting from polysemy of language, is the language basis of pun as well as a feature of pun. In the communication, ambiguity in language is a large obstacle and people try their best to avoid it. But things are quite different in pun, where people intentionally take advantage of ambiguity to form homophones or homonyms to express their ideas. Ambiguity, as a common phenomenon, helps to make pun. Here is an example about ambiguity:When the college girl announced that she weighed 140 pounds and stripped for gym, her anxious father wanted to know who “Jim” was.In the above sentence, “gym” and “Jim” are homophones, which form ambiguity. This father is anxious and worried when he hears that his daughter stripped for “Jim”. However, he makes a mistake and it is “gym” rather than a boy named “Jim”.1.3.2 Double ContextDouble context is another characteristic of pun. “American scholar Archibald A. Hill points out that there are three factors in analyzing and using pun: double context, hinges and trigger.”(Huang Ren 140) Hinges are the punning words, trigger is the motivation and background of the pun. And the double context is what we should pay much attention to. All the puns have double contexts. For example:“My Faith is gone!” cried he, after one stupefied moment. (Hauthorne)“Faith” itself is not a polysemy, but it does boast punning meaning in this context: it is the name of a person; it is a common noun of an abstract concept. Wife Faith died and fervent belief faith towards God also died.Here are the double contexts: on one hand, the character named Faith, getting down with serious disease, is dying; on the other hand, her husband Goodman, who is a pious believer of God, tries to pray to God, hoping it will help. However, it turns out that God didnt help them and her wife Faith died at last.From this example, we can see that double context is the premise of English pun.1.4 Uses of PunPun is widely seen around our life, from literary works to riddles and jokes. Some uses of puns are presented in detail in the following part.1.4.1 Pun in Literary WorksWith its special effect, pun is favored by many famous writers. It is estimated that “W. Shakespeare used pun for more than 3000 times in his works; in the work of Romeo and Juliet, he used at least 175 times.” (Lv Xu 219) Besides him, other well-known writers, such as Henry Fielding, R.B.Sheridan, George Gorden Byron, Charles Dickens, Mark Twin and so on, are all experts in employing puns.Here is an example from W. Shakespeares work Romeo and Juliet:Romeo: give me a torch: I am not for this ambling; being but heavy, I will bear the light.Mercutio: nay, gentle Romeo, we must have you dance.Romeo: not I, believe me: you have dancing shoes with nimbler soles; I have a soul of lead so stake me the ground I cannot move.罗密欧:给我一个火炬,我不高兴跳舞,我的阴沉的心需要光明。茂丘西奥:不,好罗密欧,我们一定要你陪着我们跳舞。罗密欧:我实在不能跳。你们都有轻快的舞鞋;我只有一个铅一样重的灵魂,把我的身体紧紧地钉在地上,使我的脚步不能够动。(Lv Xu 221)W. Shakespeare exquisitely makes use of “soles” and “soul” the two homophones to form a pun, and together with the modifying words “nimbler” and “lead”, implying the heavy and distracted feeling of Romeo on the ball.Apart from that, many writers name their characters in their works by using pun. For example: Sir John Falstatff( 福斯塔夫爵士) is a character in King Henry IV. He is seemingly benevolent, upright, smart and brave but actually, he is selfish, coward, immoral as well as cunning. He is indeed a false stuff, just like his name Falstatff. Another example is the heroin in Thackerays book Vanity Fair Becky Sharp(贝基.夏泼),who is indeed a swindler taking advantage of her decent appearance. Just like her name Sharp, she is smart, astute and foxy.1.4.2 Pun in AdvertisementsPun is widely used in the advertisements as it has special language effect, creating a good environment and leaving audience a deep impression. Many advertisements containing puns are classic and easy to remember.(1)Spoil yourself and not your figure.This is the advertisement of the ice-cream Weight-Watcher. It is a kind of ice-cream intended for the people on diet. There are two puns here: one is the brand name “Weight-Watcher” and the other is the word “spoil”. “Spoil yourself” here means to eat to your content, while “spoil your figure” means “to make you become fat”. Such a pun creates a humorous atmosphere to make the ads acceptable to the potential buyers.Ask for More More (cigarette)(Huo Xiaofeng 108)译文:再来一支摩尔(香烟)This advertisement, taking advantage of pun, is distinct and easy to remember.Coke refreshes you like no other can. 译文:没有什么能像可乐那样令您神清气爽。 “Can” in this ads could be given two understandings, one is a noun, meaning a kind of bottle containing drinks, and the other is a modal verb. Coke refreshes you like no other (can: tin, drink) Coke refreshes you like no other can (refresh you)Such an advertisement leaves a deep impression on the customers.1.4.3 Pun in Jokes and RiddlesPun is a good means of creating humor, as a result, pun always appears in jokes. Here are two examples:Customer: Waiter, will the pancakes be long?Waiter: No, sir, round. 顾客:服务员,煎饼还要等很久吗? 侍者:不,先生,是圆的。In the above dialogue, the customer just wants to know how long he still needs to wait, but the waiter mistakes it as the shape of the pancakes. Ambiguity and double context make readers laugh.Mercutioask for me tomorrow, and you shall find me a grave man. (W.Shakespeare: Romeo and Juliet)茂丘西奥 明天你来找我,你会发现我已经是个墓中人。This is a black humor, which brings laughter as well as tears to the readers. “Grave” here has double meanings, showing the humorous characteristic of the speaker as well as the tragedy fate.Besides the jokes, pun is also a common means in English riddles.Why is a river rich?-Because it has two banks.Here “bank” can be interpreted as “bank of a river; it can also be understood as “place where money is deposited and kept”. Humor goes with in this riddle.Why a man never tells his secrets in a cornfield?-Because it has so many ears.“Ear”has double meanings here. One is“ear of corn”,the other is“ear of a human being”. 2Translation of English PunChapter Two Domestication and Foreignization2.1 Introduction of Domestication and Foreignization Domestication and foreignization are two fundamental strategies in dealing with the cultural factors in the process of translating. In the speech “On the Different Methods of Translation”, German scholar Friedrich Schleiermacher distinguished between translation methods that “either the translator leaves the author in peace, as much as possible, and moves the reader towards him; or he leaves the reader in peace, as much as possible, and moves the author towards him” (Ma Huijuan and Miao Ju 192) Then Lawrence Venuti firstly put forward the definitions of domestication and foreignization. Domestication and foreignization are two methods different from free and literal translation: the latter two focus on the aspect of language only, concerning how to handle the relation of forms and meanings from the perspective of language; while the former two are put under the whole cultural background, concerning language, culture, thinking and many other aspects.2.1.1 DomesticationDomestication means that “a translation project may conform to values currently dominating the target-language culture, taking a conservative and openly assimilationist approach to the foreign text, approaching it to support domestic canons, publishing trends, political alignments.”(Venuti 240) This is a strategy to “minimize strangeness of the foreign text for the TL readers.”(Schuttleworth & Cowie 43-44) It involves eliminating the linguistic and cultural differences of the original text and adapting them to the forms and conventions of the target culture. As a result, it makes the foreign familiar and avoids cultural conflicts and communication barriers.The advantage of domestication is to produce fluent and readable translation.Some examples of domestication translation:Things Go Better With Coke!译文:可口可乐,顺心顺意!By using domesticating method, this translation is fluent, neat and easy to remember by customersThe victims were in airplanes or in their offices.译文:许多被劫持的乘客、正在办公室的工作人员都不幸遇难。This translation gets nearer to our Chinese, which is easy to understand and accept.However, everything has a certain limit, so excessive use of domestication will cause troubles. The translation, paying too much attention on the fluency and elegance of language, is not a successful one.2.1.2 ForeignizationForeignization means that “a translation project may resist and aim to revise the dominant by drawing on the marginal, restoring foreign texts excluded by domestic canons.”(Venuti 240) or “ deliberately breaks targe


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