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梅州市高三总复习第二次质检试卷(2015.5)英 语本试卷分选择题和非选择题两部分,共10页,满分135分。考试用时120分钟。注意事项:1.答卷前,考生务必用黑色字迹的钢笔或签字笔将自己的姓名和考生号填写在答题卡上。用2b铅笔将答题卡试卷类型填涂在答题卡上。在答题卡右上角的“试室号”和“座位号”栏填写试室号、座位号,并用2b铅笔将相应的试室号、座位号信息点涂黑。2.选择题每小题选出答案后,用2b铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑,如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案,答案不能答在试卷上。3.非选择题必须用黑色字迹钢笔或签字笔作答,答案必须写在答题卡各题目指定区域内相应位置上;如需改动,先划掉原来的答案,然后再写上新的答案;不准使用铅笔和涂改液。不按以上要求作答的答案无效。4.考生必须保持答题卡的整洁,考试结束后,将试卷和答题卡一并交回。第一部分 语言知识及应用(共两节,满分45分)第一节 完形填空(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从1-15各题所给的a、b、c和d项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。i used to be judgmental towards others. i would 1 force on, “what is wrong with this person?” and “what 2 can i find?” i often heard the expression, “when you look for something, you will 3 it.” i easily discovered the mistakes and the limitations. this caused me great frustration and anger. in general, i looked down to others. people felt the negative energy coming from me and this created 4 in my getting along with others.what i did was the 5 of what one would do if one wanted to win friends and influence people. the turning point came when i was advised to keep asking, “what can i do for this person?” at first i was 6 to do so. “why should i think of others? others dont think about what they can do for me.”“what will you 7 ?” i was challenged. “your present situation is extremely worrying. it makes sense to do all you can to 8 things. try it for a couple of weeks.” so i joined those who ask, “what can i do for this person?” in the beginning, i heard a voice, “who are you trying to 9 ? this isnt you.” however, i decided to try for at least two weeks and i intended to keep my 10 . in just a few days, i experienced a major 11 in the way i felt towards others. it was unbelievable how 12 this was in changing the way others viewed and treated me. much of the stress that i felt before 13 . i had more energy than i ever did before, as well as increased 14 . and i highly recommend this 15 to others.1. a. impossibly b. pleasantly c. automatically d. helplessly 2. a. advantages b. ideas c. answers d. mistakes3. a. find b. do c. love d. know 4. a. chances b. difficulties c. hopes d. excitements 5. a. opposite b. result c. type d. best 6. a. afraid b. unwillingc. unlikely d. sorry 7. a. say b. use c. lose d. miss 8. a. improve b. accept c. discuss d. arrange9. a. fool b. persuadec. please d. surprise10. a. habit b. word c. secret d. time11. a. test b. challengec. change d. effect 12. a. serious b. powerfulc. fortunate d. complex 13. a. remained b. increased c. emerged d. disappeared14. a. joy b. fear c. wonder d. concern 15. a. essay b. memory c. program d. practice第二节 语法填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分) 阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,在空格处填入一个适当的词或使用括号中词语的正确形式填空,并将答案填写在答卷标号为16-25的相应位置上。fatter people are more likely to lose their memories and brain power more quickly than those who are thinner, according to british research. those who are obese (臃肿的) lose their memory and thinking skills almost a quarter 16 (fast). the study was based on almost 6,500 civil servants, 17 age are between 50 and 60. they were weighed, and their blood pressure 18 (take). in addition, they were asked to perform mental tests three times during the decade, 19 (use) to assess memory and other cognitive skills. 20 the 6,401 civil servants in the study, 582 (9%) were obese. of those, 350 were unhealthy who had 21 (addition) risk factors such as high blood pressure. the researchers found the obese tended to lose their mental powers faster than 22 thinner colleagues, while those who also had additional sick conditions lost their memory and thinking skills fastest of all. 23 latter group experienced a 22.5% faster decline in their cognitive test scores over the decade than those who were healthy. shirley cramer, chief executive of alzheimers research uk, said, “we do not yet know why fat people are linked to poorer brain performance, 24 we should pay more attention to it with the result shown in the study.” the study focuses on memories and brain power, and 25 also suggests that a healthy diet, regular exercise, not smoking and controlling blood pressure can help us keep fit.第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)第一节 阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的a、b、c和d项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。a among my most memorable vacation moments with my kids was the phone call i made from a peak in the teton range one summer. the boys were seven and ten, and they had not taken to the awesome scenery with the enthusiasm (热情) id hoped. i believe the word “bored” was uttered once or twice, and someone actually complained, “are we there yet?”i had a flashback to my own childhood the alps, not the teton, but the same lack of appreciation from the backseat. “can you at least grunt (咕哝) your appreciation so ill know youre still there?” my father asked. my siblings and i did so all the way up a mountain and back down.now i call my dad from a wyoming mountain and apologize. traveling with children is not always a postcard. theres the getting there, and being there, and the getting back home. this involves planning and patience in things unimagined. yet, my parents persevered, taking us with them every summer.i have long been glad they “dragged” me to travel with them everywhere, but it wasnt until that day in the teton that i fully understood what i was grateful for. until then, id thought only of what travel had given me as an individual: the sense of comfort in new places and the knowledge that there was a big world out there. my call to my father was the first time i appreciated what the trips had given us as a family. we were never more a family than when we were all away from home. every day in the back of a rental car, my brother, sister, and i became a unit, relying on each other for entertainment. back home, we had separate orbits different friends, teachers, activities and bedrooms. away, we were in sync (同步的), but also dissolving in what we thought were silent giggles (咯咯笑) between those grunts up the mountain.“im sorry,” i said to my father 25 years later from wyoming.“thats one of my favorite memories,” dad replied.now that i think of it, its one of mine too.26. when the author took her children to travel with her, they felt _. a. gratefulb. curiousc. impatientd. nervous27. which of the following is true about the author according to the passage?a. she has been to the teton range with her father.b. she fully understood her fathers intention as a girl.c. she got bored with traveling during her childhood.d. she felt sorry for taking her children to travel.28. the author called her father in the teton range to _.a. encourage her father to travelb. make an apology to her fatherc. tell him her childrens complaintsd. show her excitement during the journey 29. what does the underlined part mean in paragraph 4?a. traveling with children is not an easy job.b. children do not like traveling in mountains.c. traveling with children is an expensive journey.d. theres no time to deliver postcards during the journey.30. the author feels grateful to her parents for travel because _.a. they keep her physically healthy b. she can make new friends during the tripc. she is taught to be independent of her familyd. they make efforts to strengthen the bonds of familyb for professional athletes, its all about training, speed, strength, and endurance. its no different for the homing pigeon (传信鸽) the flying athletes, but theyre not going for the gold with every race. they just want to go home. when you walk into mike beavers pigeon loft (鸽棚) youll hear the happy coo (咕咕叫) from his flock of homing pigeons. beavers raises and races these birds near kingsley, iowa, usa.“most people dont believe me,” says beavers. “they ask, how do you do that? then once you start explaining it, it really kind of catches their interest and they say, wow, thats pretty awesome.” his love for the birds took off when he was a kid and hes spent the past 30 years building his team of racing pigeons. its a family hobby. “i got out of it for a few years and after i got married, my daughter came along and it was something that she and i could do together because i dont shop,” says beavers.beavers has about 150 birds, but these arent ordinary pigeons. theyre born to race, conditioned to travel long distances, and they have the instinct (本能) to always return home no matter where they are.“they come back because this is home,” says beavers. “this is where they were born and raised and its just their instinct to go home. nobody even really knows the reason. its one of natures secrets and nobody has found it yet.”these pigeons are kind of like a flying gps. thats what makes them so special. if you take a wild pigeon you find under a bridge and take it out 100 miles away, it is just going to find the closest bridge and thats going to be its new home. it is the instinct that is bred into these birds over centuries and centuries. 31. what do most people think of beavers raising homing pigeons after his explanation? a. boring but acceptable. b. interesting and acceptable.c. surprising and unacceptable. d. understandable but unacceptable.32. it can be inferred from the passage that beavers _. a. often goes shopping with his familyb. has never stopped raising homing pigeonsc. has raised homing pigeons for two decadesd. shares this pigeonraising hobby with his daughter33. in what way are homing pigeons different from ordinary pigeons?a. they can locate their home.b. they are equipped with gps.c. they like to live under a bridge.d. they cant travel long distances.34. the homing pigeons can fly back home because _.a. they are well trained b. they have the instinctc. they are equipped with gpsd. they dont travel long distance35. the main purpose of the passage is to _.a. compare homing pigeons with other pigeonsb. give advice on how to raise homing pigeonsc. encourage people to find the secrets of homing pigeonsd. introduce a man who raises and races homing pigeonsc john hewitt studies the biology of intelligence. hes also a parent. over the years, hewitt has drawn on his scientific knowledge in making parenting decisions.“im a father of four children myself. i never worried too much about the environments that i was providing for my children, because i thought it would all work out in the end anyway arent the genes especially powerful?” hewitt says. he knew intelligence has a strong biological part. if your parents are smart, youll probably be smart.but recently, hewitt discovered something that surprised him. “well, i may have been wrong,” he admits. “it is the environmental increase you can get, or the harm you can suffer through hard times that may be a little more important in adolescence than i had thought.”hewitt and other researchers recently noticed that kids who had a higher iq to begin with seemed to have an extended period in adolescence during which they kept the ability to learn at a rapid pace, just like much younger children.“it was as if there was an extended sensitive period in the higher iq individuals. or another way of looking at it is that the sensitivity to the environment which is characteristic of earlier childhood seems to end earlier for individuals with a lower iq,” hewitt says. smart kids may tend to take part in challenging activities and this keeps them receptive to learning. or it could be that genes that lead to a high iq also cause an extended learning period. an extended learning period does not necessarily mean a further increase in the iq. but a very smart teenager with an extended “sensitive period” of learning might be able to pick up a new language or a musical instrument. such learning can have longterm benefits.“even if in the end the iq ends up being determined to a large extent by the genes, if theres been a period where the environment makes a difference, that could have lifelong consequences,” hewitt says.36. hewitt originally thought the most important thing affecting kids intelligence was _.a. the geneb. the environment c. the parenting decision d. the scientific knowledge 37. what has hewitt discovered recently about kids intelligence? a. the environment may be more important for kids intelligence.b. adolescence is an important period for kids intelligence.c. biology plays a big part in ones intelligence. d. hard times are bad for kids intelligence. 38. hewitt finds that kids with a higher iq _.a. end their sensitive periods earlier b. have a longer period of adolescence c. behave just like much younger childrend. are sensitive to the environment in adolescence 39. the underlined part “receptive to” in paragraph 5 can be replaced by “_”.a. scared ofb. prejudicial to c. cautious aboutd. ready to consider40. we can infer from the passage that an extended learning period _.a. determines the iq in the endb. may benefit teens all their lives c. has nothing to do with the genesd. is often found in the lower iq individualsd i believe that people should stop texting while driving because it not only endangers themselves but others around them. family members, friends and strangers can be hurt by a simple mistake; their lives can be overturned (倾覆) completely. before i participated in the thumb wars campaign, i used to put sticky (粘的) notes inside my car to advise any person that was within it not to text while driving. i posted a quote on my social pages that said, “drive now text later.” the message especially caught my dads attention. since he is on the road about three out of the seven days of the week, we are all worried about his safety. he decided to never use his phone while driving. when it comes to informing other people about the dangers of texting while driving, i usually bring up conversations about driving which then lead me to lecture them on why they shouldnt text while driving. thumb wars has given me a new way and opportunity to prevent people from texting while driving.the era we live in today is all about technology, and there is always the urge to text. thumb wars is an inspirational campaign that fights against that. what i was trying to achieve was to not only change my life, but also try to influence the lives of others for the better. i believe that i can make people realize the consequences of texting while driving. they all know that it is not worth it and could change someones life instantly. i believe that if there were more campaigns like thumb wars there would be fewer accidents because more people would be aware of the effects of texting while driving.all a person needs is inspiration and efforts to avoid texting while driving. thumb wars is a good channel, which makes it the ideal campaign to help with others and make a difference in this world.41. it can be inferred from the passage that the thumb wars campaign aims to _. a. provide people with news on wars b. inform people of the danger of driving c. prevent people from texting while drivingd. remind people to pay attention to phones 42. what led to the authors fathers decision to avoid using phone while driving?a. the notes inside the authors car.b. the authors quote on his social pages.c. the authors joining in the thumb wars campaign.d. the conversations between the author and his father.43. one of the purposes of the authors joining thumb wars is to _.a. teach people how to use technologyb. ask more people to join itc. make others lives betterd. earn some money44. the author seems to agree that _. a. it isnt worth texting while driving b. people tend to ignore the traffic lights c. attention is needed to text while driving d. thumb wars was started by the author45. what might be the most suitable title for the passage? a. an immediate mistakeb. thumb warsc. turning off your phoned. the danger of driving第二节:信息匹配(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)阅读下列应用文及相关信息,并按照要求匹配信息。请在答题卡上将对应题号的相应选项字母涂黑。首先请阅读下列英美流行电视节目的信息。a. project runway is an american reality television series on lifetime, which focuses on fashion design and is hosted by model heidi klum. the contestants compete with each other to create the best clothes and are limited in time, materials and theme. their designs are judged, and one or more designers are eliminated each week.b. combat missions is a one hour long reality tv show produced by mark burnett and hosted by former survivor castaway, rudy boesch. it pits four teams of highly-experienced military and police operatives against each other in physical challenges and mission operatives. each team has a call sign and corresponding color. c. american idol is an american reality-singing competition series created by simon fuller and produced by 19 entertainment, and distributed by fremantlemedia north america. it becomes one of the most successful shows in the history of american television. either its performance or result show has been ranked number one in u.s. television ratings. d. the baby borrowers is a british reality television series produced by love productions for bbc three. the show features five couples aged between 16 and 19. they start off attempting to look after a baby for three days, before moving onto toddlers, pre-teens, teenagers and finally an elderly person. there are also two separate shows.e. americas next top model is an american reality television series and interactive competition. the program has aired twenty cy


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