高考提能练 modules 5-6 仿真检测灵活拆组卷 外研版必修1_第1页
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高考提能练 Modules 56 仿真检测灵活拆组卷第一部分听力(满分30分,限时20分钟)第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1Whats the weather like now?AFine.BRainy.CSnowy.2What is Lucy doing?AReading a book.BDoing homework.CWriting a story.3When does the movie begin?AAt 3:25. BAt 3:30. CAt 3:35.4How will Mike go home?AOn foot. BBy bike. CBy bus.5What color does the woman want to wear today?ABlack. BRed. CBlue.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。6What does the man probably think of the party?ABoring.BGreat.CJust soso.7What will Mike do during his summer holiday?AHell come back to see Jenny.BHell teach in China.CHell travel in China.听第7段材料,回答第8至10题。8What day is it today?AFriday. BSaturday. CSunday.9Where will the woman swim?AIn a lake.BIn a swimming pool.CIn a river.10What will the man do tomorrow?AGo swimming.BVisit Tom and Ted.CGo fishing.听第8段材料,回答第11至13题。11How did the woman probably look?AAngry. BPuzzled. CWorried.12What is Ann doing?AWatching a fashion show.BWatching a football match.CQuarrelling with her husband.13What does the woman suggest to the man?AMaking friends with Charlie.BNever quarrelling with his wife.CWatching the football match at her home.听第9段材料,回答第14至17题。14Where are the two speakers now?AIn Paris. BIn New York. CIn Beijing.15What is the woman doing in the city?AShe is visiting her husband.BShe is sightseeing.CShe is working there.16How long have the two speakers been out of touch?AFor three months.BFor one year.CFor two years.17What will the man do after one year?AGo on working in Beijing.BGo back to New York.CTravel with his parents.听第10段材料,回答第18至20题。18What is Mashas problem?AShe doesnt have any pen pals.BShe doesnt want to take English exams.CShe isnt good at writing emails in English.19Who wants a book to help him/her improve his/her English grammar?APaulo. BFreda. CAlice.20What does Alice find hard to do in class?ATo answer questions.BTo take notes quickly.CTo be quiet.答案:15CABCB610BCABA1115AACAC1620CBCBC听力材料Text 1M:Its so beautiful! Its white all over.W:Yes.Lets go and make a snowman when it stops snowing.Text 2M:Lucy, go and do your homework now.W:OK, Dad. But can I finish this book first? There are a few pages left.Text 3W:Its already 3:25 now. Lets go inside.M:There are still five minutes left before the movie begins. Lily will be here any minute now.W:I dont want to miss the beginning. Ill go first.Text 4W:Why are you feeling down today, Mike?M:My bike is gone. My mother bought it for me just yesterday.W:Im so sorry to hear that. How will you go back then?M:Ive no choice but to take a bus.Text 5W:Honey, could you go and fetch my new dress?M:You bought three new dresses last week. Which one do you want to wear today?W:Ive already worn the black one and the blue one, so Ill wear the red one to Lisas birthday party today.Text 6W:Its a great party, isnt it?M:Yes. Everybody is having fun.W:Everybody but Jenny. She looks a little upset. Mike is leaving for China next week.M:Thats why Jenny is upset. Mike is her boyfriend.W:You are right. Mike will stay in China for at least one year. He has found a teaching job there.M:He can come back during the summer holiday.W:I dont think he will. He has told me hell travel in China during his holiday.Text 7M:Jean, its Saturday tomorrow. How about going fishing on the river nearby with me?W:Id like to, but Ive promised Linda I would go swimming with her tomorrow.M:Where will you swim? In the lake?W:No. The lake is too deep. Well swim in the swimming pool in Lindas garden.M:Who else will go?W:Tom and Ted. They both like swimming.M:May I join you? I also like swimming.W:But dont you want to go fishing tomorrow?M:I can go the day after tomorrow.Text 8M:Who made you so mad?W:I just had a quarrel with Charlie.M:Was it because of the football match?W:How did you know?M:Well, I came out for the same reason. I wanted to watch the football match while Ann wanted to watch a fashion show.W:Ann is lucky. At least she can watch the fashion show. Charlie never gives in.M:What else can I do then? Ann is having a baby now. I cant make her angry. But I do want to watch the football match.W:I have a good idea. Why dont you go to my home and watch the football match with Charlie? I can watch the fashion show with Ann.M:Thats great!Text 9M:Alice, what a surprise to run into you here! When did you come to Paris?W:Three months ago.M:What? I thought you were just sightseeing here. So youre working here now.W:Thats right. Now Im teaching English in a middle school.M:Why did you want to find a teaching job here?W:Well, my husband Mark didnt want to live in New York. He wanted to move to Paris, so I came with him.M:What? When did you get married?W:Last year.M:Congratulations! Weve been out of touch for two years. Many things have happened in the past two years.W:Thats right. So are you working here?M:No. Im just travelling here with my parents. I still work in Beijing.W:Do you want to settle down there?M:No. My parents dont want to leave America. Ill work there for one more year. Then Ill go back to New York.Text 10Masha lives in Moscow and is 13 years old. Shes got a new pen pal called Claudia, whos German. They send emails to each other in English, but Masha feels shes not very good at writing emails in English and wants to improve.Paulo is 15 years old. Hes very good at English, but he has to take an important exam at the end of the year and hes not looking forward to it. He isnt sure if its a good idea to stay up all night studying for an exam. Hed like to know what the best ways to prepare for an exam are.Freda enjoys her English classes at school, but she does badly when they have grammar tests. She wants a book which she can use to study at home to help her improve her grammar.Alice is 14 years old. She finds her lessons a bit boring sometimes, and is not very good at being quiet in class. Her teachers often tell her to be better behaved. She doesnt want to get a bad report at the end of the term, but she thinks she will.She wants to try to be better in class.第二部分阅读理解( 满分40分,限时35分钟)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。AAs a doctor, I was most affected by patients suffering from cancer and who had almost no hope of returning back to a normal life. This led me to think about the question of how our nutrition and lifestyle have changed a lot over the centuries and how cancer can be avoided.1Limit the consumption (消费,消耗) of fine sugarsA diet with lots of sugars can increase the development of cancer in your body.2Choose fresh farm foodsFresh farm foods have the advantage of having been grown in the traditional way. The fruits and vegetables are not polluted by pesticides and the meat is not loaded with steroids and hormones. But be careful! Some farmers do rely on unhealthy methods to increase their productions.3Green teaGreen tea is rich in polyphenols (多酚) and seems to block the formation of tumors by preventing blood vessels forming everywhere. Green tea also seems to prevent the formation of leukemia, cancer of the prostate, breasts, kidneys, skin and mouth.4Keep a correct weightAn increase in weight contributes to having cancer in your colon and rectum, pancreas, kidneys and breasts, even more if you have a lot of fatty tissues around your waists.5Do some regular physical activitiesMake sure you do regular jogging, walking or other physical activities. Doing some kinds of sports may have some benefits against certain types of cancer such as lung and pancreatic cancer.6Daily maximum (最大量) alcohol intakeOnly one glass for women and two glasses for men. And no alcohol for pregnant (怀孕的) women!7Limit consumption of salt to 5g per dayIt seems that salt is one of the major causes of stomach cancer.8Mothers should breastfeed their babiesBreastfeeding decreases the risk of breast cancer for women. This also prevents overweight later.Note that nutrition is one of the important factors among other factors such as heredity, stress, work environment, exposure to the sun and chemicals. But if you manage to control one factor, you are decreasing the risk of developing cancer.语篇解读:作为一名医生,作者接触过很多病人,而患癌症的病人给作者的震撼最大。此文给出了避免患癌症的8条建议。21According to the passage, salt seems to be one of the major causes of _ cancer.AkidneyBskinClung Dstomach解析:选D细节理解题。由第七条建议可知正确答案。22Which of the following statements is TRUE?AAll the fresh farm foods are healthy and do a lot of good to us.BWomen can have one glass of wine every day.CBreastfeeding can prevent women from being overweight later.DIt doesnt matter if you only have a lot of fatty tissues around your waists.解析:选C细节理解题。通过第二条建议中最后一句“Some farmers do rely on unhealthy methods to increase their productions.”可知,并不是所有的新鲜农产品都是绿色健康食品;第六条建议中提到女性每天最多可以喝一杯酒,但是孕妇是绝对禁止饮酒的,一定要注意后面的补充说明;第八条建议中讲到母乳喂养不仅可以降低母亲患乳腺癌的几率,还能防止产后肥胖,故C项是正确的叙述;第四条建议中提到体重超标会诱发多种癌症,如果腰部特别肥胖那就更严重了。23What are the main factors leading to cancer?AHeredity. BNutrition.CExposure to the sun. DA,B and C.解析:选D细节理解题。由文章最后一段第一句可知遗传、营养以及暴露在阳光下都是癌症的主要诱因。BI walked into the kitchen. There I found my son was busy not doing his homework. “Jake! What are you doing? Finish your homework! We have to leave for basketball practice in 10 minutes!” Every evening went on like this, with me asking my son to do this and that and him fighting me every step of the way.Maybe you do, too. I know I put too much pressure (压力) on my son. But when all the other parents are talking about the great opportunities they are providing for their kids, such as special summer camps, foreign language learning, private tutors, and music lessons, I cant help but worry that my son will be left behind if he doesnt take part in these activities. I will imagine other kids getting sixfigure jobs out of junior high while mine is just sitting in the corner eating chips. And its all my fault.So, in an effort to prepare my son for the competitive world, I fill his days with activities, so he can learn and grow. But now Im afraid my “help” may actually hurt him.A study, from 1981 to 1997, showed that kids experienced a 25 percent decrease in play time while time spent on homework increased by 145 percent. But was that bad? I think it was.A study by Professor Jean Twenge at San Diego State showed that our kids are more stressed out than before. And another study showed a surprising change in motivation (动机) over the years, with kids in the 60s and 70s being more motivated by intrinsic worth (内在价值) (self acceptance and honor) while kids today are more motivated by extrinsic worth (money, image and fame)And were the ones pushing them in that direction. So its time for us to stop!语篇解读:为了提高儿子的竞争力,作者把儿子的时间安排得满满的,但现在她认为这样做不好。24What Jake was doing in the kitchen probably made the author _.Aangry BboredCsad Dworried解析:选A细节理解题。当作者走进厨房发现她的儿子没有做作业之后她冲着儿子大声喊叫,由此可知作者很生气。25It can be inferred from the passage that _.Athe author was asked to provide opportunities for JakeBJake disliked the activities the author chose for himCJake will have a bright future with the authors helpDthe author worried that she would set a bad example to Jake解析:选B推理判断题。根据文章第一段最后一句中的“.him fighting me .”可知作者的儿子不喜欢作者给他安排的那些课外的课程以及活动。26In what ways will the authors “help” hurt Jake?aGiving him little play time.bMaking him suffer from more stress.cMaking him have no chance to find a job.dCausing wrong ideas of human value in him.eHelping him get more competitive advantages.AadBabdCabcd Dabcde解析:选B细节理解题。根据文章的内容可知作者自认为的帮忙让她的儿子几乎没有时间玩耍、会让作者的儿子压力重重,而且还有可能会让他有错误的人生观,由此可知答案为B。27The purpose of the passage is to _.Awarn kids of the danger of doing too many activitiesBshow the importance of having intrinsic worthCpersuade parents to give their kids more play timeDtell parents how to choose activities for their kids解析:选C写作意图题。根据文章后四段的内容可知,作者写本文的目的是说服其他家长要给孩子们多一些玩耍的时间。CIf you are looking to put a tree in your home for Christmas, there is always one debate (争论) that seems to arise (出现) in most households: whether you want a real tree or a fake (假的) tree. Year after year, as we find ourselves cleaning old pine needles (松针) for months on end, we decide that we will never get another real tree. So that begs the question: Which kind of tree is better?There is certainly a lot to be said for real trees. There is something fun about gathering the family together, going to a Christmas tree farm, and selecting or even cutting down your own tree. Real Christmas trees have that lovely holiday pine needle smell and they look great in your home.Of course, on the other hand, they also leave a complete mess (混乱) behind and needles that seem to keep appearing for weeks or even months after the tree comes down. You must also find a way to deal with your real Christmas tree after youve done, which may mean cutting it into pieces so it will fit in the trash (垃圾). Many dustmen will refuse to take away a tree that is left beside your regular trash, especially if it is a big tree or an old, yellow one with falling needles, making it hard to pick up. They dont want a face full of sharp needles any more than you do!With a fake Christmas tree, there is no mess, but there is also no Christmas smell and no exciting trip to the Christmas tree farm. Of course, these trees look the same in appearance as a real tree when decorated (装饰)Many_of_them_come_already_with_lights, _so_using_that_ old,_messy_string_of_lights_will_be_a_thing_of_the_past. For some people, a can of pine air freshener (清新剂) is enough to recreate (再现) the pleasant smell of a real tree.As to which tree is the better choice, it is really a matter of personal preference. Both real and fake trees certainly have their benefits, and knowing which is better for you this Christmas really depends on what your family wants.语篇解读:本文是议论文。圣诞节究竟用真树好还是用假树好?作者在文中对此进行了探讨。28Which of the following shows the benefits of real Christmas trees?aproviding more funbeasy to clean upcgiving off a natural smelldeasy to decorateAa,cBa,dCb,cDb,d解析:选A细节理解题。由第二段中的“something fun”和“lovely holiday pine needle smell”可知。29The third paragraph is mainly about _.Atroubles a real tree bringsBbenefits a fake tree bringsChow to select a real treeDhow to decorate a fake tree解析:选A段落大意题。第三段主要介绍了选用真树会带来的麻烦,故A项正确。30The underlined sentence in Paragraph 4 shows that fake Christmas trees _.Alook more beautifulBare more fashionable Ccan be used longerDare more convenient (方便的)解析:选D句意理解题。这句话的意思:很多假圣诞树上面已经有彩灯了,因此使用那种旧式的、缠缠绕绕的彩灯将成为过去的事情。这说明假圣诞树使用起来更方便。 31What would be the best title for the text?AIs a Christmas tree necessary?BIs a fake tree greener than a real one?CIs a real or fake tree better this Christmas?DIs it really fun going to a Christmas tree farm?解析:选C标题归纳题。由文章第一段和最后一段可知,文章讨论的话题是:今年圣诞节用真树好,还是假树好?DDo you forget to turn off the lights and heaters when you go out of a room? In 2040 it will not matter. They will turn themselves off and on again when you return. You will choose the temperature for each room, the lighting and the humidity (湿度). A sensor (传感器) will detect the presence of a human (and, with luck, ignore the dog) and turn the systems on, and when the humans leave it will turn them off again.The sensors will work through the central home computer, and they will do much more than just turn the fires and lights on and off for you. They will detect faulty electrical appliances, plugs or switches, isolate them so that they cannot harm anyone, and then warn you that they need repair. They will detect fire and if you are out of the house, the computer will call the fire group. It will also call the police if the sensors detect an intruder (非法闯入者). This will not be too difficult because the locks on the outside doors will be electronic. You will open them using your personal card the one you use for shopping maybe using a number known only to you.It will be impossible to lose the key, and a housebreaker will have to tamper (摆弄) with the lock or a window. It is not very difficult to make such tampering send a signal to the computer.The computer will be more than a fireman, a policeman and a servant. It will be an entertainer, and most of your entertainment will come right into your home. It does now, of course, but by 2040 “entertainment” will mean much more. For one thing, you will be able to take part actively, rather than just watching.语篇解读:这是一篇科普类文章。随着科技的发展、社会的进步,人们的生活水平也越来越高,那么你能预测出2040 年人们的生活会是什么样子的吗?32Which of the following statements is NOT true?AYou can be taken as an intruder if you tamper with the lock or a window.BThe sensor will detect fire and make an emergency call.CWithout a computer, the sensor cannot do much.DThe sensor is multifunctional.解析:选B细节理解题。文章第二段第三句指出,如果你不在家时传感器感应到有火灾,计算机就会打电话给消防队。传感器仅仅是一个感应装置,它感应到异常现象后将信号传给计算机,由计算机对信号处理后再发出相关信息。因此,本题的答案是B。“传感器感应到有火灾就发出紧急呼叫”这种说法是不对的。33According to the author, in 2040, new technology _.Awill turn everything into sensorsBwill free us from the keys we use todayCwill make the locks out of dateDwill get rid of all crimes解析:选B细节理解题。根据第二段最后一句可知到2040 年,人们将使用电子卡开门。因此,新技术会使我们不必再使用我们今天所使用的


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