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Unit 5 Theme ParksPart 1 Vocabulary一、【学习目标】1. 熟读Unit5的所有单词词组;2. 熟读会写除人名地名以外的所有单词词组;3. 熟读会写能用重点单词词组。二、自主预习 Word formation1.various (adj.)_(adv.)_(n.)_(v.)2.amusement(n.)_(v.)_(adj.)3.minority(n.)_(oppo.)_(adj.)4.translator(n.)_(v.)_(n.)5.athletic(adj.)_(n.) 6.fantasy(n.)_(adj.)7.advance(v.)_(adj.)三、【合作探究】 Key words:1.be famous for 以而闻名 =_研读思考1. The area is famous/known/well-known for its green tea. 2. Hangzhou is well-known / famous/known for the West Lake. 3. He is famous/known/well-known as a great writer.4. Zhao Wei is famous/known/well-known to most young people.结构归纳1.作为而著名_ 2.为.所知/所了解_即学即练(1).Jin Yong_ 金庸作为一名作家而著名。(2)._ _ 警察都知道他。(3).Sherlock Holmes _ as a detective and he _ everybody for his quick thinking and careful observation.2. swing n.摆动,挥动;秋千 vt.vi.(使)动摇,摇摆;(使)突然转向;(使)改变(意见,情绪等)研读思考1. Its bad manners to swing your legs while eating. _2. I wanted to swing round and shout at him. _3. Can you swing them round to my point of view. _4. He took a swing at the tree with his axe. _5. The kids tied a rope to the tree and used it as a swing. _6. Look! The monkeys in the forest was swinging from branch to branch.结构归纳1.摇摆/摇晃._ 2.突然转向相反方向_3.从.摇晃到._即学即练(1). 她左右晃腿。She _her legs from side to side . (2). 她生气地转过身来。 She _ angrily.(3). 那个女孩坐在秋千上,前后摇摆。 The girl sat on a _,_back and forth.3.wonder l n.u_;c_研读思考1. You went to bed at 4 am. No wonder you are so tired.2. It is no wonder that he has passed the exam.3. “Whats that?” Mary pointed at the statue, saying in wonder.4. It is a wonder that he lost the game.5. I cannot believe that he can do/work wonders.结构归纳1. 难怪_ 2.惊奇地_3. 莫名其妙的是.令人惊奇的是._4. 创造奇迹_l vt & vi. _研读思考1. we were wondering about next April for the wedding.2. I wonder who he is and where he comes from.3. Many people here wonder at the beauty of nature around them.4. I wonder if/whether you could give me some help.结构归纳1. 考虑;盘算_ 2. 想知道_3 对.感到惊讶_ 4. 想知道是否/什么时候/为什么/怎么_即学即练(1) _you should recognize me after all these years. 真想不到这么多年了你竟然还认出我。(2) _ you would do me a favor. 我正在疑惑你是否会帮助我(3) I wonder _ 我想知道你为什么来学校迟了.(4)_that he still stays there. 真奇怪,他仍然待在那里。(5) _ that he refused to go out to relax tonight. 难怪他拒绝今晚出去放松。4.preserve vt .保存,保养;保留,维护;保护,保全 n . 保护区,专门领域 研读思考1. No hunting is allowed in the preserve. _2. Football is no longer the preserve of men. _3. Salt helps to preserve meat. _4. Oil preserves metal from rust. _5. We must preserve our natural resources. _6. The paintings were in an excellent state of preservation.结构归纳1. 保护某人免受_2.保存得非常好_即学即练1. The ancient Egyptians knew _ decay. 古埃及人知道怎样保存尸体防止腐烂.2. In this _, all the rare plants are _.在这个自然保护区,所有的稀有植物都保存良好。5.advance vt.vi. 前进;促进;提前 n.前进;进步,进展 adj. _研读思考1. Our troops have advanced two miles. _2. Our soldiers advanced bravely towards the enemy. _3. The boy wanted to advance the date of their holy wedding. _4. Technology will help to advance the progress of solving the problem of hunger. _5. Youd better make a plan in advance.6. His ideas were in advance of his times.结构归纳1. 朝前进_ 2. 提前 _3. 在前面,超过_ 即学即练(1) They will pay 100 _. 他们将预付出100美元。(2) China has become _ in technology. 中国已成为世界上科技最先进的国家之一。 (2) They had _ 20 miles by nightfall.6. come to life 研读思考1. The game really came to life in the second half. _2. I love to watch everything come to life in spring. _3. In a few minutes Tom suddenly came to life. _联想拓展bring sb./sth. to life _ live/lead a(n) life _come out _ come to _ come up with _ come about _ come across _即学即练1. Flowers can_ 鲜花可以使沉闷的房间恢复生气。2. When _literature, he _ immediately. 当谈到文学时,他马上来了精神。3. The new teacher really _ French _ for us.新来的老师给我们把语法教得生动活泼。四、【课内达标】1._根据模仿;仿造 2. _以而闻名3.


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