胸部影像学之肺肿瘤 lung tumor 20110410final(癟郎) (nxpowerlite)课件_第1页
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胸腔影像學之肺腫瘤 20110325 高雄醫學大學附設醫院 胸腔內科 楊志仁 肺腫瘤 n良性腫瘤 nBronchial adenomas 腺瘤及 hamartomas 缺陷瘤 nVery uncommon benign neoplasms : bronchial fibromas 纖維瘤, lipomas 脂肪瘤, hemangiomas 血管瘤等 n惡性腫瘤 nLung cancer 肺癌 nSmall cell lung cancer (小細胞肺癌) nNon-Small cell lung cancer (非小細胞肺癌) : Adenocarcinoma(肺腺癌) 、 squamous cell carcinoma( 鱗狀細胞癌) 、large cell carcinoma(大細胞癌) 及其他 較罕見之非小細胞肺癌 nMesothelioma (間皮癌) nMetastatic lung cancer (轉移癌) 當我們在CXR上看見一塊白色陰影 n真的是肺內結節/腫瘤嗎? n病史 n理學檢查 n影像學檢查 : 胸部X光、電腦斷層、超音波 、正子造影、核磁共振及支氣管鏡檢查 n最終的答案還是須依賴細胞學或病理組織 n切片: 支氣管鏡、電腦斷層或超音波指引切片術 n肋膜或心包膜液體分析 n手術 : 胸腔鏡檢查、開胸剖探術、縱膈腔鏡檢查 PET-FDG正子攝影 n正子攝影 (positron emission tomography, PET) 利用正子同 位素產生互毀反應後所射出的成對加馬輻射線來作為成 像的原理。正子攝影配合F-18-FDG作為放射藥劑,可進 行體內器官組織的代謝評估 n由於惡性腫瘤常表現出比正常或良性組織更高的代謝, 所以可用氟-18葡萄糖正子攝影來偵測惡性腫瘤,肺癌於 醫學影像以單顆結節爲最多,當影像診斷不確定時,可 以利用正子攝影來作評估 (但目前健保不給付於篩檢) 。 n國外的報告顯示正子攝影在找出單顆結節為惡性的敏感 性為96%,特異性為88% n仍必須由病理切片來作最後的確認。 Ho ML et al Solitary Pulmonary Nodule (SPN) or Mass nSPN, defined as an x-ray density completely surrounded by normal aerated lung, with circumscribed margins, of any shape, usually 16 cm in greatest diameter nGenerally speaking,3cm - Mass nApproximately 35% of all such lesions in adults are malignant, most being primary lung cancer, while 15mm 多為惡性 Lung Lung adenocarcinomaadenocarcinoma Pulmonary TBPulmonary TB Lung Lung squamoussquamous cell carcinoma cell carcinoma 良性或惡性結節 ? nSize大小 n腫瘤越大,惡性的機會就越高 n3cm : 80% 為惡性 nGrowth rate 生長速度 n Volume doubling time 體積增加為兩倍所需的 時間,一般惡性腫瘤約為一個月到兩年。 n肺癌中長最快的是小細胞肺癌,約一個月 Solitary pulmonary nodules nNeoplastic nMalignant : lung cancer, metastasis, rare tumors nBenign : harmatoma, lipoma nInflammatory nGranloma : Tuberculosis, Histoplasmosis, Cryptococcosis nAbscess nBronchogenic cyst nFungal ball (Aspergilloma) nOrganizing pneumonia nVascular : Infarction (pulmonary embolism), Arteriovenous (AV) malformation, Wegeners granulomatosis, Rheumatoid nodules nDevelopmental : Bronchogenic cyst, pulmonary sequestration nInhalation : Aspirated foreign body, silicosis nOthers : hematoma, extramedullary hematopoiesis(EMH), “phantom tumor” Multiple nodules and masses (with sharp border) nNeoplastic : nMalignant : metastasis (kidney, GI tract, uterus, testis, melanoma, sarcoma), lung cancer with lung to lung metastasis nBenign : Harmatoma, AV malformation nInflammatory : Fungal infection, Nocardia, tuberculosis, parasites, inflammatory pseudotumors (Pulmonary Hyalinizing Granuloma) nVascular : Wegeners granuomatosis, Rheumatoid nodules, septic embolism nPosttraumatic : organizing hematoma Modified from Reed, Chest Radiology, 5th edition, 2003 比較傾向惡性,需要進一步檢查 nA history of cigarette smoking; nAge 35 years; nA relatively large lesion; nLack of calcification; nChest symptoms; nAssociated atelectasis, obstructive pneumonitis, or lymphadenopathy; nGrowth of the lesion revealed by comparison with old x-rays/CT scans; na positive PET scan. Harrisons principles of Internal medicine 17th edition 比較傾向是良性,可以考慮密切觀察 nAt present, only two radiographic criteria are reliable predictors of the benign nature of an SPN: nLack of growth over a period 2 years nCertain characteristic patterns of calcification n dense central nidus, multiple punctate foci, and “bulls eye“ (granuloma) and “popcorn ball“ (hamartoma) calcifications are all highly suggestive of a benign lesion. Harrisons principles of Internal medicine 17th edition Lung cancer nCentral type : Squamous cell carcinoma and small cell carcinoma nPeripheral type : Adenocacrinoma nBut not always. Small cell lung cancer n小細胞肺癌初期的典型表現是肺門腫塊合併縱膈 淋巴結腫大,導致咳嗽、氣促、體重下降與衰弱 ,有時會造成阻塞性肺炎。 n偶而也會以周邊結節表現,但沒有合併縱膈淋巴 結腫大的孤立性肺結節並不常見,以細針抽取的 細胞學檢查很難區別是小細胞肺癌、類癌,或其 它分化良好的神經內分泌腫瘤 。 n小細胞肺癌可分為兩期:(1) 局限期,侷限在單 側胸廓內的病灶,可被涵蓋入單一放療照野;(2) 擴散期,出現遠端轉移病灶。 國家衛生研究院 肺癌治療共識 鱗狀上皮細胞癌 n又叫扁平細胞癌 n多見於男性,與吸煙關係密切,大多起源於較大 的支氣管, n常為中央型肺癌。 n傾向於管腔內生長,常早期引起支氣管狹窄,導 致肺塌陷或阻塞性肺炎。 n癌組織易發生壞死和形成空洞。 n一般生長較為緩慢,病程較長,較晚發生轉移, 且通常首先經淋巴管轉移,到晚期才發生血管轉 移。 n對放射及化學療法的敏感度不及小細胞癌 Ho ML, 肺癌醫療暨衛教網頁 肺腺癌 n在台灣的肺癌中是最常見的一種(超過50%),大 多數腺癌位於肺


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