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南京航空航天大学 考试模拟题 (含解析) 2016 年农村单招 本农村南京航空航天大学单招考试模拟题,内容来自于相关网站和 学校提供。内容属于我们广大即将参加单招考试的同学们。祝所有 同学都能顺利通过单招考上理想大学! 目录 CONTENTS 内容声明:本农村南京航空航天大学单招考试模拟题,内容来自于相关网站和学 校提供。内容属于我们广大即将参加单招考试的同学们。祝所有同学都能顺利通 过单招考上理想大学! 南京航空航天大学单招模拟考试准则01 2016 年南京航空航天大学考试模拟题03 2016 农村单招录取准则02 育龙单招网,单招也能上大学! 南京航空航天大学单招 模拟考试准则 内容声明:本农村南京航空航天大学单招考试模拟题,内容来自于相关网站和学 校提供。内容属于我们广大即将参加单招考试的同学们。祝所有同学都能顺利通 过单招考上理想大学! 单招 考试 2016 农村单招 录取原则 内容声明:本农村南京航空航天大学单招考试模拟题,内容来自于相关网站和学 校提供。内容属于我们广大即将参加单招考试的同学们。祝所有同学都能顺利通 过单招考上理想大学! 1、南京航空航天大学将对报名考生的报名资格进行严格审核,对于报考资格存在弄 虚作假或考试作弊的考生,一经查实取消其考试资格,已经录取的考生取消录取资 格,已经入学的按照教育部及我院相关规定严肃处理,由此造成的一切后果由考生 本人承担。 2、根据考生志愿、招生计划,按文化课总成绩由高到低,择优录取。综合素质测试 作为参考,成绩低于 60 分不予录取。 3、预录取名单上报省招考办审批,并办理相关录取手续。 4、录取名单在学院网站公示 3 个工作日,接受社会监督。 5、参加单招的考生被南京航空航天大学录取后,与 2016 年普通高校招生全国统一 考试录取的考生享受同等待遇。一经录取,不得参加 2016 年普通高校招生全国统 一考试及录取;未被录取考生,仍可参加 2016 年普通高校招生全国统一考试。 育龙单招网,单招也能上大学! 2016 年南京航空航天大学单招模拟题 (考试时间:90 分钟 满分:100 分) 选择题(每题 4 分,共 100 分): 第 1 题:下列词语中,有一个错别字的一组是( ) A.无耻滥言 流览一遍 漫山遍野 怙恶不悛 B.括不知耻 气喘嘘嘘 化学反映 抛地有声 C.记忆尤 新 莫衷一是 缀句成文 专程谒见 D.惴惴不安 敷衍塞责 招摇撞骗 苦心孤诣 【正确答案】C 讲解:A 无耻谰言 浏览一遍 B 恬不知耻 气喘吁吁 化学反应 掷地有声 C 记忆犹新 第 2 题: Passgae B Barbaras daughters were three and five years old when their pet dog died. The dog Sammy lived to be twelve years old. The girls had never known life without Sammy. He had been in the childless family before they were born. He welcomed them with dog kisses. They played with him every day. So when Sammy died, the children missed him every day. They kept asking questions about why he left and why he was no longer with them. Barbara looked for a book that would help her daughters deal with their deep sadness, but unable to find one. Yes, there were books about dealing with the death of a pet. But she could not find one that dealt with death honestly at a childs level. She started writing a book herself. For six years Barbara worked on her book. She read her words to people. They cried and they loved the book. But publishing companies did not want to publish her book. They felt it was too sad, too real, and people would not buy it. At last one company accepted the book. Sammy in the Sky is reprinted for the third time. Tens of thousands of copies have been sold. People read the book to their children when their dogs die. People buy it in memory of their dogs. It helps children and even adults deal with the loss of a pet or even a person whom they love.How old was Sammy when he died? A. Three. B. Five. C. Eight. D. Twelve. 【正确答案】D 讲解:The dog Sammy lived to be twelve years old.选 D 第 3 题:下列句子中标点符号使用不当的一项是( ) A.苏轼用“清风徐来,水波不兴”、“白露横江,水光接天”,把景物描写得栩栩如生。B.我 们越是懂得精细,深入和举一反三的阅读,就越能看出作品的独特性,个性和局限性。C.蛇盘 踞时呈螺旋上升的圆,沙漠中它作“S”形移动,草丛里它像一条线笔直滑入深处。D.诗以人生 的圆满而始于圆满,诗以人生的缺陷而终于缺陷。(俞平伯冬夜自序) 【正确答案】B 讲解:把“精细”和“独特性”后面的逗号改为顿号。 第 4 题:There is _ on the front page of todays paper. A. something important B. important something C. anything important D. important anything 【正确答案】A 讲解:不定代词当三人称单数看待,修饰语后置。 第 5 题:What will continuation classes mean?_. A. Education plays a very important part in our society.B. The students will become even more tired.C. The knowledge of the students will be enlarged.D. The students will get used. 【正确答案】B 讲解:Any more courses will only make them tiresome instead of helping them to progress in their studies. 选 B 第 6 题:Which of the following is NOT a reality at present? A. Scientists have found out how to control genes.B. Cars have computers which tell drivers their positions.C. People can learn about what has happened anywhere on the Internet.D. Robots have completely replaced humans in some factories. 【正确答案】D 讲解:【解析】最后一段第一行证明 A 正确。第三段第三行证明 B 正确。第一段第三行可知 C 正确。D 项:机器人在某些工厂已经完全取代了人类。第四段第一段告诉我们一些大公司现在 更愿意使用机器人,并没有说人被机器人完全顶替。 第 7 题: Passage CI will never forget what my old headmaster taught me when I was only 15 years old.It was a normal Monday morning, and he was making a speech to the students on important things in life and about devoting ourselves to what is important to us. This is how the story went:An old man lived in a certain part of London, and he would wake up every morning and go to the subway. He would get the train right to Central London, and then sit at the street corner and beg. He would do this every single day of his life. He sat at the same street corner and begged for almost 20 years. His house was dirty, and the terrible smell came out of the house. The neighbors could not stand (忍受) the smell any more, so they asked the police officers to clear the place. The officers knocked down the door and cleaned the house. There were small bags of money all over the house that he had collected over the years.The police counted the money, and they soon realized that the old man was a millionaire. They waited outside his house to tell the good news to him. When he arrived home that evening, he was met by one of the officers who told him that there was no need for him to beg any more as he was a rich man now, a millionaire. He said nothing at all. He went into his house and locked the door. The next morning he woke up as usual, went to the subway, got into the train, and sat at the street corner and continued to beg. Obviously, this old man had no great plans, dreams or anything important for his life. We learn nothing from this story other than staying focused on the things we enjoy doing. The headmaster told the story to .A. make the students relaxed in the lessonB. inspire the students to think deeplyC. show how poor the old man wasD. encourage the students to become rich 【正确答案】B 讲解:【解析】第二段可知这个故事出自校长的一次演讲,演讲的目的是让学生了解生活中重 要的事情,以及让学生献身于对自己重要的事情。所以目的是激发孩子深思。 第 8 题: Passage B TYPING This course is for those who want to learn to type, as well as those who want to improve their typing. The course is not common. You are tested in the first class and begin practicing at one of eight different skill levels. This allows you to learn at your own speed. Each program lasts 20 hours. Bring your own paper. Course fee(费用):$125 Matericls:$25Two hours each evening for two weeks .New classes begin every two weeks. This course is taught by a number of professional business education teachers who have successfully taught 育龙单招网,单招也能上大学! trying courses before. UNDERSTANDING COMPUTERS This twelve-hour course is for people who do not know very much about computers, but who need to learn about them. You will learn what computers are, what they can and cant do and how to use them. Course fee:$75 Jan.4,7,11,14,18 Wed. Sat. 9:00-11:30 a.m. Equipment fee:$10 David is a professor of Computer Science at Beijing University. He has over twenty years of experience in computer field. STOP SMOKING Do you want to stop smoking ?Have you already tried to stop and failed? Now is the time to stop smoking using the latest methods. You can stop smoking ,and this twelve-hour course will help you do it. Course fee:$30 Jan.2.9,16,23 Mon.2:00-5:00 p.m Dr John is a practicing psychologist who has helped hundreds of people stop smoking.If you choose the UNDERSTANDING COMPUTERS course, you will have classes_. A. from Monday to Sunday B. on Wednesday and Saturday C. on Saturday and SundayD. from Wednesday and Saturday 【正确答案】B 讲解:UNDERSTANDING COMPUTERS 每周授课时间是周三和周六早上 9 点到 11 点半。选 B 第 9 题:下列有关文学常识的表述,不正确的一组是( ) A陶潜的归园田居、李白的蜀道难、杜甫的兵车行、李贺的李凭箜篌引都属 于古体诗。B元代王实甫的西厢记、明代孔尚任的桃花扇、清代汤显祖的牡丹亭 都是我国古代著名的戏曲作品。C巴金是我国现当代文学史上的著名作家,他的小说雾 雨电被称为“爱情三部曲”,小说家春秋被称为“激流三部曲”,我年 创作的散文集随想录被称为“讲真话的大书”。D具有“含泪的微笑”风格的小说家是美 国十九世纪末二十世纪初的小说家欧亨利,他的短篇小说代表作有麦琪的礼物最 后一片藤叶等。 【正确答案】B 讲解:孔尚任是清代的,汤显祖是明代的。 第 10 题:A fire_ last night, but it _ by the firemen in no time. A. was broke out; was put outB. broke out; was put outC. broke out; put outD. was broke out; put out 【正确答案】B 讲解:昨晚突发大火,但被消防员立刻扑灭了。Break out 突然发生,爆发,主动。被扑灭, 用被动选 B 第 11 题:A.about B.in C.off D.out 【正确答案】C 讲解:倒装。跑开:run off 第 12 题:Which of the following is the best title for this passage? A. Lost and Found B. An Honest ManC. Woman or Girl? D. An Amazing Story 【正确答案】D 讲解:【解析】这个故事发生和发展就是很神奇。所以选 D.其中 A 的意思是失物招领 第 13 题:graduation ( ) Aradioactive Buranium Cradium Dcourage 【正确答案】A 讲解:【解析】graduation A B jurenim ei C ei D ei 第 14 题: 依次填入下列各句横线上词语最恰当的一项是( ) 艺术的价值_实现在 人与人的对话过程中虽然这种对话,未必总需要用有声语言或文字来进行。 除了他以外, 没有任何人在此画上动一个指头,整幅画由他_完成。 由于他多次_劳动纪律, 最近受到了公司的警告处分。 退伍军人张伟_参加今年的抗洪抢险战斗,被评为抗洪 模范。 A必需 独立 违反 志愿 B必须 独立 违犯 志愿 C必需 独力 违犯 自愿 D必须 独力 违反 自愿 【正确答案】D 讲解:“必需”是动词,“必须”是副词;“独立”指不依靠他人,“独助”指依靠自己的力 量做事,强调做事,“违反”是指不遵守法规、章程,“违犯”是指违背和触犯法律;“自愿” 指自己愿意,“志愿”有两个意项,一是志向和愿望,二是自愿。 第 15 题:To tell the _, I cant remember his name. A. fact B. reality C. truth D. reason 【正确答案】C 讲解:to be honeset honestly speaking frankly speaking 和 to tell the truth 一样, 都是“说实话”、“老实说”的意思选 C 第 16 题:下列各组句子中,画线的词的意义和用法不相同的一组是 ( ) A.而纲独埋其车轮于洛阳都亭 事不目见耳闻而臆断其有无 B.思以爵禄相荣 以乱易整,不武 C.公其深计之 与尔三矢,尔其无忘乃父之志 D.使游泳于,非逆非顺之交 惧其不已,告之于帝 【正确答案】D 讲解:介词,引出动作的处所,在;介词,引出动作的对象,向;A 选项,而,表判断;B 选项,以,介词,介凭借手段,用;C 选项,语气词,表祈使语气。 第 17 题:In modern zoos, _ feel more comfortable than in the old ones. A. the keepersB. the visitorsC. neither the animals nor the visitorsD. the animals 【正确答案】D 讲解:【解析】第二段第二行可知动物们感觉更舒适了。选 D 第 18 题:下列句子中不是单句的一项是( ) A我不动声色地写,默默享受这小家伙亲近的情意。B只有主观主义的狂人,才会说字典里 没有难字之类的呓语。C在原来的荒山野岭上,经过十二年时间,他用双手奇迹般地创造 了大片郁郁葱葱的森林。D待到校恢复旧观,往日的教职员以为责任已尽,准备陆续引退的时 候,我才见她虑及母校的前途,黯然至于泣下。 【正确答案】A 讲解:复句的分句之间结构上互不包含,就是说互相不作句子成分,没有句子成分之间的结构 关系,这是复句的本质特征,也是复句和单句的最根本的区别。复句的直接组成成分是分句, 因而,复句可以分解为不同的分句。凡是一个主语管几个动词(谓语),只要中间用逗号或分 号表示停顿,又互不做成分,就是复句。反之,用顿号隔开或无标点,则为单句。 第 19 题: Bamboo is one of natures most surprising plants. Many people call this plant a tree, but it is a kind of grass. Like other kinds of grass, a bamboo plant may be cut very low to the ground, but it will grow back very quickly. A Japanese scientist reported one bamboo plant which grew 1.5 meters (4 feet) in 24 hours! Bamboo grows almost everywhere in the world except Europe. There are more than 1,000 kinds of bamboo. Not all bamboo looks the same. Some bamboo plants are very thin. They may only grow to be a few centimeters wide while others may grow to more than 30 centimeters (1 foot) across. This plant also comes in different colors, from yellow to black to green. Bamboo has been used to make many things such as hats and kitchen tools. Because it is strong, bamboo is also used to build buildings. Many Asian countries have used bamboo for hundreds of years. They often use bamboo for buildings and supporting new buildings and bridges 育龙单招网,单招也能上大学! while they are being built. In Africa, poor farmers are taught how to find water using bamboo. These African countries need cheap way to find water because they have no money, and their fields often die from no rain and no water. Bamboo pipes help poor farmers bring water to their thirsty fields without spending a lot of money.How is bamboo like grass? A. It grows quickly. B. Its wood. C. It is easy to cut. D. It is very thin. 【正确答案】A 讲解:other kinds of grass, a bamboo plant may be cut very low to the ground, but it will grow back very quickly.可以推测出竹子与其他草类相似之处。 第 20 题: 新西兰红鱼的故事 2005 年 3 月,澳大利亚联邦渔业部长表示:由于过去 10 年 的过度捕捞,新西兰红鱼(也称橙连鳍鲑,或罗非鱼)的总容许捕捞量由约 40000 吨降低到 2680 吨。这种鱼是一位丹麦鱼类学家 125 年前在亚速尔群岛首次发现的,体长 2442 厘米, 呈明亮的砖红色,分布大西洋、地中海、印度洋和太平洋 5001500 米的广阔海域,虽头大貌 丑,但即使数次冷冻和解冻后仍肉质细嫩,味道如蟹肉般鲜美,迅速风靡欧美国家的餐桌。 可惜新西兰红鱼也是生长最慢的深海鱼类之一,33 岁才达到性成熟,目前发现寿命可达 150 年 之久。同时,这种鱼虽然分布广,但繁殖率很低,又很少迁徙,喜欢在海山周围大量聚集,有 时鱼群长达 200 公里,很容易被现代捕捞技术大量捕获。寿命如此长的鱼类被过度捕捞,必然 形成巨大的空当。 全世界最多时有约 30 个新西兰红鱼渔场,以新西兰查塔姆高地附近最 多,但此地自 70 年代末开始捕捞,1979 年产量就迅速下降。然后是澳大利亚圣海伦斯山附近, 1989 年 5


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