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2010年 9月 7日国家副主席习近平在联合国贸发会的发言 坚持对外开放基本国策,坚定不移地发展开放型经济、奉行互利共赢的开放战略,是改革开放 30 多年来中国经济持续快速发展的一条成功经验。招商引资、择优选资,促进“引资”与“引智”相结合, 是中国对外开放的重要内容。 截止 2010 年 7 月,中国累计设立外商投资企业 69.8 万家,实际使用外资 1.05 万亿美元。对外开 放、吸引外资是互利共赢的。对中国来说,通过持续吸引外资为国家现代化建设提供了必要的资金、先进 的技术和宝贵的管理经验以及众多国际化人才。对外商投资企业来说,则赢得了可观的投资回报。不少在 华外商投资企业成为其母公司全球业务的增长亮点和利润中心。 近年来,按照完善内外联动、互利共赢、安全高效的开放型经济体系的要求,把“引进来”和“走 出去”更好地结合起来,支持外商投资企业(这里其实不太确定,不过印象中可能是 “外商投资企业”) 在 研发、生产、销售等方面开展国际化经营。目前,中国正在培育发展本国的跨国公司,支持有实力的企业 建立国际营销网络,加强境外基础设施建设合作,推动国内产业转型,带动相关产品和服务出口。 原文出处: 2010年 9月 7日国家副主席习近平在联合国贸发会的发言 尊敬的素帕猜秘书长,各位来宾,各位朋友,女士们,先生们: 联合国贸发会议第二届世界投资论坛于今年 9 月 6 日至 9 日在充满活力的中国厦门经济特区举办。 厦门经济特区建立 30 年来的持续快速发展,见证了发展开放型经济的正确性,诠释了广泛吸引外资、开 展互利合作的重要性。在这里,我谨代表中国政府和人民,对本届论坛的召开表示热烈祝贺!向出席论坛 的各国国家元首、政府首脑和政要,相关国际组织代表,以及来自世界各国的 1000 多名商界精英表示诚 挚欢迎! 2008 年由联合国贸发会议发起主办的首届世界投资论坛,对改善世界投资环境、促进投资合作发 挥了积极作用。本届论坛以“投资与可持续发展”为主题,顺应了世界各国特别是发展中国家引进跨国投 资促进经济发展的普遍愿望,有利于推动实现联合国千年发展目标。在这里,我谨向长期以来为维护和促 进发展中国家利益作出重要贡献的联合国贸发会议表示崇高敬意! 女士们、先生们! 当前,在国际社会共同努力下,世界经济正逐步摆脱国际金融危机阴影,走向复苏,但复苏的基础 不牢固、进程不平衡,存在较大不确定性。中国在应对国际金融危机冲击过程中,坚持改革开放,坚持奉 行互利共赢的开放战略,按照通行的国际经济规则扩大市场准入,推进贸易自由化和投资便利化,坚持加 快经济发展方式转变,着力扩大国内需求,增加居民消费,坚持按照主动性、可控性、渐进性原则,稳步 推进人民币汇率形成机制改革。2009 年,中国吸收外资达到 900 亿美元规模,位居世界第二。今年上半 年,中国新批准设立外商投资企业 1.2 万家,实际使用外资 514 亿美元,同比分别增长 19%和 21%;中国 境内投资者共对全球 111 个国家和地区进行了直接投资,实现非金融类对外直接投资 178 亿美元,同比 增长 44%。这为中国经济在国际金融危机冲击下率先实现回升向好奠定了重要基础,也为世界经济复苏 作出积极贡献。 坚持对外开放基本国策,坚定不移地发展开放型经济、奉行互利共赢的开放战略,是改革开放 30 多年来中国经济持续快速发展的一条成功经验。招商引资、择优选资,促进“引资”与“引智”相结合, 是中国对外开放的重要内容。截至 2010 年 7 月,中国累计设立外商投资企业 69.8 万家,实际使用外资 1.05 万亿美元。目前中国 22%的税收、28%的工业增加值、55% 的进出口、50% 的技术引进、约 4500 万人的就业,都来自外商投资企业的贡献。对外开放、吸引外资是互利共赢的。对中国来说,通过持续吸 引外资为国家现代化建设提供了必要的资金、先进的技术和宝贵的管理经验以及众多国际化人才。对外商 投资企业来说,则赢得了可观的投资回报,不少在华外商投资企业成为其母公司全球业务的增长亮点和利 润中心。联合国贸发会议最新调查显示,目前中国依然是全球最具吸引力的投资东道国。 近年来,中国全面把握对外开放阶段性特点,按照完善内外联动、互利共赢、安全高效的开放型经 济体系的要求,总结实践中的成功经验,把“引进来”和“走出去”更好地结合起来,创新对外投资和合 作方式,支持企业在研发、生产、销售等方面开展国际化经营。截至 2009 年底,中国共在境外设立企业 1.3 万家,境外企业资产总额超过 1 万亿美元,对外投资存量已达 2457 亿美元,投资区域遍布全球 177 个国家和地区。目前,中国正在加快推进各种形式的对外投资合作,培育发展中国的跨国公司,支持有实 力的企业建立国际营销网络,加强境外基础设施建设合作,规范发展对外劳务合作,积极推动境外经贸合 作区建设,缓解我国生产能力过剩、内需不足的矛盾,推动国内产业转型,带动相关产品和服务出口。 中国在推进开放型经济过程中,还通过各种方式帮助发展中国家增强自主发展能力、改善民生,缩 小南北差距。比如,中国向国际货币基金组织增资 500 亿美元,明确要求将资金优先用于最不发达国家; 设立 100 亿美元的中国-东盟投资合作基金,向东盟国家提供 150 亿美元信贷支持,促进了地区经济金融 形势稳定;向上海合作组织其他成员国提供 100 亿美元的信贷支持,向非洲国家提供 100 亿美元优惠贷款, 免除了非洲重债穷国和最不发达国家债务;逐步给予所有同中国建交的最不发达国家 95%的产品进口免关 税待遇,帮助发展中国家减缓国际金融危机冲击、减轻就业压力、稳定经济形势。今后,我们还将推动更 多中国企业“走出去”,深化南南合作,真心诚意帮助发展中国家提高经济发展能力。 女士们、先生们! 中国过去、现在、将来都把利用好国际国内两个市场、两种资源,把引进外资和对外投资作为对内 促进科学发展、和谐发展,对外坚持和平发展、合作发展的长期战略方针。随着中国开放型经济不断发展, 外商在华投资必将获得更加广阔的空间和更加丰厚的回报。当前,中国正积极致力于为广大外商投资企业 营造更加开放、更加优化的投资环境。 一是继续致力于营造开放透明的法律环境。中国社会主义市场经济是法治经济;中国投资环境有公开 透明的法律保障。改革开放 30 多年来,中国已先后四次对外商投资产业指导目录进行修订,每次修 订都把进一步扩大市场准入范围和优化外资结构作为重点。2001 年中国加入世界贸易组织以来,通过不 断完善吸收外资法律法规,增加决策透明度,规范行政行为,及时发布发展规划、产业政策、准入标准、 行业动态等信息,有效推进了投资环境透明化和便利化。最近,中国政府又发布了关于进一步做好利用 外资工作的若干意见,推出一系列创新举措,优化利用外资结构,扩大开放领域,促进利用外资方式多 样化。比如,鼓励外资投向高端制造业、高新技术产业、现代服务业、新能源和节能环保等产业;引导外 资向中西部地区转移和增加投资,鼓励外商在中西部地区发展符合环保要求的劳动密集型产业;鼓励外资 以参股、并购等方式参与中国国内企业改组改造和兼并重组,拓宽外商投资企业境内融资渠道,更好地发 挥利用外资在推动科技创新、产业升级和区域协调发展等方面的积极作用。 二是继续致力于营造公平竞争的市场环境。发展离不开竞争,竞争必须公平。中国政府鼓励自主创 新的政策是覆盖中国境内所有企业的,也是适用于依法在中国设立的一切外商投资企业的,可以说,这是 广泛开展国际合作条件下的开放式创新。今年 4 月,中国通过面向国内外投资者公开征求意见,对“自主 创新”产品的认定标准进行了调整,确认外商投资企业是“中国制造”的组成部分,同中国本土资本投资 企业适用同样的原产地规则,享受一视同仁的平等国民待遇。当前,中国政府正在以认真负责的态度对待 加入世贸组织政府采购协定谈判。对涉及政府资金的采购和建设项目,中国政府将采取公开透明的办 法,让内外资企业及其产品享受平等的待遇。2009 年,在对 1.2 万个机电产品采购项目开展的国际招标 中,外商投资企业中标数占项目总数的 55.4%。 三是继续致力于营造稳定有序的经营环境。中国政府高度重视知识产权保护,近 20 多年来建立了 比较完整的保护知识产权体系。2008 年,中国制定了国家知识产权战略纲要,把保护知识产权提升 为国家战略。2006 至 2010 年,中国连续 5 年实施保护知识产权行动计划。中国政府不断加强知识产权 行政执法力度,开展了打击网络侵权盗版等多个专项治理行动。今后,中国政府将继续完善市场体系,消 除市场壁垒,维护市场秩序,保护投资者利益,使包括外商投资企业在内的各类市场主体做强做大有用武 之地、发展经营无后顾之忧。同时中国还将进一步完善保护知识产权的体制机制、法律法规,为广大投资 者和权利人提供更加有力有效的保护。欢迎外商投资企业对中国查处侵犯知识产权的行动和成效继续予以 配合和监督。 中国致力于不断优化投资环境、不断提高利用外资质量,已形成宽领域、多层次、全方位对外开放 格局,制造业、农业的绝大部分领域和 100 个服务贸易部门都已对外开放,中国将继续致力于成为全球 最具吸引力的投资东道国。这些事实表明,中国的比较优势依然存在,投资环境依然为众多外商投资企业 所看好。进入改革开放新阶段的中国,正在把转变对外经济发展方式同转变国内经济发展方式结合起来, 加快形成经济全球化条件下参与国际经济合作和竞争的新优势。 女士们、先生们! 当今世界是开放的世界,全球经济是开放的经济。在这样的大背景下,一个国家要加快发展,必须 大力发展开放型经济。开放的程度决定着开放型经济的发展速度,开放的水平决定着开放型经济的发展前 景。中国将拓展对外开放广度和深度,继续深化沿海开放、加快内地开放、提升沿边开放,以开放促改革, 以开放促发展,以开放惠民生,为推动世界经济强劲、可持续、平衡增长和经济全球化朝着均衡、普惠、 共赢方向发展作出新贡献。 最后,我衷心祝愿“联合国贸发会议第二届世界投资论坛”圆满成功。 英国著名古迹“巨石阵”维修工程因财政预算推迟 TONEHENGE, England The prehistoric monument of Stonehenge stands tall in the British countryside as one of the last remnants of the Neolithic Age. Recently it has also become the latest symbol of another era: the new fiscal austerity. Renovations including a plan to replace the sites run-down visitors center with one almost five times bigger and to close a busy road that runs along the 5,000-year-old monument had to be mothballed in June. The British government had suddenly withdrawn 10 million, or $16 million, in financing for the project as part of a budget squeeze. Stonehenge, once a temple with giant stone slabs aligned in a circle to mark the passage of the sun, is among the most prominent victims of the governments spending cuts. The decision was heavily criticized by local lawmakers, especially because Stonehenge, a Unesco World Heritage site, was part of Londons successful bid to host the 2012 Olympic Games.The shabby visitors center there now is already too small for the 950,000 people who visit Stonehenge each year, let alone the additional onslaught of tourists expected for the Games, the lawmakers say. “Its a disgrace,” said Ian West, a Wiltshire councilor. “The visitor facilities are definitely not fit for purpose.”(这一段没有) Alan Brown, who was visiting from Australia this week, agreed. “They should really treat this site as the best prehistoric site,” Mr. Brown said. “There is so much more they could do to improve it.”(这一段没有 ) Stonehenge is the busiest tourist attraction in Britains southwest, topping even Windsor Castle. But no major improvements have been made to the facilities there since they were built 40 years ago.For now, portable toilets lead from a crammed parking lot, via a makeshift souvenir shop in a tent, to a ticket office opposite a small kiosk that sells coffee and snacks. The overhaul was scheduled for next spring. Plans by the architectural firm Denton Corker Marshall would keep the stone monument itself unchanged. But the current ticket office and shop would be demolished and a new visitors center would be built on the other side of the monument, about two and a half kilometers, or 1.5 miles, from the stones.The center would include a shop almost five times the size of the current one, a proper restaurant, three times as many parking spots and an exhibition space to provide more information about Stonehenges history. A transit system would shuttle visitors between the center and the stones while footpaths would encourage tourists to walk to the monument and explore the surrounding burial hills. The closed road would be grassed over to improve the surrounding landscape. Last year, the 27 million project won the backing of former Prime Minister Gordon Brown. After more than 25 years of bickering with local communities about how and where to build the new center, planning permission was granted in January. Construction was supposed to start next year and be completed in time for the Olympics but the economic downturn has changed those plans. The new prime minister, David Cameron, has reversed many of his predecessors promises as part of a program to cut more than 99 billion annually over the next five years to help close a gaping budget deficit. The financing for Stonehenge fell in the first round of cuts, worth about 6.2 billion, from the budget for the current year, along with support for a hospital and the British Film Institute. “We are frustrated and disappointed,” Peter Carson, head of Stonehenge, said, standing in a windowless office at the site surrounded by boxes filled with toys and other souvenirs from the gift shop. It is now unclear whether someone else may step in to pay for the new visitors center.(这一段没有) English Heritage, a partly government-financed organization that owns Stonehenge and more than 400 other historic sites in the country, is now aggressively looking for private donations. But the economic downturn has made the endeavor more difficult. Gary Norman, a tourist from Phoenix, said it was obvious that the visitors center was too small, but he acknowledged that “right now, with a global recession, 10 million is a lot of money.”(这一段没有) Hunched over architectural renderings of the new center, Loraine Knowles, Stonehenges project director, said she was disappointed that the government had withdrawn money while continuing to support museums in London, like the Tate and the British Museum.(这一段跟下一 段合起来,有些变化) But Ms. Knowles said she was hopeful that English Heritage could raise the money elsewhere. Stonehenge, she said, could then also become “a shining example of how philanthropy could work.” By JULIA WERDIGIERPublished: August 11, 2010-NewYork Times The prehistoric monument of Stonehenge stands tall in the British countryside as one of the last remnants of the Neolithic Age. Recently it has also become the latest symbol of another era: the new fiscal austerity. A plan to replace the sites run-down visitors center with one almost five times bigger and to close a busy road that runs along the 5,000-year-old monument had to be mothballed in June. The British government had suddenly withdrawn 10 million, or $16 million, in financing for the project as part of a budget austerity. Stonehenge, once a temple with giant stone slabs aligned in a circle to mark the passage of the sun, is among the most prominent victims of the governments spending cuts. The decision was heavily criticized by local lawmakers, especially because Stonehenge, a UnescoWorld Heritage site, was part of Londons successful bid to host the 2012 Olympic Games.The shabby visitors center there now is already too small for the 950,000 people who visit Stonehenge each year, let alone the additional onslaught of tourists expected for the Games, the official says. Stonehenge is the busiest tourist attraction in Britains southwest, topping even Windsor Castle. But no major improvements have been made to the facilities there since they were built 40 years ago.For now, portable toilets lead from a crammed parking lot, a makeshift souvenir shop in a tent, a ticket office opposite a small kiosk that sells coffee and snacks. The overhaul was scheduled for next spring in 2011. The plan, held by Denton Corker Marshall, the architectural firm, would keep the stone monument itself unchanged. But the current ticket office and shop would be demolished and a new visitors center would be built on the other side of the monument, about 2.5 kilometers, or 1.5 miles, from the stones.The center would have included a shop almost five times the size of the current one, a proper restaurant, three times as many parking spots and an exhibition space to provide more information about Stonehenges history. A transit system would have shuttled visitors between the center and the stones while footpaths would have encouraged tourists to walk to the monument and explore the surrounding burial hills. The closed road would be grassed over to improve the surrounding landscape. Last year, the 27 million project won the backing of former Prime Minister Gordon Brown. After more


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