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华师综合英语(1) 在线作业 阅读理解 一、单选题(共 30 道试题,共 60 分。 ) 1. Jk: Th NU mpus is so utiful with lots of trs, flowrs n grss. My: _ (shifting to nothr topi nturlly) . Ys, its vry utiful. In ft, I think it is on of th most utiful mpuss ll ovr hin. . Mny uilings thr r shy, th ormitoris r row, n th foo in th ftris is trril, ont you think? . I visit th shool lst summr. Th trs, flowrs n grss ll imprss m vry muh. I hop I n visit it gin somtim. . I stui thr tn yrs go. I still rmmr w plnt trs in our lor lsss. o stunts hv lor lsss now? 正确答案: 2. Nik: Tll you wht, Iv i to tk th TOFL tst nxt month. Susn: _ (xpting mor informtion out wht Nik sys) . No kiing! I nt liv it. . Rlly?! I suppos you must wll prpr. . Im going to tk th tst too. . Oh, om on! 正确答案: 3. H rm of ing grt omposr in th futur. . prson who writs ompositions . prson who writs musi . prson who stuis ompositions . prson who writs rm 正确答案: 4. Jn: Tlvision is rlly hrmful to hilrn. Thr is so muh sx n violn on TV ths ys. Mik: _ (showing mil grmnt) . Thts solutly tru. . Thts no xggrtion. . You hv point hr. . I think so, too. 正确答案: 5. Th young intrprtr m hit in th prss onfrn ystry. . m fool of himslf . m srious mistks . hiv grt suss . put grt influn 正确答案: 6. Fortuntly, h surviv th int, sf n soun. . hrful . hppy . stisfi . unhrm 正确答案: 7. Juli: W knw littl out wht qustions woul sk. inn:- -_ (showing ritiism) . H shoul hv tol us. . You int? Nithr i I. . I wish h h tol us. . Im rlly sorry to hr tht. 正确答案: 8. Whn you r slp your unonsious prt of your min is still working. . hin . suonsious . prious . usful 正确答案: 9. His homwork ws virtully finish. 谋学网 . hrly . lmost . ompltly . totlly 正确答案: 10. Thy r grtly onrn outhis illnss. . surpris t . outful out . involv in . worri out 正确答案: 11. Im nrsight n th room is quit rk. onsquntly I h grt iffiultis in fining th right utton to turn on th light. . Thrfor . Howvr . Othrwis . In th n 正确答案: 12. I wnt k to rtriv th g I h lft on th trin. . rll . rturn . rgin . rogniz 正确答案: 13. Wht o you think out th prinipl tor in th movi? . most importnt . most fmous . most hnsom . most humorous 正确答案: 14. Th low slry is hr prinipl rson for lving th jo. . min . only . soun . il 正确答案: 15. Sxul isrimintion shoul limint in th whol worl. . pi ttntion to . rfully xmin . on wy with . struggl ginst 正确答案: 16. Wny: Wht r you going to o uring th wintr rk? John: _ (stting tnttiv pln) . Ill finitly look for prt-tim jo. . Prhps Ill go hom right wy. . Iv plnn to visit my unt in Shnghi. . I ont know yt, ut I rtinly wont sty on mpus. 正确答案: 17. Sny: omplxity n ount for mjor iffrns twn humn rin n omputr. Hln: _ (sking for lrifition) . omplxity? Im fri Im not following you. . ut is it tru tht omputr is lso vry omplx in its innr strutur? . omplxity? Im fri Im not onvin. . ut n vn omputr n think lik humns now, nt it? 正确答案: 18. lthough his rin h n sriously hurt, h finlly rtriv his mmory. . rgin . rturn . look for . rtrt 正确答案: 19. This nwly invnt tool is rlly onvnint for swping th floor. . ffiint . suitl . usful . omplit 谋学网 正确答案: 20. This is th prinipl i of instins thory. . lmntry . primitiv . primry . prinipl 正确答案: 21. H hs tri his st to just himslf to th nw nvironmnt. . vot himslf . pt himslf . ontriut himslf . pply himslf 正确答案: 22. Th prsint r muh for th surity of his fmily mmrs. . hlth . sfty . tivity . mntlity 正确答案: 23. T is so intllignt tht h hs invnt kin of utomti pn. . gntl . l . smrt . oint 正确答案: 24. Hr nkl is vry utiful. Its m of gnuinprls. . prious . rl . rr . xpnsiv 正确答案: 25. nrw: Im sorry to tll you tht you fil th mi-trm xm. onni: _ (xprssing rgrt) . Oh, no! Wht shll I o? . Tht nt tru! . I wish it wr not tru. . If only I h work hrr. 正确答案: 26. Lin tol fw joks in orr to rm th oring innr. . rsu . rsum . hng . rrrng 正确答案: 27. Kvin: So you think tht th Intrnt is not goo for us? Rogr: _ (giving lrifition) . Ys, thts right. Th Intrnt hs so mny ffts. . Wht Im gtting t is tht w shoul mk goo us of it. . No, thts not my opinion. You misunrstoo m. . To m, its tru. Th Intrnt in hs som ffts. 正确答案: 28. How n I just myslf to th nw lif on mpus? . vot myslf . pply myslf . ontriut myslf . mk myslf suitl 正确答案: 29. H hs omplish this tough tsk within 3 ys. . prform . hiv . finish sussfully . hrish 正确答案: 30. Slly: I ont think hving tlphon in h orm room is goo thing. Rit: _ (xprssing n ttitu to or opinion on wht Slly sys). . Why ont you think its goo thing? . 谋学网 W int hv it ithr whn I ws stunt. . I nt liv Im hring this. . Its so shmful not to hv phon in th 21st ntury. 正确答案: 华师综合英语(1) 在线作业 阅读理解 二、阅读理解(共 4 道试题,共 40 分。 ) 1. Th fmily is hnging. In th pst, grnprnts, prnts n hilrn us to liv togthr; in othr wors, thy h n “xtn fmily”. Somtims two or mor rothrs with thir wivs n hilrn wr prt of this lrg fmily group. ut fmily strutur is hnging throughout th worl. Th “nulr fmily” onsists of only on fthr, on mothr n hilrn; it is oming th min fmily strutur vrywhr. Th nulr fmily offrs mrri womn som vntgs: thy hv from from thir rltivs, n th husn os not hv ll th powr of th fmily. Fmily strutur in most prts of th worl is still “ptrirhl”; tht is, th fthr is th h of th fmily n mks most of th importnt isions. Stuis show, howvr, tht in nulr fmilis, mn n womn usully mk n qul numr of isions out fmily lif. lso, wll-ut husns n wivs oftn prfr to shr th powr. ut wivs usully hv to “py” for th nfits of from n powr. Whn womn liv in xtn fmilis, sistrs, grnmothrs n unts hlp on nothr with houswork n hil r. In ition, olr womn in lrg fmily group h importnt positions. Wivs in nulr fmilis o not njoy this nfit, n thy hv nothr isvntg, too. Womn gnrlly liv longr thn thir husns, so olr womn from nulr fmilis oftn hv to liv lon. Stuis show tht womn r gnrlly lss stisfi with mrrig thn mn r. In th pst, mn work outsi th hom n womn insi. Houswork n hil r wr full-tim jo, n thr ws no tim for nything ls. Of ours, this sitution is hnging. Womn now work outsi th hom n sm to hv mor from thn thy i in th pst. Why, thn, r som womn still isontnt? In most prts of th worl toy, womn work us th fmily ns mor mony. Howvr, thir outsi jos oftn giv thm lss from, not mor, us thy still hv to o most of th houswork. Th womn tully hv two full-tim jos-on outsi th hom n nothr insi- n not muh fr tim. Th nulr fmily will proly ontinu to th min fmily form of th futur. hng, howvr, usully rings isvntgs long with nfits, n th fmily forms of th pst h mny vntgs. 1). Fmilis roun th worl r gnrlly _. . iggr thn thy us to . smllr thn thy us to . th sm s thy us to . nithr iggr nor smllr thn thy us to 正确答案: 2). Living in nulr fmily is _. . for womn . goo for womn . oth goo n for womn . wonrful for womn 正确答案: 3). In most ountris _. . wivs hv most of th powr in th fmily. . husns n wivs hv qul powr in th fmily. . husns hv most of th powr in th fmily. . olr womn hv most of th powr in th fmily 正确答案: 4). Womn in xtn fmilis us to _. . hlp h othr with houswork n hil r . liv lon whn thy outliv thir husns . hv two full-tim jos-on outsi th hom n nothr insi . hv from n powr 正确答案: 5). Womn with jos r _. . th most stisfi us thy hv from from houswork . th most stisfi us thy n rn mony n inpnnt . th stisfi us thy mk importnt isions out fmily lif . not stisfi us thy r too usy n o not hv muh fr tim 正确答案: 谋学网 2. 1 Most gift-giving shows nothing mor thn th spirit of lov n frinship. ut it is possil to form som ssoitions twn th kins of things ought n th popl who uy thm. 2 lothing Th loths you wr tll somthing out your prsonlity. Thy tll th worl not only how you wnt to sn ut how you s yourslf s wll. Whn somon givs you somthing to wr tht orrspons to your slf-img, thyr sying, “ I gr with you. I lik you th wy you r.” Suh gift shoul tkn s form of omplimnt. On th othr hn, gift of lothing tht os not mth your prsonlity oul n insult to your hrtr. 3 xpnsiv gifts Nturlly, som gifts lik jwllry will mor xpnsiv thn othrs. ut som popl giv highr pri gifts thn nssry for th sitution. Somon who givs n xpnsiv gift oftn fls tht h shoul riv mor pris thn if h h givn lss xpnsiv gift. Thrfor h is giving himslf gift, too: sttus. 4 Homm gifts Mking somthing y hn om th xption on mny ountris toy- so muh so tht giving homm gift is somtims onsir xtrorinry. If you riv homm gift, your luky. It my not m prftly, ut it will show rtin qulity of lov. No mttr wht th rsults of th homm gift look lik, rmmr its th thought tht ounts. 5 ooks Popl who givs ooks s gifts ithr lik ring or woul lik vryon to think thy o. goo wy to know this is to fin out whthr or not th givr ought th ook oring to how lrg it is. If you hppn to riv lrg hvy ook, its givr my muh mor intrst in th wy things ppr thn in th wy thy tully r. nyhow, giving ook n wy of shring fling or nwly lrn mning. Th givr is proly trying to sy to you wht th ook si to him. 1). Whih of th following st xprsss th min i of this pssg? . Gift-giving my rvl th givrs prsonlity in som wy. . Most gift-giving shows th spirit of lov n frinship. . Homm gifts r mor prious thn xpnsiv ons. . W shoul rful in hoosing n giving xpnsiv ons. 正确答案: 2). xpnsiv gifts my rprsnt_. . p lov . high rspt . sns of supriority . gnrosity 正确答案: 3). oring to th pssg, homm gifts_. . r vry spil . show p fftion . shoul hrish . ll of th ov 正确答案: 4). thin ook s gift mns _. . goo ook out ooks . lrg n hvy ook . rr n vlul ook . ook rlly mnt to r 正确答案: 5). Whih of th following gifts is not mntion in th pssg? . lothing . Flowrs . Jwllry . ooks 正确答案: 3. Its og-t-og worl n in th UK thrs nough xhustion roun to mk it look lik n pimi. vry yr, mountin of survys n rports ntrs on strss- th iss of th morn worl. Novmr 6 ws ritins fifth nnul Ntionl Strss wrnss y. In our “gr-it-ll-now” ultur, thr out of vry 10 workrs in th UK suffr from prssion, strss or urnout, oring to Unit Ntions rport. Womn suffr mor thn mn. Toy, sys Hrrt Frunrgr, uthor of “ Womns urnout n urnout”. Th High ost of High hivmnt, “ Im sing mor womn with symptoms of urnout.” Why is this? “ In prt, I think this is u to th multi-rol livs thy now l-s mothrs, wivs n profssionls.” qul opportunitis for mn n womn in our soity hv givn womn oul th rsponsiilitis. Thy suffr from hroni ftigu trying to pursu rrs whil t th sm tim running thir hom. Som womn lm thir mployr, thir prtnr t houswork, or thmslvs, ut mor thn hlf pt tht this is “just th wy lif is now.” Not to lft out, womns mgzins hvnt hsitt to sh in on this. Goo Houskping mgzin hs not n too shy to inulg in gloomy sttistis, suh s: Mor thn hlf of th ritish womn li wk t night us of strss. ut its not only working mothrs who suffr from urnout. Young unmrri profssionls r lso fling th strin of inrsingly omptitiv n gloliz lifstyls. Niol Moul, 26, ws mrkting onsultnt in Lonon. Sh ws hit y rr illnss n oul not work for yr. Moul sys it ws us y urnout. “ I think my suonsious ws tlling m tht wht I ws oing int suit m. I h n putting too muh prssur on myslf to sussful n trying to kp up with Lonon lif. You just gt on with it.” ut if “gtting on with it” lso mns gtting ill it oul tht our vry vlopmnt hs to our ownfll. 谋学网 1). Th pssg is hifly onrn with _. . og-t-og worl . th rol of womn . strss of morn lif . th hnging ultur in morn worl 正确答案: 2). Why o womn suffr from strss mor thn mn? . us womn lwys omplin out thir livs. . us womn lwys try hrr thn mn to pursu rrs. . us womn hv mor houswork to o thn mn. . us womn hv to ply multipl rols in lif. 正确答案: 3). Th wor “urnout” in th son prgrph mns _. . prssion . xhustion . innr isstisftion . ll of th ov 正确答案: 4). Whih of th following sttmnts out Niol Moul in prgrph 7 is not tru? . Niol ws so-ll sussful rr womn. . Sh got srious physil iss n oul not work for yr. . Sh thought tht it ws th strss tht us hr to ill. . Sh tri hr st to sussful n th up with th p of th morn soity. 正确答案: 5). Whih of th following intrprttions of th phrs “gr-it-ll-now” ultur is orrt? . Th ultur is ftur y its vritis n rihnss in toys worl. . Th worl is omptitiv, whih rquirs popl to liv strssful lif. . Popl nowys lwys fight ginst h othr to gt wht thy n. . Popl in toys worl hv to o vrything s soon s possil. 正确答案: 4. Som rio signls r rflt whn thy mt soli ojts; for xmpl, tlvision signls r rflt whn thy mt wlls n houss, n whn mt n irrft in th sky. Th pitur is not lr whn th signls r rflt lik this. Whn pln is flying nr th hous, th pitur on th tlvision srn somtims ns out in vry troulsom wy. Ths rfltions, whih l Wtt to th sin of rr, r now us grt l. Rr instrumnts n show th irtion n istn of irrft. Th signl r rflt only whn th instrumnt points t th irrft; this shows th irtion. How o w fin th istn? ltromgnti wvs trvl t sp of 186,300 mils pr s


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