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wait 的第三人称单数wait 的第三人称单数:waitswait 的词组短语:wait for 等候please wait 请稍候,请稍等;请您稍候;正在暖机等待结束再开始使用wait until 等待直到cant wait 迫不及待wait a moment 等一会儿;稍等一下wait 第三人称单数例句:1. waits sang about the boozy netherworld of urban america.韦茨歌唱美国都市纵酒豪饮的下层世界。2. her daimler limo waits with its engine idling.她的戴姆勒豪华轿车原地待命,发动机在空转。3. he listens and waits for the narrator to explain more.他听著,等待讲的人进一步解释.4. success waits on hard work.成功来自勤奋.5. time waits for no man.岁不我与.6. hes at a crossroads in his career either he stays in his current job and waits for promotion, or he accepts this new post in brazil.他的事业正处在紧要关头,要么继续干目前的工作,等着升职, 要么就接受巴西的新工作.7. as soon as he opens the gate from the outside, he comes into the garden and waits until the gate shuts.它一旦从外面把门打开, 便走进园子里等着关门.8. a seemingly endless line of trucks waits in vain to load up.一眼望不到头的一长列卡车眼巴巴地等着装货。9. she counts the stops and waits.她一站一站地数着,等候着.10. all mankind waits upon our decision.全人类都在等着我们的决断.11. sally is spoiled because her mother waits on her hand and foot.因莎莉的母亲对她照顾得无微不至把她给惯坏了.12. god waits for man to regain his childhood in wisdom.神等待着人在智慧中重新获得童年.13. he possibly waits at the station when we arrive.当我们到达时他可能在车站等着.14. he good intention waits me.他好意地等着我.15. so tom does the shopping and mary sits in the car and waits for him.于是汤姆去商店里买东西,而玛丽坐在车里等汤姆.wait 的第三人称单数:waitswait 的词组短语:wait for 等候please wait 请稍候,请稍等;请您稍候;正在暖机等待结束再开始使用wait until 等待直到cant wait 迫不及待wait a moment 等一会儿;稍等一下wait 第三人称单数例句:1. waits sang about the boozy netherworld of urban america.韦茨歌唱美国都市纵酒豪饮的下层世界。2. her daimler limo waits with its engine idling.她的戴姆勒豪华轿车原地待命,发动机在空转。3. he listens and waits for the narrator to explain more.他听著,等待讲的人进一步解释.4. success waits on hard work.成功来自勤奋.5. time waits for no man.岁不我与.6. hes at a crossroads in his career either he stays in his current job and waits for promotion, or he accepts this new post in brazil.他的事业正处在紧要关头,要么继续干目前的工作,等着升职, 要么就接受巴西的新工作.7. as soon as he opens the gate from the outside, he comes into the garden and waits until the gate shuts.它一旦从外面把门打开, 便走进园子里等着关门.8. a seemingly endless line of trucks waits in vain to load up.一眼望不到头的一长列卡车眼巴巴地等着装货。9. she counts the stops and waits.她一站一站地数着,等候着.10. all mankind waits upon our decision.全人类都在等着我们的决断.11. sally is spoiled because her mother waits on her hand and foot.因莎莉的母亲对她照顾得无微不至把她给惯坏了.12. god waits for man to regain his childhood in wisdom.神等待着人在智慧中重新获得童年.13. he possibly waits at the station when we arrive.当我们到达时他可能在车站等着.14. he good intention waits me.他好意地等着我.15. so tom does the shopping and mary sits in the car and waits for him.于是汤姆去商店里买东西,而玛丽坐在车里等汤姆.wait 的第三人称单数:waitswait 的词组短语:wait for 等候please wait 请稍候,请稍等;请您稍候;正在暖机等待结束再开始使用wait until 等待直到cant wait 迫不及待wait a moment 等一会儿;稍等一下wait 第三人称单数例句:1. waits sang about the boozy netherworld of urban america.韦茨歌唱美国都市纵酒豪饮的下层世界。2. her daimler limo waits with its engine idling.她的戴姆勒豪华轿车原地待命,发动机在空转。3. he listens and waits for the narrator to explain more.他听著,等待讲的人进一步解释.4. success waits on hard work.成功来自勤奋.5. time waits for no man.岁不我与.6. hes at a crossroads in his career either he stays in his current job and waits for promotion, or he accepts this new post in brazil.他的事业正处在紧要关头,要么继续干目前的工作,等着升职, 要么就接受巴西的新工作.7. as soon as he opens the gate from the outside, he comes into the garden and waits until the gate shuts.它一旦从外面把门打开, 便走进园子里等着关门.8. a seemingly endless line of trucks waits in vain to load up.一眼望不到头的一长列卡车眼巴巴地等着装货。9. she counts the stops and waits.她一站一站地数着,等候着.10. all mankind waits upon our decision.全人类都在等着我们的决断.11. sally is spoiled because her mother waits on her hand and foot.因莎莉的母亲对她照顾得无微不至把她给惯坏了.12. god waits for man to regain his childhood in wisdom.神等待着人在智慧中重新获得童年.13. he po


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