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苏教版小学五年级下册英语精品教案 全册单元 第 一 单 元单元内容 A new term单元教材分析本单元是新学期的第一单元,通过开学第一节课师生谈论学习的科目和课程表展开话题,重点学习星期和课程的名称以及相关的句型。本单元安排的教学情境与新学期课程有关,题材贴近学生实际情况,语言的交际性强,有利于提高学生的学习兴趣。教学中教师要尽量结合学生实际情况,让学生在情境中学会交际,在交际中学会语言。单元教学重点1.能听的懂,会说、会读、和会拼写单词:Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday a subject Chinese Science Computer Studies interesting a week2 能听得懂、会说、会读和会写句型 What day is it today? Its What lessons do you have in the? We have and What subject do you like? I like单元教学难点1 能听得懂、会说、会读日常交际用语及句型 Welcome back to school.Nice to see you. I hope we more, How about you?2. 了解元音字母 o 在开音节单词中的读音。3. 会唱英语歌曲:We wish you are happy everyday单元教学要求1, 能听的懂,会说、会读、和会拼写单词:Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday a subject Chinese Science Computer Studies interesting a week2, 能听得懂、会说、会读和会写句型 What day is it today? Its What lessons do you have in the? We have and What subject do you like? I like3, 能听得懂、会说、会读日常交际用语及句型 Welcome back to school.Nice to see you. I hope we more, How about you?4, 了解元音字母 o 在开音节单词中的读音。5, 会唱英语歌曲:We wish you are happy everyday序号 教学内容 课时数1 B&C 第一课时2 The blue words & D 第二课时3 The black words& A 第三课时4 E 第四课时5单元课时划分6五 年级 英语 学科课题 Unit 1 主备人 主核使用者 授课类型 新授 授课时间 12 周课时 第一课时教学内容 B&C教学目标1、掌握单词:Chinese Maths English Science Social Science Art PE Computer Studies 2、能运用句型:A: What day is it today? B: Its A: What lessons do you have in the morning / afternoon?B: We have教学重点1、掌握单词:Chinese Maths English Science Social Science Art PE Computer Studies2、 能熟练运用 C 部分句型教学难点1、句型能熟练运用2、对所学单词的背诵和默写教学准备 单词卡片, 挂图, 录音机, 磁带教学过Step One Free talk1. What do you like?2. Do you like holidays?3. Do you like winter holidays?4. Nice to see you !修改记录程Today is the first day of the new term. Im happy to see you again. Are you happy now?(主要训练学生的口头表达能力)Step Two Presentation1. New words (1). Pronounce the new words(2). Read after the tape(3) Read after the teacher(4) Read by the students(5) Read and recite2. A: What day is it today?B: Its A: What lessons do you have in the morning / afternoon?B: We haveEg. (1). A: What day is it today?B:Its Monday.A: What lessons do you have in the morning?B:We have Chinese, Maths, English and Social Science.Step Three Homework1. Read and recite the words 2. Copy the words Preview Part D & the blue word练习设计翻译下列句子:1、今天星期几?_2、上午你们上什么课?_3、下午你上什么课?_4、我们上电脑课和数学课。_板书设计教后反思五 年级 英语 学科课题 Unit 1 主备人 主核使用者 授课类型 新授 授课时间课时 第二课时教学内容 The blue words & D教学目标1、 掌握单词: Chinese English week Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 2、掌握句型: What subject do you like?I llike Science. How about you?I like Art.3、 能比较灵活的运用科目来造句教学重点1、 掌握单词: Chinese English week Monday Tuesday WednesdayThursday Friday 2、掌握句型: What subject do you like?I llike Science. How about you?I like Art.教学 1.教学重点中句型的灵活运用难点 2.能比较灵活的运用科目来造句教学准备单词图片,教学挂图修改记录教学过程Step One Free talk1. What lessons do you have this morning?2. Whatlessons do you like?3. Do you like English?4. Do you like Chinese?5. Does she llike Maths?(可以让学生做小老师到前面来问学生,可以锻炼他们的胆量,同时可以起到激发学生积极性的作用)Step Two Presentation1. The new words(1) Listen to the tape(2) Read after the tape(3) Read by themselves(4) Read and recite2. Work in pairs(1) Read the model(把例题要读到很熟练,直到背出)(2) Look at the pictures(3) Work in pairs(可以老师与学生之间进行练习,然后让他们自己进行练习,三请学生来表演)(4) Do the exercise by themselves(5) Talk each other(在他们在座位上练习的时候,教师进行指导,特别时学习比较困难的学生)(6) Write down on the book(以备学生课堂上会说,下课后又忘了)(7) Read and act outStep ThreeTalk each otherAsk each otherStep Four1. Act out C&DPreview the Black Words and the first phragraph练习设计Listening一、听录音,连线1What subject do you like, Yang Ling?I like English.2. Im Helen. I like Maths.3. Do you like English, David? No. Ilike Science.4. What subject do you like, Mike?I like Computer Studies.二、听录音,选出你所听到的单词或词组1. today 2. Thursday 3. Chinese4. interesting 5. in a week 6. English lesson7. at once 8. Computer Studies板书设计The new words Work in pairs教后反思五 年级 英语 学科课题 Unit1 主备人 主核使用者 授课类型 新授 授课时间课时 第三课时教学内容 The black words& A教学目标1、 掌握单词:Science subject Social Science Computer Studies PEInteresting minus well tell at once er trick2、 掌握词组:Monday morning her students have a lesson the first lessonThe new term the first lesson of the new term掌握课文的第一段教学重点1、掌握单词:Science subject Social Science Computer Studies PEInteresting minus well tell at once er trick2、掌握词组:Monday morning her students have a lesson the first lessonThe new term the first lesson of the new term教学难点1.课文第一段的理解以及背诵2.单词的默写与背诵教学准备 挂图,磁带,录音机修改记录教学过程Step One Free talk1. What lessons do you have this morning?2. What lessons do you have this afternoon?3. What subject do you like?4. Do you like Computer Studies?5. I like Science. How about you?Step Two PhrasesMonday morning her students have a lesson the first lessonThe new term the first lesson of the new term(1) Find out the phrases(2) Read by themselves(3) Read after the teacher(4) Understand the meaning(5) Read and recite(词组一定要背出)Step Three Text1. Read by themselves2. Read after the teacher once3. Read by themselves and understand the meaning4. Read the first paragraph5. Read and act out针对第一段进行句型练习:1. What day is it today?2. Who is having a lesson?3. What are Miss Li and her students doing?4. Is this the first lesson of the new term?(一、 进行回答问题;二、进行划线部分提问,其实就是刚才我们回答的句子,看学生的反应能力。)Step Four Text1. Phrasesin the morning have Chinese have eight subjects This term a week (找出这些词组,理解其中文意思,给时间把他们背出,然后进行抽背)2. Text(1) Ask some students to read (检查预习效果)(2) Read after the teacher or the recorder(3) Read by themselves(4) Read and act out (5) Read and recite3. Translate(先让学生进行小组讨论,提出问题,不能理解的句子让懂的学生进行解决,然后全体过课文)Step Five Structure教学重点中的句型,以及中的句型(这是难点,重点在不断的口头和笔头练习中慢慢掌握。 )Step Six HomeworkRead and recite the first paragraphCopy the phrasesPreview the whole text练习设计1 同学们,欢迎回到学校。_2 很高兴见到你。_3 上午你上什么课?_4 你喜欢什么科目?_5 你呢?_板书设计A new termMonday morning her students have a lesson the first lessonThe new term the first lesson of the new term教后反思五 年级 英语 学科课题 Unit 1 主备人 主核使用者 授课类型 新授 授课时间课时 第四课时教学内容 E教学目标1、复习本单元的生词和词组复习课文2、复习句型完成 P11 E教学重点 完成 E 的教学教学难点 课文的背诵教学准备 录音机,磁带教学Step One Review默写词组Monday morning her students have a lesson the first lesson The new term 修改记录过程the first lesson of the new term in the morning have Chinese have eight subjects This term a weekStep Two Part E1. Read by themselves2. Read and act out (可以从他们的预先朗读,观察他们的预习效果)3. Read after the teacher4. Understand the meaning (the group)可以进行集体讨论,如果时间允许的话,可以让他们进行回答,并且是反复回答。5. Read and reciteStep Three Homework1.Review U 12.Do the workbook练习设计句型转换:1. We have eight subjects this term.(一般疑问句)_2. We have five Maths lessons every week._3. Its Sunday._4. I have English, Maths and Art this morning._5. We like our toys.(否定句)_先让他们自己做,然后可以在教室内走动,发现他们的错误,再让典型错误的学生和做对的学生分别上黑板做,让他们有个更深的印象。板书设计教后反思The exercise五 年 级 英 语 单 元 教 学 计 划单元 第 二 单 元单元内容 A telephone call单元教材分析本单元的主要功能项目是“谈论疾病” 。重点学习 How do you feel now?Whatswrong with you?及其答语以及疾病的名称。本单元教学内容情境性比较强,因此教师在整个教学过程中,无论是呈现新知识,还是复习、巩固旧知识,都应尽可能让学生通过表情,手势,实物,情景明白句子的意思和使用场合,使学生能把语言和它所表达的情境直接联系起来,以达到学以至用的目的。单元教学重点1.能听得懂,会说、会读、和会拼写单词:lunch speak a headache bad a cough get feel a fever a cold.2.听得懂、会说、会读和会写句型 How do you feel now?I feel Whats wrong with you? Ive got3.听得懂、会说、会读日常交际用语及句型 May I speak to?This isspeaking.Im sorry to hear that.See you soon.Sorry,wrong number. 单元教学难点1.了解元音字母 o 在闭音节单词中的读音。2 会诵读歌谣:Im ill. 单元教学要求1.能听得懂,会说、会读、和会拼写单词:lunch speak a headache bad a cough get feel a fever a cold.2.听得懂、会说、会读和会写句型 How do you feel now?I feel Whats wrong with you? Ive got3.听得懂、会说、会读日常交际用语及句型 May I speak to?This isspeaking.Im sorry to hear that.See you soon.Sorry,wrong number.4.了解元音字母 o 在闭音节单词中的读音。5.会诵读歌谣:Im ill. 序号 教学内容 课时数1 B&C 第一课时2 The blue words & D 第二课时3 The black words& A 第三课时4 E & F5单元课时划分6五 年级 英语 学科课题 Unit 2 主备人 主核使用者 授课类型 新授 授课时间 第三四周课时 第一课时教学内容 B&C教学目标1、 掌握单词:a toothache, an earche, a backache, a headache, a stomach ache, a fever, a cold, a cough2、能运用句型:A: How do you feel now?B: I feelA: I can get a / some for you.教学重点1.掌握单词:a toothache, an earche, a backache, a headache, a stomach ache, a fever, a cold, a cough2、 能熟练运用 C 部分句型教学难点1、句型能熟练运用2、对所学单词的背诵和默写教学准备 单词卡片, 挂图, 录音机, 磁带修改记录教学过程Step One Free talk5. Do you have Chinese today?6. Do you like holidays?7. Do you like Chinese?8. Nice to meet you !回忆第一单元中的词组(主要训练学生的口头表达能力)Step Two Presentation2. New words (1). Pronounce the new words(2). Read after the tape(3) Read after the teacher(4) Read by the student(5) Read and recite2. A: How do you feel now?B: I feelA: I can get a / some for you.(Structure)Eg. (1). A: How do you feel now?B: I feel hot.A: I can get a glass of water for you.(2) A: How do you feel now?B: I feel tired.A: I can get a chair for you.(3) A: How do you feel now?B: I feel cold.A: I can get a blanket for you.(让学生在自己的书上先写出来,然后进行口头练习Step Three Homework1.Read and recite the words 2.Copy the words 3.Preview Part D & the blue words练习设计1. The boy has a toothache.2. She has an earache.3. The old man has a backache.4. The old woman has a headache.He has a stomach ache。板书设计Unit2 The new words the structure教后反思五 年级 英语 学科课题 Unit2 主备人 主核使用者 授课类型 新授课 授课时间 第三四周课时 第二课时教学内容 The blue words & D教学目标1.掌握单词: her, speak, bad, get, feel, cold, fine, wrong, hear,2.掌握句型: A: Whats wrong with you?B: Ive got a fever. A: Im sorry to hear that.3、 能熟练运用所学的单词来进行身体方面的询问教学重点1.掌握单词:her, speak, bad, get, feel, cold, fine, wrong, hear, 2、掌握句型: A: Whats wrong with you?B: Ive got a fever.A: Im sorry to hear that. 教学难点 教学重点中句型的灵活运用教学准备 单词图片,教学挂图修改记录教学过程Step One Free talk6. What lessons do you have this morning?7. What subject do you like?8. Do you like English?9. Do you like Chinese?10.Does she llike Maths?(看图完成对话,书本 P17 的句型)Step Two Presentation3. The new words(5)Listen to the tape(6)Read after the tape(7)Read by themselves(8)Read and recite4. Work in pairs(8)Read the model(把例题要读到很熟练,直到背出)(9)Look at the pictures(10)Work in pairs(可以老师与学生之间进行练习,然后让他们自己进行练习,三请学生来表演)(11)Do the exercise by themselves(12)Talk each other(在他们在座位上练习的时候,教师进行指导,特别时学习比较困难的学生)(13)Write down on the book(以备学生课堂上会说,下课后又忘了)Eg: Whats wrong with you?Ive got a backache.Im sorry to hear that.Read and act outStep Three 1.Act out D2.Preview the Black Words and the first phragraph练习设计Talk each otherAsk each other板书设计教后反思五 年级 英语 学科课题 Unit 2 主备人 主核使用者 授课类型 新授 授课时间课时 第三课时教学内容 The black words& A教学目标1.掌握单词:call, why, absent, stay, stay in bed, wrong, hope, betterSoon, still, take, medicine, say, rest, choose2.掌握词组:a telephone call, at school, call her, after lunch, Anything else, a bad cold, open your mouth, take some medicine, have a lot of rest3.掌握课文的第一段教学重点1、掌握单词:call, why, absent, stay, stay in bed, wrong, hope, betterSoon, still, take, medicine, say, rest, choose2、掌握词组:a telephone call, at school, call her, after lunch教学难点1.课文第一段的理解以及背诵2.单词的默写与背诵教学准备 挂图,磁带,录音机修改记录教学过程Step One Free talk6. What s wrong with you?7. Whats wrong with the boy?8. How do you feel now?9. Do you like Computer Studies?10. I like Science. How about you?Step Two Phrases & Ea telephone call, at school, call her, after lunch (1) Find out the phrases(2) Read by themselves(3) Read after the teacher(4) Understand the meaning(5) Read and recite(词组一定要背出)Step Three Text6. Read by themselves7. Read after the teacher once8. Read by themselves and understand the meaning9. Read the first paragraph10. Read and act outStep Four Text4. Daily words and sentencesMay I speak to?Tis is speaking.Im sorry to hear that.See you soon.Sorrry, wrong number.(在课堂的教学过程中要多加训练,让学生说起来)5. Text(6) Ask some students to read (检查预习效果)(7) Read after the teacher or the recorder(8) Read by themselves(9) Read and act out (10) Read and recite6. Translate(先让学生进行小组讨论,提出问题,不能理解的句子让懂的学生进行解决,然后全体过课文)Step Five Structure教学重点中的句型,以及中的句型(这是难点,重点在不断的口头和笔头练习中慢慢掌握Step Six Homework1. Read and recite the first paragraph & E2. Copy the phrasesPreview the whole text练习设计Ask some students to recit the phrases1.Su Yang calls her after lunch.改成否定句:2.Su Yang doesnt call her after linch.改成一般疑问句:3.Does Su Yang call her after lunch?回答:Yes, she does. / No, she doesnt .板句型 词组书设计教后反思五 年级 英语 学科课题 Unit 2 主备人 主核使用者 授课类型 新授 授课时间 第三四周课时 第四课时教学内容 E & F教学目标1.复习本单元的生词和词组 2.复习课文3.复习句型 4.完成 E & F教学重点 完成 E& F 的教学教学难点 课文的背诵教学准备 录音机,磁带教学过程Step One Review默写词组A bad cold, open your mouthTake some medicine, have a lot of restA telephone call, at schoolCall her after lunchStay in bed get betterStep Two Part E6. Read by themselves修改记录7. Read and act out (可以从他们的预先朗读,观察他们的预习效果)8. Read after the teacher9. Understand the meaning (the group)可以进行集体讨论,如果时间允许的话,可以让他们进行回答,并且是反复回答。Step Three Homework1. Review U 22. Do the workbook练习设计句型转换:1. This is Ann speaking. (划线部分提问)_2. I can get some chocolate and apples for you.(否定句)_3. I feel very bad now. (划线部分提问)_4. I have got a backache. (提问)_5. Have some medicine with water. (否定句)_先让他们自己做,然后可以在教室内走动,发现他们的错误,再让典型错误的学生和做对的学生分别上黑板做,让他们有个更深的印象。板书设计教后反思五 年 级 英 语单 元 教 学 计 划单元 第 三 单 元单元内容 Hobbies单元教材分析本单元通过 Mike 和 Yang Ling 到 Ben 家里做客,引出话题,谈论“兴趣爱好” 。主要学习一般疑问句 Do you have any hobbies 及其答语 Yes,I do./No.I dont.。和主要为第三人称单数动词的用法。在教学过程中教师可以采用以旧带新的方法引出句型。学生对“兴趣爱好”类单词会很感兴趣,在教学过程中要根据小学生的年龄特点,充分利用多媒体、实物、简笔画、图片等并加上形象化的语言和体态语。使语言点的训练密切联系生活实际。单元教学重点1.能听的懂,会说、会读、和会拼写单词:collect a stamp beautiful a classmate a ship an animal take photos go shopping a coin2, 能听得懂、会说、会读和会写句型 Do you have any hobbies?Do you like?Yes,I do.No.I dont.He/She likes He/Shes doesnt. 单元教学难点1.能听得懂、会说、会读日常交际用语及句型 Show us,please. Here they are. Can you?2.了解元音字母 u 单词中的读音。3 会唱英语歌曲:Do you have any hobbies?单元教学要求1.能听的懂,会说、会读、和会拼写单词:collect a stamp beautiful a classmate a ship an animal take photos go shopping a coin2, 能听得懂、会说、会读和会写句型 Do you have any hobbies?Do you like?Yes,I do.No.I dont.He/She likes He/Shes doesnt.3 能听得懂、会说、会读日常交际用语及句型 Show us,please. Here they are. Can you?4.了解元音字母 u 单词中的读音。5, 会唱英语歌曲:Do you have any hobbies? 序号 教学内容 课时数12单元课时划分 3456五 年级 英语 学科课题 Unit 3 主备人 主核使用者 授课类型 新授 授课时间 第五六周课时 第一课时教学内容 B&C教学目标1.掌握单词:take photos go shopping collect stamps grow flowersmake model ships make clothes2. 2.能运用句型:Do you have any hobbies?Yes, I do. I like He ? She likes , too. 教学重点1.11.掌握词组:take photos go shopping collect stamps grow flowersmake model ships make clothes2、 能熟练运用 C 部分句型教学难点1、句型能熟练运用2、对所学单词的背诵和默写教学准备 单词卡片, 挂图, 录音机, 磁带修改记录教学过程Step One Free talkDo you like skating?What do you like?Do you have any pens?Does she have an apple?Do you like making model planes?What about you?(主要训练学生的口头表达能力)Step Two Presentation3. New phrases (1). Pronounce the new words(2). Read after the tape(3) Read after the teacher(4) Read by the students(5) Read and recite2. Ask and answerEg. (1) Do you have any hobbies?Yes, I do. I like taking photos.(2) Do you have any hobbies?Yes, I do. I like going shopping.(让学生在自己的书上先写出来,然后进行口头练习)Step Three Homework 1.Read and recite the words 2.Copy the words 3.Preview Part D & the blue words练习设计翻译下列句子:5、 我喜欢拍照片。_6、 你有爱好吗?_7、 我喜欢做模型船。_8、 我们喜欢种花。_板书设计Unit 3 HobbiesThe phrases the structure教后反思The phrases the structure五 年 级 英语 学科课题 Unit3 主备人 主核使用者 授课类型 新授 授课时间 第五六周课时 第二课时教学内容 The blue words C & D教学目标1.掌握单词: collect stamp many ship every aunt uncle2、掌握句型: Do you have any hobbies?Yes, I do. I like He / She likes , too.3、 能灵活的运用 like 来造句教学重点2、 掌握单词: collect stamp many ship every aunt uncle2、掌握句型: Do you have any hobbies?Yes, I do. I like He / She likes , too教学难点 like 的用法教学准备 单词图片,教学挂图修改记录教学过程Step One Free talk11. Do you have any hobbies?12. Does she have any hobbies?13. Do you like going shopping?14. Does she like taking photos?15. What do you like?16. What does she like?(可以让学生做小老师到前面来问学生,可以锻炼他们的胆量,同时可以起到激发学生积极性的作用)Step Two Presentation5. The new words(9) Listen to the tape(10) Read after the tape(11) Read by themselves(12) Read and recite6. Ask and answer(14) Read the model(把例题要读到很熟练,直到背出)(15) Look at the pictures(16) Work in pairs(可以老师与学生之间进行练习,然后让他们自己进行练习,三请学生来表演)(17) Do the exercise by themselves(18) Talk each other(在他们在座位上练习的时候,教师进行指导,特别时学习比较困难的学生)(19) Write down on the book(以备学生课堂上会说,下课后又忘了)(20) Read and act out7. Look, read and complete(1) Look at the picture(2) Read and complete(3) Read and understandStep Three Homework 2. Act out C&D3. Preview the Black Words and the first phragraph练习设计一、听录音,连线1Lucy is a girl. She likes listening to music.2. Does Nancy likes listening to music?No, she doesnt. She likes English books.3. What does Tom like? He likes playing football.4. Does Jim like growing flowers? Yes, he does.二、听录音,选出你所听到的单词或词组1. ship 2. food 3. water 4. photo 5. show us6. ship stamps 7. look at 8. make model buse板书设计unit 3 Hobbies教后反思The new words Ask and answer五 年级 英 语 学科课题 Unit 3 主备人 主核使用者 授课类型 新授 授课时间 第五六周课时 第三课时教学内容 A教学目标3、掌握词汇:Bens hobby collect stamps many beautiful stampsShowto his classmates this ship stamp4、掌握句型:Show us his stamps, please.Here they are.3、掌握课文的第一部分教学重点1、掌握词组:Bens hobby collect stamps many beautiful stampsShowto his classmates this ship stamp教学难点 课文第一部分的理解以及背诵教学准备 挂图,磁带,录音机教学过程Step One Free talk翻译下列句子我喜欢拍照片。你喜欢什么做什么?我的爱好是集邮。他们很有趣。修改记录Step Two PhrasesBens hobby collect stamps many beautiful stamps Showto his classmates this ship stamp(1) Find out the phrases(2) Re


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