外贸函电第二版-unit 06 还盘和接受_第1页
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Unit 6Counter offer and Acceptance16.1 Introduction(简介) 目的:掌握在接到发盘后,如何撰写还盘和接受的相关信函。在接到发盘后,受盘人必须对报盘内容进行认真研究。如果发盘人认为发盘价格难以接受或对其他条件不满意,既可以拒绝接受,也可以向发盘人提出建议,要求对发盘内容进行修改。这种受盘人对发盘内容进行变更的表示被称为还盘( Counter-offer),也被称为还价。事实上,还盘既是受盘人对发盘的拒绝,又是受盘人以发盘人的地位提出的新发盘。还盘信函的写作应十分小心,双方要本着珍视友谊和未来交易机会的态度。还盘信函应包含以下内容:( 1)对发盘人的发盘表示感谢。( 2)对由于某种原因无法接受发盘表示遗憾,同时解释原因。( 3)对还盘的内容也就是己方所希望的交易条件提出建议。( 4)希望对方能够接受己方所提出的还盘建议。如果受盘人认为能够接受发盘的全部内容和条件,那么就可向发盘人订购商品。这种买方或卖方同意对方在发盘中提出的各项交易条件,并愿意按照这些条件达成交易、订立合同的表示被称为接受(Acceptance),即法律上所称的 “承诺 ”。作为一项有效接受,必须具备以下四项条件:( 1)接受只能由受盘人做出。( 2)接受必须是无条件的,完全同意发盘中提出的各项交易条件。( 3)接受的方式必须符合发盘的要求。( 4)接受必须在发盘规定的有效期内做出。counter-offer 还盘,是外贸业务用语,指受盘人对收到的报盘提出修改条件。该词可作动词或名词。If our offer is not acceptable, please fax your best counter-offer.如果不能接受我方报盘,请发传真告知你方最好的还盘。The price you counter-offered is unreasonable. 你方还盘价格不合理。 5Terms 1、还盘 Counter Offer 2、 参考价 Reference Price3、开盘价 Opening Price 4、收盘 Closing offer 5、现行价 Current Price, Ruling Price, Prevailing Price 6、合理价格 Reasonable Price 7、特殊价格 Special Price 8、大路货 FAQ 9、差价 Price Difference, Price Gap10、凭等级买卖 Sale by Grade 11、凭规格买卖 Sale by Specification 12、凭标准买卖 Sale by Standard 6Terms13、品质以卖方样品为准 Quality as per Sellers Sample 14、品质以买方样品为准 Quality as per Buyers Sample 15、公吨 Metric Ton 16、长吨 Long Ton 17、短吨 Short Ton 18、净重 Net Weight 19、毛重 Gross Weight 20、以毛作净 Gross for Net21、皮重 Tare Weight 22、竞争性价格 Competitive Price 23、批发价 Wholesale Price 24、零售价 Retail Price7写信的要点l 报盘信函收悉l 抱怨价格太高l 还盘建议l 结束8常用句型句型 1:对价格的抱怨( 1)我们很遗憾告知你方,尽管我们很满意你方产品的质量,但我们认为你方价格偏高。We regret to inform you that your price is rather on the high side though we appreciate the good quality of your products.l on the high side (价格)偏高l The new quotation, I think, is still on the high side.我认为新的报价仍然偏高。 9常用句型Your price is too high. 你方价格太高。类似的表达方式还有:Your price is a bit high. 你方价格有点高。Your price is excessive. 你方价格过高。Your price is rather stiff. 你方价格相当高。Your price is prohibitive.你方价格令人望而却步。10常用句型( 2)我们很遗憾你方价格与现行价格不符。We very much regret that your price is out of line with the prevailing market.u out of line (with)不合理的,不相符的Should your price be found out of line, they may turn to others for their requirements. 如果你方的价格不合理,他们也许会向别人购买。u out of line with 与 不相符,与 脱节What you asked is quite out of line with the present market here. 你方的要求与此地的现行市场行情不符。11to be in line with 和 一致 , 和 相符合to keep in line with 与 保持一致The terms in the L/C should keep in line with those in the contract.信用证中的条款必须和合同中的条款保持一致。12常用句型( 3)尽管我们渴望与你方成交,但我们遗憾地说你方价格不可接受。Although we are desirous of doing business with you, we regret to say that your price is unacceptable to us.13常用句型句型 2 与其他供货商价格相比( 1)印度产的商品以大约低于你方 10%的价格在本地出售Indian makes have been sold here at a level about 10% lower than yours.( 2)与其他货源的价格相比,你方的价格比他们的报价几乎高出 10%。When comparing with the other suppliers prices , your price is almost 10% higher than theirs. 14常用句型( 3)你方的价格比我们从其他货源得到的价格高得多。Your price compares much higher than that we can get from elsewhere.15常用句型句型 3 还盘建议( 1)为了促进贸易,我们还盘如下: 500吨苹果,每吨 600美元成本加保费欧洲主要港口。To step up trade, we counter offer as follows:500 tons of Apples at USD 600/ton CIF EMP.(2)由于苹果行市下跌,除非你方能够降价 5%,否则无法成交。As the market of Apples is declining, there is no possibility of business unless you can reduce your price by 5% .16常用句型( 3)我们不否认你方产品的质量比印度产品好,但差价绝不可能大于 10%,我们还盘是每吨 900美元成本加保费运费汉堡。We dont deny the quality of your products is superior to that of Indian makes but the difference in price should in no case be as big as 10%.Our counter offer is USD 900 per ton CIF Hamburg.17常用句型l 句型 4 希望对方能够接受你所提出的还盘的建议 l It is hoped that you would seriously take it into consideration and let us have your reply very soon.希望你方能认真考虑我方的建议并尽快回复。take sth into consideration 考虑186.3 Specimen Letters(样函)Letter 1: OfferDear Sirs,We acknowledge with thanks the receipt of your inquiry of Sep 5, and are pleased to make you an offer regarding our Changhong color TV sets in the size you required.All sizes can be supplied by the beginning of next month subject to our receiving your order. The price for Changhong Brand color TV set inch 34 is USD450 each at CIF Copenhagen.Our price is very competitive for1 other good quality TV sets. We look forward to receiving your large number of order2. Truly yours, Fred Jacksonnbe competitive for 和 相比具有竞争力的nbulk order 大宗订单 大批订货Letter 2: Counter-offerDear Sirs,We are glad to have received your letter of Sep18 offering us Changhong Brand color TV sets inch 34 at CIF Copenhagen USD450 per set.In reply, we regret to inform you that your price is too high. Market information tells us that some Japanese color TV sets have been sold here at a level about 30% lower than yours.We do not deny the quality of Changhong Brand color TV sets, but the difference in price is a wide gap3. To step up the trade4, we counter-offer you 10 thousand Changhong Brand color TV sets inch 34 at CIF Copenhagen USD300 per set.It is hoped that you would seriously take it into consideration5 and let us have your reply very soon. Sincerely yours,Xianjin Peng n regret thatn regret to do sthn regret being unable ton sb. be regretful thatn sth. be regrettable thatn with regret 遗憾地n e.g. 目前,我们不能介绍新的订单,为此表示遗憾。n At present, we cannot accept new orders, for which we express our regret.n 使我们遗憾的是,我们认为你方价格不实际。n Much to our regret, we found your price not to be realistic. level n. price 水平,情况e.g. 我们已与你地其他买主按我们的价格成交了业务。Weve concluded business with other buyers in your area at our level.n tolevel 达到 水平 (情况 )n market level 市场行情n e.g. 我们遗憾的说,你方报来的铁钉价格完全与我地市场行情不一致。n We regret to say that the price of iron nails you offer is completely out of line with our market level. of high quality 优质的 n high 可以由 good, fine, superior, better取代 (反义词:bad, low, inferior, worse) n e.g. 我们可供应优质的羊毛。n We can supply wools of high quality.n 我们可供应的羊毛质量很好。n Wools we supplied are of high quality.nbuild: 普通用词,含义广泛,可指一切具体或抽象的建造或建立。 nconstruct: 较正式用词,强调根据一定计划进行的规模较大,结构较复杂,要求较高技术的建造。 nfound: 侧重打下基础或创办,具体或抽象事物均可用。 nestablish: 着重稳固地建成,可具体指国家、政府、学校或商店等的建立,也可指信仰、信用、名誉、法律、制度、规则等的建立。 nset up: 作 “建立 “用时,侧重于 “开始 “。可指具体或抽象的建立。 Letter 3: AcceptanceDear Sirs,We have received your letter of October 2. It is regretful for us to see that you cut down the price of our Changhong Brand color TV sets too sharp, but regarding our long term of business relationship, we decide to accept your counter-offer on condition that cash must be paid within three months of date of delivery, or subject to 5% discount if paid within one month.Sincerely yours,Ping Wangn cut down裁短; 减少; 把 砍倒 n If you spend more than your income, can you try to cut down? n 如果你入不敷出,可以试着减少开支吗?n Reducen reduce by 幅度n reduce to 从 .降至n reducefrom to 从 降至n make a reduction of 降价幅度n make a reduction to 降价至n make a reduction in 在 方面降价n e.g. 如你方能在报价上减少 2%,我们将立即接受。n If you can reduce your offer by 2%, well accept it.n Or: If you can make a reduction of 2% in price, well accept it.discountallow/give/ provide/ grant a 5% discount 给予 5%的折扣quantity discount 数量折扣Well give a 20% discount on the order of over USD$1,000. 对于金额超过 1000美元的订货,我们给予 20%的折扣 .句式: sell at a discount 折价出售get/offer a discount 得到折扣 cash discount 现金折扣value discount 价值折扣e.g. We would like to allow you a special discount of 3% if your order exceeds USD$5,000.如你方订购超过 5, 000美元,我们愿意给你方 3%的特殊折扣。 现金付款,我们给予九折优惠。Letter 4: A firm offerDear Sirs,We t


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