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中国某某某某学校学生毕业设计(论文)题 目: 浅析中美家庭教育差异 姓 名: 0000000000 班级、学号 : 00000、0000000 系 (部) : 经济管理系 专 业 : 商务英语 指导教师 : 00000000 开题时间: 2009 年 4 月 10 日 完成时间: 2009 年 11 月 4 日 2009 年 11 月 4 日1目 录毕业设计任务书1毕业设计成绩评定表2答辩申请书3-4正文5-16答辩委员会表决意见17答辩过程记录表182课 题: 浅析中美家庭教育差异 一、 课题(论文) 提纲0 介绍1 中美家庭教育过程的比较1.1 内容的比较1.2 目标的比较1.3 方法的比较2 中美家庭教育的结果3 中美家庭教育的主要问题3.1 中国家庭教育的主要问题3.2 美国家庭教育的主要问题4. 中美家庭教育差异的原因5. 结语二、内容摘要3家庭是人生的第一所学校,是学校教育的基础和补充。一个人的成功很大程度上取决于家庭教育,现在社会的发展需要高素质的人才。而良好的家庭教育是培养高素质人才的关键。由于中美两国在社会制度,文化背景,教育目的等方面的不同,也给家庭教育的观念带来不同。世界各国在培养新世纪人才的教育工程中,都很重视家庭教育这一环节。虽然家庭教育在我国已经引起社会各界的关注,特别是教育界的极大关注,但是时至今日,我国家庭教育仍存在着误区。本文首先从介绍家庭教育的定义入手,然后对中美两国家庭教育的过程进行比较,接着指出中美家庭教育的结果和中美家庭教育各自存在的问题。根据这些因素的比较,分析形成两国家庭教育差异的原因。三、 参考文献1.Den Yan Chang.Amerian Society and Culture.Beijing:Higher Education press,1988.2.Michael Harrington. The Other America. New York: Macmillan Co., 1962.3.Peter Bromhead. Life in Modern America. London: Longman Group Limited, 1977.4.冉乃彦.对新世纪家长的建议.中国环境科学出版社, 1985.5 魏书生.好父母 好家教.漓江出版社,1975.4On the Differences of Family Education between China and America 00000000000000AbstractFamily, the first school of life, is the basis and supplement of school education. A persons success largely depends on the Family Education. Modern social development requires highly qualified and talented person, and good family education is the key. As there are many differences in the social system, cultural background and educational purposes between China and America, which also brings the different concept of family education. All countries all over the world are developing the New Century Education Project; they attach great importance to the family education. Although family education has given rise to concerns of the community in our country, especially the great concern of the Education Sector, up to now, there are still misunderstandings in Chinese Family education. In this paper, the author starts from the definition of family education, then make the process comparison of family education between China and America, and then pointes out that the results of the Sino-US Family Education and the problems of Sino-US Family Education. Based on these comparisons of factors, the writer analyzes the reasons for differences family education in the two countries.Key WordsFamily Education ; American Family Education; Chinese Family Education ; Comparison摘要:家庭是人生的第一所学校,是学校教育的基础和补充。一个人的成功很大程度上取决于家庭教育,现在社会的发展需要高素质的人才。而良好的家庭教育是培养高素质人才的关键。由于中美两国在社会制度,文化背景,教育目的等方面的不同,也给家庭教育的观念带来不同。世界各国在培养新世纪人才的教育工程中,都很重视家庭教育这一环节。虽然家庭教育在我国已经引起社会各界的关注,特别是教育界的极大关注,但是时至今日,我国家庭教育仍存在着误区。本文首先从介绍家庭教育的定义入手,然后对中美两国家庭教育的过程进行比较,接着指出中美家庭教育的结果和中美家庭教育各自存在的问题。根据这些因素的比较,分析形成两国家庭教育差异的原因。关键词:家庭教育;美国家庭教育;中国家庭教育;比较IntroductionChildren are expectation of their parents and hope of a nation. Family education 5is not only an important component of education but also the first lesson to a child which will be remembered forever. Family education has a direct influence on the qualities of talents. In the 21st century, international competition is becoming fiercer and fiercer. And it is fundamentally a competition for talents. Thus, each country should pay much attention to family education in the education projects. The issue has been a hot topic in our country, and it has aroused great concern of our government and all levels of society, particularly the education sector. However, many people think that schools and universities have the main responsibility for these problems which has appeared in education recently. Schools and universities are to blame, but their parents are more to blame. If the love of the good, the beauty and the truth had been implanted properly into their mind in early years, if they had been trained to use their minds at the very beginning, they would not live so foolish. In order to find a better way to educate our children, we should study other countries experiences. There are many types of family education in the world, and American family education is one of the most famous. So it is necessary and significant to make a comparison of family education between America and China. This paper is to generally compare Chinese family education and American family education which may provide some lessons to family education.Family is the cell of society. Each individuals socialization requires not only the family feeding, but also more families education. Children are learned to walk, to speak, to live by themselves and to receive physical development, psychological development, personality formation, social life and mastery of basic skills. Children are engaged in playing and learning. As they grow older, they realize that to be independent is to participate in social activities. Families not only provide children with the first game of life and learning spaces, but also guide them to learn from games and work. This guidance is family education.1. Comparison of the process between Chinese and American Family EducationFrom the results of family education, we can see the education process in family. Although the family education is not a System Department of Education, it is still educational goals. Education contents, education methods and those which are the same in the education system play an important role. The goal of education is the most important, which determines the content of family education and methods.1.1Comparison of the contentsThe western parents provide the children a environment for growth resistant to them, and foster their tenacious individuality and the good conduct, and they choose their idea and way of cultivation according to the change of society and the characteristics of children on physical and mental mechanism. But Chinese parents lay emphasis on social enlightenment, ignore the growth of children. And Chinese parents take the social compatible enlightenment seriously, but often neglect the development of childrens characteristics; they often train the children under established forms, and lay down the broad road for their growth.We seldom hear Chinese parents say “I love you.”6From the most basic terms, the first obvious difference is the language which expresses the way of love to a child. Chinese parents and American parents take different approaches. In general, the expression of Chinese parents are implicit and indirect, they are seldom heard saying “I love you“ or “I miss you“ or similar words. They prefer to take indirect or at least non-verbal ways to express their deep love for their children. For example, mending clothes for the children or prepare the food that he (she) most likes to eat and so on. In contrast, American parents often tell children how much they love him (her), how much they concerned. Another common thing is that the American children often hear their parents say “I love you.” or “I miss you.” or similar words before the children go to bed or before the end of call. In general, American parents express their love not only through action, but also through language and so almost every day. Comparing with American parents, Chinese parents are not used to physical contact such as hugs or kisses with young children or adult to express their concerns. I rarely see Chinese parents give their children a hug or a kiss when the children come back from school at the weekend. However, such expression in the American parents is very common between parents and children. “Good Night Kiss“ can be said to have been inherited from the tradition of the United States. This is the second difference in upbringing children for Chinese and American parents.Chinese parents tend to encourage children to become a “realist“.In addition to these superficial differences, I have noticed that there are many deeper differences between Chinese parents and American parents. In general, American parents praised their children passionately. For example, I often hear a father of the United States praised his daughter: “You are the worlds most intelligent, most beautiful little girl.“ And the same thing from the Chinese parents would just make their children comfortable. In my opinion, the Chinese parents do not want to use non-humble way to praise a child, which linked to several thousand years of Chinese traditional ideas. Therefore, many Chinese parents try to avoid doing so.From the above differences,it naturally leads to differences of education of their children between Chinese parents and American parents. Another difference is that the former tend to encourage children to become realists; while the latter is to encourage children to be a dreamer, they often talk to their children: You can become anything you want to be! This explains why Chinese parents put more focus on the childs homework, while American parents is often through extra-curricular activities, emphasizing the childs future development, namely, to become a full person.Chinese parents are willing to make their children ready for everything.Chinese parents, since the launch of the national family planning policy, are more likely to coddle their children than American parents, so the community will have a little emperor or little princess. Chinese parents are willing to prepare their children for everything, but American parents prefer to educate their children to do something for themselves, fostering their independence by this way.For example, a small child fell down while walking, Chinese parents will soon help him (her) to stand, while if American parents find their children nothing, they will let him (her) stand up by themselves. Another example, when children are very 7young, American parents will let them take greater responsibility. As the kids grow up and leave home, the nature of the relationship between children and parents has changed. Chinese parents tend to encourage children to be reserved, while the American parents encourage children to spread its wings after grown up.1.2Comparison of targetsThe goals of family education determine their directions. Therefore, the goal of family education is the most important. The purpose of American family education is to develop their childrens adaptation to all kinds of environments and the independent viability of the social man; it is not a high expectation for this purpose. Therefore, American parents are more relaxed in treating their childrens education, maximizing the enthusiasm of their children. Let us look at different periods of American children. When they are still babies, they sleep alone; when they learn to walk, they seldom require the help of their parents; when they grow up; they have their own room and clean it by themselves. From childhood to their stage of earning money, they will do what they can do. For example, they will clean houses, distribute newspapers and so on. When they are high school students or college students, they do part-time jobs to earn money to supplement their living.In contrast, Chinese family education goal is to train children to become professionals, and parents wish their children have a bright future. They believe that bright future means a good job, and then they will live a happy life. First of all, this goal is too high to reach. For a bright future is not a common goal. With regard to this goal, Chinese parents are especially concerned about the childrens academic performance. Their only requirement is that their children can focus on learning. At the same time, parents have ignored the childs unique ability and undiscovered imagination. At last, although Chinese children have good grades, they lack the ability to be adapting to society. Sometimes, the expectations of the parents come to nothing.1.3Comparison of methodsThe methods of family education mean specific measures of family education. The choice of educational methods are closely linked to a countrys customs, culture and history .At the same time, educational methods are subject to the constraints of the aims of education. On the contrary, whether parents appropriately use the scientific method of education is linked to the purpose of family education and content of family education. American parents promote open education. American parents believe that games and play is very important. In the process of play, it can develop childrens intelligence. American family education methods are reflected in four aspects: First, the children have the right to speak their own idea. Second, American children have the right to choose. Third, the American parents and their children are friends; they are equal to communicate. Fourth, the American parents respect children on privacy.Chinese parents promote closed education. Chinese family education methods are also reflected in four aspects: First, Children rarely have the right to express their views. Second, the right of Chinese children to choose is limited. Third, the parents and their children have a clear position. Fourth, Chinas parents often undermine the childs privacy.82.Results of family education between China and AmericaBecause the concepts and the methods of family education are different, the education results show some obvious differences. The children and youth in the United States show the following characters when they are young. Firstly, their abilities of independence are very strong. They do not depend on their parents or families once they are 18 years old. They often do some part-time jobs to supply their consuming requirements. Even many students from rich families also do part-time jobs. Secondly, they are able to adapt to the market economy. American children begin to manage the finance when they are young, which let children deeply understand that it is not easy to earn money, and help them to form a good habit. For instance, There are two brothers (one is 12 years old, the other is 14 years old) in New York, who establish a company of washing cars independently under the affection of their parents. They work very hard and ask for little payments. In order to reduce the cost and get more customers, they would rather walk to the stores where the price is lower to buy tools, wax scours and so on. Thirdly, they have abilities adapting to social environments, because they have experienced the life through their own work. Many teenagers in America are not afraid of bitterness and have the perseverance of overcoming difficulties. They can face difficulties calmly and live harmoniously with people around them; they also have the confidence and courage to be independent as a member of the society. These qualities and skills form the foundation of their future development. On the contrary, Chinese children show the following characters. Although their schoolwork is better than that of American students, they can not living well independently for lack of independent consciousness. They strongly rely on other people and are passive in doing things. At the same time, they lack the abilities of adapting to environment and facing emergency. Whats worse, they only want others to care about them, they lack of sympathy and the ability to help others. At home, they dont want to care their parents; and in society, they lack social responsibilities. Supposing if a person only cares about himself, what can he bring for the society? It is not difficult for us to distinguish the better one between the two kinds of family education.3.Main problems of family education between China and America3.1 Main problems of Chinese family education Parents wrong values and wrong behaviors are the main problems. If the parents often talk about some positive perspectives, for example, “money talks“, their children may form an idea that people are living for money. Chinese parents seldom care about family education and they may force their children to live in the design for the future without considering the childs own preferences and abilities. Young parents are working hard to earn money; they do not have enough time to get along with their children.3.2 Main problems of American family educationDue to spoiling the children and lack of communication, a lot of social problems came out. Americans believe that every member of the family should have their own space. They have little time being together with their parents and therefore they do not have much sense of responsibility to their parents. American people emphasize the 9enjoyable learning too much.4. Reasons for differences of family education between China and AmericaChina and the America are the modern society; the parents of the two countries attach great importance to family education. Why do these two kinds of family education have so many differences?4.1 Different historical backgroundsAmerican is a immigrant nation, having a relatively short history. Under the influence of the multi-cultural and ideological values, they can accept new ideas and cultures quickly. So they have more adventurous and innovative spirit. However, China is a country with a long history. It reserves much old culture because it is affected by the feudal thoughts for a long period. We are lack of adventurous spirit and sense of innovation.4.2 Different economic modelsAmerica has an advanced productivity. The commodity economy has developed rapidly. There are many job opportunities for Americans. Pressure is limited in America. Besides, America has a very good system, staff is free-flowing. There are many different positions for American.


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