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1Part 1 The AngloSaxon Period(449-1066)秧格鲁-撒克逊时期1. Historical BackgroundCelts 400B.C. Romans 50B.C.AngloSaxons 450A.D Norman Invasion 1066A.D.Roman empire 从 albion 撤军,teutonic tribes(包括 angles, Saxons,jutes)(条顿人 or 日耳曼人)陆续登陆此地 2. Literature 1,pagan 异教徒文学 2 christian 基督徒文学 alliterative verse 头韵诗Epic: Beowulf 贝奥武甫(Denmark 背景) (the hall heorot 鹿庁,grendel:a monster half-human)1) Oral origin, recited in court, handed down in generations until finally it was recorded by certain poet.上下部分由 pagan 写,插入由 christian 写2) a mixture of history and legend., englands national epic 民国史诗Part II The Anglo-Norman Period(1066-1350)秧格鲁-诺曼时期1. Historical BackgroundRoman conquest,接着是 english conquest,最后是 norman conquest。The Norman Conquest in 1066Duke William of Normandy claimed himself William I, King of England.(the battle of hastings 希斯廷战役)KingsBarons 男爵Knights, a feudal system of hierarchy 统治集团 was formed2. The languageUpper classes: French, Latin The common people: Old EnglishThree languages co-existed in England. French became the official language used by the king and the Norman lords; Latin became the principal tongue of church affairs and in universities; and Old English was spoken only by the common English people. 3.The literatureRomance was a type of literature that was very popular in the Middle Ages. It is about the life and adventures undertaken by a knight.It reflected the spirit of chivalry 骑士制度 . The content of romance: love, chivalry and religion. It involves fighting, adventures. Subject matter:Geoffreys History 杰弗里史记 ,riming chronicles 押韵编年史,metricalverse 格律诗体,doggerel verse 打油诗体1) the Matter of France eg. Charlemagne and his peers 查理曼大帝和他的骑士2) Matter of Greece and Rome eg Akexabder 亚历山大大帝3) Matter of Britain tales having for their heroes Arthur and his knights of the Round Table 3. main literature2Sir Gawain and the green knight.高文爵士和绿衣骑士(arthur ,gawain,green knight, morgain the fay-woman 妖精摩根, the green girdle 绿腰带)Part III Geoffrey Chaucer (13401400)杰弗里.乔叟时期1. Historical BackgroundHe was living at the same time as the writer of Sir Gawain.In 1350 AD, 100 Years War between England and France.The English won, they controlled large French territory 领土. The Henry VI lost it all. He is father of English poetryWar of the Roses 1455-1485 AD2. Whats middle ages like?1). The medieval society: hierarchy 等级制度 social system. 2). Another important thing in the medieval society is Christianity 基督 God-centered thinking, mind ideology 思想体系3. Life and work of ChaucerChaucer lived between (1340-1400). His life is closely connected with the King and the royal family. Chaucer is working in a royal family as a page 小侍臣 . He married the sister of Gaunts wife. He became a government official.He is very much exposed to the influence of Italy of the culture. E. G. Dante 但丁, Patriarch,主教 Boccaccio-the Decameron 薄伽丘著十日谈,Chaucer chose the metrical form which laid the foundation of the English tonico-syllabic verse.乔叟第一次在英国用韵脚韵律诗形式来创作诗歌,开创了英国文学以重音-音节为基础的格律诗先河。首创 heroic couplet英雄双行体。His career can be divided into several periods1. French 1360-1370 translate French poetry2. Italian 1372-13863. English The Canterbury tales4. The Canterbury talesHe got his stories from various sources, Greek authors, Roman authors, Italian, French, but there is no doubt about Chaucers originality. He retells the stories in his own way. The stories are told by a group of people on their way to and back from Canterbury. Pilgrims 朝圣者 tell stories to pass the time. The journey is used as a kind of device to unite the various tales Nun 修女:Her enthusiasm for grace, trying to become someone that she is not, she cannot possibly be. -Pretentiousness, pretending 伪装 too muchChaucer has different attitude to different characters第一句:as soon as april pierces to the root, the drought of march, and bathes each bud and shootThe significance of his writing31) it gives a comprehensive 广泛的 picture of Chaucers time2) the dramatic structure3) Chaucers humor4) Chaucers contribution to the English language. Ever since the Norman Conquest the French language was the language at the court and the upper classes, and Latin was the language of the learned and the church. Chaucer used the native language English and proved that the English language is a beautiful language. He increased the prestige 威信of the English language.5. Popular ballads 大众民谣A ballad is a narrative 叙述 poem that tells a story. It is about particular incidents, usually dramatic. Ballets tell stories-about tragic 悲剧的 incidents. They are written in a special musical pattern, ballad meter-four meters, couplets(相连并押韵的两行诗)two line in a unit or quatrain 四行诗_ ababcdcdCharacteristics:1) The beginning is often abrupt 突然地. No introduction of the characters and the background of the tale2) There are strong dramatic elements. A ballad deals with a single episode 插曲3) the story is often told through dialogue and action4) the theme is often tragic 悲剧的5) The ballad meter is used. It contains four-line stanza 节,段在英国把民谣当文学形式研究的第一人是托马斯.帕西主教 Bishop Thomas Percy,他将民谣收录到英诗辑古Reliques of Ancient English Poetry 中。Robin Hood and Allin-a-Dale 罗宾汉和阿林代尔 Get Up and Bar the Door.起来去关门 Sir Patrick Spens 派屈克。斯宾塞爵士Part IV The Renaissance 文艺复兴时期1. Historical Background1) The reign of Queen Elizabeth (1558_1603) England enjoyed a period of peace and prosperity2) The defeat of the Spanish Armada 舰队 by the English navy in 1588. After the battle, England gradually became a mighty naval 海军的 power.3) Humanism 人文主义Renaissance: it is a French word that means “rebirth”复活 in English. In the 15th and 16th century, scholars in western European countries had a keen interest in the Greek and Latin culture. That is the art and science of ancient Greece and Rome were being born again after long years of neglect.忽略Humanism: The welfare 幸福 of human being is very important. It emphases the worth of life in this 4world, and the dignity of human being. 4)主要作者介绍Thomas More : Utopia 托马斯。莫尔:乌托邦Thomas Wyatt:怀亚特:把 sonnet 十四行诗引入英国第一人Edmund Spenser: the Fairy Queen 埃德蒙。斯宾塞:仙后John Lyly: Eupheus 约翰。黎里:艳词,首创 euphuism 绚丽体Christopher Marlowe:克里斯托弗。马洛:把 blank verse 无韵诗作为英语戏剧主要表达方式的开创者English drama 是英国文艺复兴的主流2. The writersWilliam Shakespeare (15641616)1) His life and work 1592, arrived in London doing very mean jobs, then he joined Lord chamberlains 国王侍从 company, became very famous.He became a shareholder 股东 in the Globe and bought a big house in his hometown. He bought a coat of arms for his father。出生地:Stratford-on-Avon, Warwickshire -2 poems, 37 plays, 154 sonnetsHis plays-1,Histories and comedies 2.Tragedies 3.RomancesThe importance of his writing( more can be added)1) Shakespeare represented the tread 脚步 of history in giving voice to the desires and aspirations of the people.( peace)2) Shakespeares humanism. His plays reflected the spirit of his age.3He was a great poet4) He was a master of the English language.5) His first original play written in about 1590 was King Henry VI6) Hmalet,哈姆雷特 Othello,奥赛罗 King Lear,李尔王 and the Tragedy of Macbeth 麦克白 are regarded as Shakespeares four great tragedies.Hamblet:讲的是丹麦故事,反映的是英国的事情主要人物:Claudius 克劳迪斯,死去国王的弟弟,Queen Gertrude 乔特鲁得:王子的母亲,Polonius 波洛琉斯:爱说闲话的官员,Ophelia 奥菲利亚:官员的女儿,Laertes雷欧提斯:官员的儿子The Merchant of Venice 威尼斯商人主要人物:Bassanio 巴萨尼奥,Antonio 安东尼奥,Shylock 夏洛克:a wealthy Jew 犹太人,Portia 鲍西亚:Bassanios girlfriend, Jessica 杰西卡:shylocks daughter, Lorenzo 罗兰佐:Bassanios friend and Jessicas boyfriend,Nerissa 尼莉莎:Portias waiting-woman 侍女 ,Gratiano:葛莱西安诺:Bassanios another friend and Nerissas boyfriend 5地点:Belmont 贝尔蒙特Sonnet 18:The first eight lines: shall I compare thee to a summers day?thou art more lovely and more temperat.-The English summer: warm, not hot, gives people a happy feeling, lots of sunshine-Proposing a comparison:Even better to a summers day-Rough windsnature ,The duration 持续 of summer: ends very soon ,Hot_ the sunSummer is beautiful, but it will change into winter,But changeThis poem is similar the Spencer斯宾塞 s sonnetsSpencer is using tide 潮水_time,Shakespeare is using summertimeSonnet 29:The first eight lines: “when ,in disgrace with fortune and mens eyes, I all alone.” unlucky, unfortunate despised by other peopleDescribes his unfavorable condition, therefore he is very sad.Line 9-12:The authorthe lark 云雀His great happinessthe memory of his friend brings his happiness-Magical effectFrancis Bacon:十七世纪初,英国的杰出散文家1. his life:Pope 蒲柏 descibed him as the wisest,brightes, meanst of mankind,Bacons work may be divided into three classes, the philosophical, the literary, and the professional works. The final edition of essays contains 58 essays.2. writing(Of Truth,谈真理 Of Studies 谈读书)Part V The 17th century The period of revolution and restoration.17 世纪资产阶级与王政复辟时期1. Historical Background1) English Bourgeois Revolution 英国资产阶级革命During the reign of Elizabeth, England enjoyed a time of prosperity and fast development. James I (Stuart 斯图亚特王室), a change of Dynasty, all the conflicts, which has started during Elizabeth reign, has come into surface. James I imposed 担负的 heave taxes on businessmen, bourgeoisie, he controlled the manufacture product_monopoly 垄断, but people believed in free tradeKing VS. The Parliament (has the support of the capitalists and businessmen and also the Puritans 清教徒)2) the persecution 迫害者 of the PuritansCharles I was beheaded 砍头. After the civil War, the parliament was in powerCrowell6克罗韦尔 became the Lord 君主 Protector (1653) Charles II, and restoration, James IIWilliam Orange singed “ The Bill of Rights” which greatly restricted 约束 the power of the English King. The civil war has transformed the country from tyranny to a constitutional monarch.The revolution period is also called puritan age, because the English revolution was carried out under a religious cloak2,literature这一时期的四约翰(John Milton 弥尔顿,John Bunyan 班扬,John Donne 多恩,John Dryden 德莱顿)成为文坛杰出人物, metaphysical poet 玄学派 and French drama 的影响成为两个重要的文学概念。The literature of the middle and later periods of the 17th century cultimated in the poetry of Milton, in the prose 散文 writing of Bunyan, and also in the plays and literary criticism 文学评论 of Dryden. Milton and bunyan represented the extreme of English life in the 17th century. One gave us the only epic 史诗 since Beowolf, the other gave us the only great allegory 寓言.2. Writers John Donne:玄学派代表人物John Milton: Paradise Lost 失乐园: consists of 12 books(its based on the biblical legend ,invovlves Adom 亚当 and Eve 夏娃, Satan 撒旦 in his plot)The character of Satan 撒旦:既是英雄又带点邪恶色彩的反叛者形象 we think of Satan either as an abstract conception as someone in whom evil is mixed with good but who is doomed to destruction 毁灭 by the flaw 缺点 of slef-love.1. his good mastery 熟练 of LatinHis writing of English is much influenced by his use of Latin2. revolutionary enthusiasmHis attempt to throw tyranny 暴政 and gain freedomHis language-Long, complex sentence structures-Allusions 影射, references to Bible, history, mythology 神话-Some sentences begin in the middle or at the end. Some are inverted John Bunyan The book: The pilgrims Progress 天路历程,its written in the old-fash-ioned, medieval form of allegory and dream.采用的旧体形式,大量运用了中世纪时的比喻和梦的形式。In the Pilgrims Progress, the story begins with a man called Christiam 基督徒 setting out with a book in his hand and a great load 负荷 on his back from the city of Destruction 毁灭城.The fair-England the persecution 迫害 of the faithful, the persecution of the puritans清教徒. 7Christ 基督-Vanity 虚荣心 Fair-HeavenStyle: simple, straightforward, Biblical 圣经的“ The Vanity 虚荣心 Fair,” an Excerpt 摘录 from Part 1 The Pilgrims ProgressPart VI The 18th CenturyThe Age of Enlightenment in England 英国启蒙运动时期1. Historical BackgroundIn 1688, the constitutional 宪法的 monarchy 君主制. The monarch was deprived 剥夺 of its ruling power and in his place Parliament 议会 became the actual leader of the country. England grew from a second rate country to a powerful naval country.Parliamentary parties: the liberal Whig 自由派辉格党, the conservative Tory 保守派托利党,on the extreme of Toryism was a third part of zealots, called the Jacobites ,who aimed to bring the Stuarts back to the throne.托利党中的狂热分子形成第三方势力被称作詹姆斯派,妄图恢复斯图亚特王朝All the struggles, violence has come to an end with the coning of the weak kings. People desire peace and stabilityAny extreme actions are regarded as irrational.无理性 The puritans revolution is treated as extremist action, excessive 过度的 zeal 热情 and subversion 颠覆, irrationality 不合理性, absurdity 荒谬. People wish that their actions were controlled by reason.Moderation 温和, tolerance 宽容, restraint 约束, rule 规则, order 次序, these qualities are the most important. With the rising of bourgeoisie, the cultural life had undergone 经历 remarkable changes. Some special features:1) political writings2) newspapers and journals 杂志3) coffeehouse4) the new morality 道德5) science and technologyNewton 牛顿s scientific discoverymen were living in a mechanistic 机械地 world which ran as precisely 精确地 as a clock.6) the French influence18 世纪的英国文学进入了一个散文 prose 而不是诗歌的时代。文学主流是现实主义,小说是主要的文学样式Authors 1. Daniel Defoe 丹尼尔。笛福作者介绍:He is often given the credit for the discovery of the modern novel.开创了现代派小说的先河。Work:Hymn to the Pillory 立伽颂 : a set of doggerel verses 打油诗8The life and strange surprising adventures of robinson crusoe 鲁滨逊漂流记:robinson named Friday to the saved victim,此书根据 Alexander Selkirk 经历改编.The features of his works: he is anti-romantic, anti-feudal realistic writer.He often use long sentences without strong paused to give his style an immediate quliaty, but the units of meaning are small and clear with frequent repetition so that the writing gives an impression of simple lucidity.明朗2. Jonathan swift 乔纳森。斯威夫特1) life: He was born in Dublin 都柏林(爱尔兰首都) ,He was the most remarkable satirist 讽刺家 in the 18th century who criticized the new bourgeois-aristocratic 贵族的 society of his age with mercy.宽容,he supports the conservative Tory2) works:the tale of a tub 木桶的故事 is a satire on religion.Gullivers Travels 格列弗游记 : 包括 4 部分 1,Lilliputians 厘厘普特人:矮人, 2, tBrobdingnagians 伯罗白丁拉格人:giants, 3, the flyingisland of Laputa拉普特飞岛:on the island, the ingenious invention is used not for the benefit of the people,but against them, 4,Houyhnhnms 胡己姆:horses,endowed with human intelligence and a virtue much superior to that of men.比人聪明,也比人品格高尚。And Yahoo 雅虎:repellent creatures with the outward appearance of human beings.长相像人,行为丑陋A modest proposal 一个小小的建议: is made to English government to relieve 消除 the poverty 权力 of irish people。强烈谴责了英国对爱尔兰人民的剥削和压迫。The bitter irony of the pamphlet expresses swifts great sympathy for the oppressed and hungry peasants of Ireland and his anger at English landlords 地主3)Joseph Addison 约瑟夫。爱迪生Life: he is the central figure of coffeehouse meetings.,he support whigs, 作为 The Tatler闲谈者 得主要撰稿人和 the Spactator 旁观者 得合办者,他把期刊散文艺术发展到极致。这两本杂志 brought literature down to everyday life and kept it clean and wholesome 健康。These two magazines are the first important recognitions by literature of the special of the special interests of women readers. Sir Roger 是他塑造的经典形象。4) Henry Fielding 亨利。菲尔丁:英国十八世纪最伟大的小说家。主要作品:Jonathan Wild 乔纳森。威尔德, the history of tom jones, a foundling 弃婴汤姆。琼斯的故事 , amelia 阿米莉亚5)Thomas Gray 托马斯。格雷:浪漫主义运动的先驱。主要作品: Elegy written in a country churchyard 墓园挽歌:表达了对农民贫苦遭遇的同情,歌颂了他们的质朴品质。前几句是:the curfew tolls the knell of parting day, the lowing herd wind slowly oer the lea.6)Oliver Goldsmith 奥利弗。歌尔德斯密斯: he was born in Ireland. As an essayist 散文9家,he is among the best in the century. As a poet, he makes the riming couplets 英雄双行体 as natural and simple as his prose.主要作品:novel :the vicar of wakefield 维克菲德尔的牧师, comedy:She stoops to Conquer 委曲求全 ,essay:the critizen of the world 世界公民 ,poems:The traveler 旅行者 and the Deserted Village.荒村7)Richard Brinsley Sheridan 理查德。布林斯里。谢里丹:主要作品:讽刺喜剧:the rivals 对手, the school for scandal 造谣学校: (presents a brilliant portrayal 描绘 of englands high society and a biting satire on the morals and manners of that age.主要人物:Charles 查尔斯, Joseph 约瑟夫:charlesbrother, sir oliver surface 奥利弗。萨费恩:their wealthy uncle)8)William Blake ( 17571827)1) LifeHe lived into the 19th century. In his lifetime, he was not considered a very important poet. Now he is universally acknowledged as one of the most important poets in English literature. His father recognized his talent and sent him to school.His visionary 梦想的 experience: Classicism 典范: reason, order, law, art techniquesHe believed the power of imagination. With it a poet can reach out. Blake and Burns 彭斯the romantic revival 复活to break away with the convention 习俗,协议2) His workSongs of Innocence 天真之歌 delightSongs of Experience 经验之歌 confusion 困惑They show two contrary states of human soulsLondon:I wander thro each charterd street, near where the .It is taken from The Songs of Experience. Blake apparently drew from his personal observations and gives a comprehensive 综合的 picture of the many miseries, physical and spiritual, in the English capital.资本家Background: industrial revolution, the fog cityThe scene was in London, in Blakes time. The Tiger:tiger!tiger!burning bright in the forests of the night.It is from The Songs of Experience. It is one of Blakes best known poems. The apparently simple questions of curiosity and puzzlement. What imagination inspires the creator1. The image of the maker is complete. the process of creating tiger. Religions allusion 暗指: lamb 羊羔 The whole poem is consisted of questionsare not able to be answeredThe Chimney-Sweeper 扫烟囱的孩子 :a little black thing among the snow cring” weep, weep” in notes of woe!The short lyric contains chiefly the simple yet somewhat ironical speech of a boy chimney109 ) Robert Burns 罗伯特。彭斯:the greatest Scottish poest.主要作品:my hearts in the highlands 我的心呀在高原,John Anderson, my jo 约翰。安徒生,我爱,a red, red ro


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