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今年最常见密码:“123456” 最多SplashData has published its annual list of the worst passwords of the year and with a quick glance one thing is clear: we never learn. Oh, and there are a lot Star Wars fans out there.溅数据(SplashData)近日公布了 2017 年度网友常用的最差密码榜单。只需匆匆扫一眼,我们就能发现一件事 网友们永远是记吃不记打的。再就是星战迷可真不少。The list is created using data from more than five million passwords that were leaked by hackers in 2017. As SplashData notes, the past two years have been particularly devastating for data security, with a number of well-publicized hacks (Equifax, Dropbox, and the SEC to name a few), attacks, ransoms, and even extortion attempts.这份榜单是在分析了 2017 年由黑客泄露的 500 多万个密码的基础上编制的。飞溅数据指出,过去两年,数据安全性成了一个十分堪忧的问题,很多知名企业和机构被黑客入侵(比如艾可飞、Dropbox 和美国证监会等),各种网络袭击、勒索敲诈也是层出不穷。And yet, people continue to use easy-to-guess passwords to protect their information. For example, “123456” and “password” retain their top two spots on the listfor the fourth consecutive year. Variations of these two “worst passwords” make up six of the remaining passwords on the list.很多网友使用的密码很容易就能猜出来,但他们仍然坚持不换密码。比如“123456”和 “password”已经连续第四年蝉联了这张榜单的冠亚军。这两个“最差密码”的各种变体甚至也在榜单上占据了六个席位。SplashData estimates almost 10% of people have used at least one of the 25 worst passwords on this years list, and nearly 3% of people have used the worst password, 123456.据飞溅数据估算,差不多 10%的网友至少使用过下面这 25 个密码中的一个。约有 3%的网友使用过这个史上最形同虚设的密码123456。There are some newcomers, including “starwars,” which joined the list at No. 16. Other new passwords to join the list include “freedom,” “monkey” (thats puzzler), “letmein,” and “hello.”今年也有些密码是第一次上网,比如排名第 16 位的“Starwars”(星球大战)。其他新上榜的密码包括“freedom”(自由)、“monkey”(猴子 话说这是什么鬼?)、“letmein”(让我进去)和 “hello”(你好)等等。Unfortunately, while the newest episode may be a fantastic addition to the Star Wars franchise, starwars is a dangerous password to use,” said SplashData CEO Morgan Slain. “Hackers are using common terms from pop culture and sports to break into accounts online because they know many people are using those easy-to-remember words.”飞溅数据 CEO 摩根斯雷恩表示: “虽然新一集的 星战电影的确挺好看的,但它作为一个密码来使用却是很危险的。黑客们经常会使用流行文化和体育项目中的热词来进行碰撞,从而侵入在线账户,因为他们知道,很多人都喜欢使用这些好记的词。”SplashData (and other organizations that have collected similar data) provide the same advice year-after-year to secure their data. People should use passphrases of twelve characters or more with mixed types of characters including upper and lower cases; and they should use a different password for each website logins.包括飞溅数据在内的一些机构每年都会苦口婆心地劝说网友使用复杂一些的密码,以更好地保护他们的数据。比如最好使用 12 个字符以上的密码,并且区分大小写。另外尽量给每个网络账户赋予一个单独的密码。Finally, use a password manager to organize passwords, generate secure random passwords, and automatically log into websites, SplashData suggests.最后,你可以使用一个密码管理工具来管理这些密码。或者你也可以采用自动生成随机密码的方式登陆网站。In case it isnt clear, SplashData warns that “use of any of the passwords on this list put users at grave risk for identity theft.”最后,飞溅数据还特别提醒道:“使用这张榜单上的任何一个密码,都有可能导致用户面临身份泄露的重大危险。”Change your password today.所以还在等什么,今天就换密码吧!The top 25 passwords on the 2017 list.以下是 2017 年最差密码榜单的前 25 强1. 123456 (Unchanged)1、123456(不变)2. Password (Unchanged)2、password (不变)3. 12345678 (Up 1)3、12345678(上升一位)4. qwerty (Up 2)4、qwerty(上升两位)5. 12345 (Down 2)5、12345(下降两位)6. 123456789 (New)6、123456789 (新上榜)7. letmein (New)7、letmein(让我登陆,新上榜)8. 1234567 (Unchanged)8、1234567 (不变)9. football (Down 4)9、football(足球,下降四位)10. iloveyou (New)10、 iloveyou(我爱你,新上榜)11. admin (Up 4)11、 admin(管理员,上升四位)12. welcome (Unchanged)12、 welcome(欢迎,不变)13. monkey (New)13、 monkey(猴子,新上榜)14. login (Down 3)14、 login(登陆,下降三位)15. abc123 (Down 1)15、 abc123(下降一位)16. starwars (New)16、 starwars(星球大战,新上榜)17. 123123 (New)17、 123123(新上榜)18. dragon (Up 1)18、 dragon(龙,上升一位)19. passw0rd (Down 1)19、 password(密码,下降一位)20. master (Up 1)20、 master(主人,上升一位)21. hello (New)21、 hello(你好,新上榜)22. freedom (New)22、 freedom(自由,新上榜)23. whatever (New)23、 whatever(随便,新上榜)24. qazwsx (New)24、 qazwsx(新上榜)25. trustno1 (New)25、 trustno1(谁也别信,新上榜)And heres the next batch, in case youre out of password ideas. Again: Dont use these.接下来还有些反面典型,如果你不知道用什么密码,我们在这里再三强调:千万也别用这些。26. 65432126、 65432127. jordan2327、 j


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